Sabbat Box Blog — Beltane Box


Beltane 2019 Sabbat Box Theme Release • The Rune Box 23

The Rune Box 2019 Beltane Sabbat Box Theme - Witch Subscription Box Sabbat Box - Rune Sabbat Box


Boxes ship: 4/19 ~ The Wheel of the Year turns towards Beltane, the sun is brighter and the days grow warmer. As we swiftly head toward the halfway point between spring and summer, ships set sail for richer shores!

2019 Beltane Sabbat Box - Purchase A One Time Box Here

Purchase A One Time Sabbat Box Here

Odin - 2019 Beltane Sabbat Box - The Rune BoxDuring this particular time of the spring, many of our ancestors would begin planting season, if they hadn't done so already, and would have made offerings to the earth and various deities with the specific request of crops abundantly emerging with a bountiful harvest and good return. Like the Wheel of the Year, we turn (our attention) to the upcoming fire festival of Beltane on May the First, where bonfires, feasts, and communities coming together are in focus.

Within Wiccan lore, during Beltane, the Lord and Lady (The Goddess and The God) have reached the integral point in their perpetual dance to come together in sacred union—with their young adulthood being the result of growing fertility and the ascendancy of light and Sun. Their love and infinite ebb and flow of separation and togetherness is cyclical throughout the seasons and during the turning of the wheel, but during Beltane, they become a symbol of divine union. Within this lore, their coupling of the divine feminine and divine masculine is meant to be a representation of nature around them. Their instinctual coming together to continue the cycle of life that would lead to reproduction, (a fruitful harvest), ultimately provides a way forward for new life to be brought forth -- New life being the ultimate return on love and labor invested.

And while we have focused the past few year's Beltane Sabbat Boxes on the Gaelic/Celtic and modern Wiccan forms of Beltane celebrations, (which is one of the more commonly observed forms of this festival in observance within modern Paganism), we here at Sabbat Box thought we might offer a primer into another part of the world's practices held during this time of the year: those of the Nordic and Germanic pagans to the east, and the mystical beliefs and system of magick that stems from them: RUNES.

The Codex Runicus - 2019 Beltane Sabbat Box
The Codex Runicus

As one treads onto the path of Germanic and Old Norse systems of Pagan beliefs, you will quickly discover that similar to all spiritual beliefs of old, it is filled with deep history and folklore made up of stories, legends, mythology, poetry as well as shamanic and occult practices. It is with these stories and mythological texts from the Viking age known as the Poetic Edda and the Havamal that people have been able to lay the foundational landscape for what has been molded and adopted into that of modern day Norse Paganism. Modern Norse Paganism is blanket term that can encapsulate the adopted practice of various pre-Christian beliefs during the "Viking Age" of Northern Europe. Norse Paganism is mostly rooted in ritual practice and tradition known as forn sið ("old custom") or heiðinn sið ("heathen customs") that has emphasis on rituals, actions, and behaviors rather than a "religious doctrine" or a "textual belief system" itself.

Rök RunestoneOne of the larger aspects of those ancient Nordic and Germanic practices that many modern Pagans study and have adopted are the system of runes. Runes are not just merely letters that helped to shape our modern alphabet, but they are considered to be a powerful and complex form of magick, conceived in the minds of ancients priests and magicians. Runes are a culmination of magick wisdom, mystic symbolism/correspondences, a form a divination, a form of talismanic magick, and a phonetic language, all of which are steeped in lore and historical significance. The commonly used Nordic or Scandinavian system of runes that is used (and we are focusing on for this box) is the Elder Futhark: a system of twenty-four characters used to communicate or mark words and ideas on everything from structures to swords. Today modern Pagans have reconstituted and adopted the runes into various Pagan practices, and regardless of the pantheon of belief, are still to this day considered to represent the ways and wisdom of our past.

It is in the spirit of this ancient time and ancient place that we focus our Beltane Sabbat Box procurement this year. We have collected a number of elements that provide insight into the age-old magick of runes, how they can still speak to us, while further learning what unique practices stem from Norse paganism and how they can help broaden our own spiritual beliefs. We hope that the upcoming summertime brings lots of light and life to you, and we hope that this Beltane Sabbat Box may enhance the bale-fires that we light inside us.

Sleipnir 2019 Beltane Sabbat Box


Celtic Tree Magick - 2018 Beltane Sabbat Box Theme


Discover the 2018 Beltane Sabbat Box • Celtic Tree Magick 0


2018 Beltane Sabbat Box Celtic Tree Magick Subscription Box For Witches Wiccans and Pagans

Hail and Welcome, Sabbat Box Members and Friends!

Beltane has always held a special place in our hearts. Aside from corresponding to the Sabbat of fertility and fire, Beltane happens to be our yearly anniversary box for our subscribers, and this year's Beltane Box actually marks our 25th shipment to our members. That means as of Beltane of 2018, we have been shipping Sabbat Boxes to our customers for 3 years! Can you believe it?

Though Sabbat Box "officially" started in March of 2015, we celebrate our anniversary on Beltane, since it was the very first box we shipped to our subscribers. Since 2015, Sabbat Box has shipped thousands of specially curated boxes of magick to our like minded subscribers and customers. Through Sabbat Box, each of our members also have helped to support the Pagan community from within, since we work with a vast array of unique vendors, artisans, and suppliers to curate the products inside of your boxes. We pour our hearts into each box that we ship, placing a piece of ourselves inside each box for you to enjoy. With each passing Sabbat doing our best to continue to make our service the best it can be.

Aside from exploring each Sabbat with our subscribers, we have also explored a wide variety of spiritual topics with each of you. From working with ancestors and creating a protected sacred space, to banishing and manifesting...From elemental magick to kitchen witchery, to divining the future and working with the divine. With Sabbat Box, our members have been able to learn, become inspired and find new means of working magick while also adding a little magick to the mundane. 

For this year at Sabbat Box we have curated a collection of items that will hopefully help you connect with and unlock the mysteries of the Celts and the magick of trees.

  • As some of you may know, we are currently at our maximum membership capacity at Sabbat Box. We have implemented a waiting list for those interested in joining when membership positions become available. You can join the waiting list here
  • Do you or someone you know make a product that would appeal to the Pagan community? Are you looking to launch a product or get your product in front of a large audience? If so, lets talk! Sabbat Box is always looking for new vendors and suppliers that create unique items to feature inside an upcoming Sabbat Box. Sabbat Box is a great way for people to find out about you, your product or your company. Whether you are looking to advertise inside the box or wish to feature a product within a box, we would love to hear from you. Register to become a Sabbat Box Supplier/Advertiser today.


    2018 Beltane Sabbat Box Celtic Tree Magick Subscription Box For Pagan Witch Subscription Box Wiccan Subscription Box

    All of the items that we curated for you inside this box correspond with -or- may help assist you with the following forms of magick:

    • Celtic tree magick
    • Ogham divination
    • Celtic myth and lore
    • Connecting with nature in different ways
    • Druidic mysteries
    • Earth magick

    The Celts—It is from their wise ones, their shamans, and their lore keepers that so many of our modern neo-pagan traditions we practice today stem from. For this year’s Beltane box, we thought what better way is there to further connect with our spiritual roots, the roots of those who laid down the foundation we use and and tap into, in order to draw forth and bring about change while also further providing spiritual nourishment and spiritual meaning into our lives? Many of these roots lay specifically with the ancient Celts; to further connect with their mysteries of the past is to further connect with ourselves and our practices today.

    To get a better understanding of the ancient Celts and to help unlock the mysteries and influence they still hold within Wicca and the craft, one must understand the ancient Celtic people’s connection to nature. the Celtic people had a very special connection with nature; more specifically, they had a deep connection with trees. The Celts believed that trees were harbingers of wisdom and information, each tree offering practical, magickal, and healing attributes. To the Celts, to understand the magick of trees was to understand the natural world itself. It was their way of connecting with and tapping into the raw elements in which we all stem from: “the divine.”

    For this year’s special 3 year anniversary Sabbat Box for Beltane, we dive deeper into the study of what the Celts as a people practiced and held sacred. Inside this box you will discover tools and information that will further assist you on your path by learning about the past to aid in the present.


    Celtic Tree Magic By Danu Forest - Sabbat Box

    ITEM 1: CELTIC TREE MAGIC BOOK.........$17.99
    • WHAT:
    Celtic Tree Magic: Ogham Lore and Druid Mysteries
    • WHO MAKES IT?:
    Authored by Danu Forest
    • WHERE CAN I GET IT?: Available from Llewellyn and at The Sabbat Box Store
    • WHY WOULD I WANT IT?: This comprehensive book is a deep dive into the Celtic connection between spirituality and trees, and is a great reference to understand how trees and the spirit of Earth and nature can be utilized in our own paths.


    Within this book you can explore the powerful magick of the 25 trees of the Ogham (pronounced “Oh-Em”), while further enriching your spiritual practice with the mystic wisdom of the Celts and Druids. The author, Danu Forest—a Druid Witch and shaman—will teach you how to practice divination using Ogham staves (with 200 pages dedicated to breaking down the individual meaning, correspondence, and lore of each Ogham). You will also learn charms and spells, learn to work with each tree’s magickal correspondences and healing attributes, make salves, tinctures, ointments, green crafts, find tree spirit allies in nature, create magickal tools, and more!

    Celtic Tree Magic By Danu Forest - Beltane 2018 Sabbat Box - Celtic Tree Magick
    Celtic Tree Magic By: Danu Forest



    Handmade Ogham Set With Reference Guide and Bag - Sabbat Box Celtic Tree Magick Box

    ITEM 2: HANDMADE OGHAMS..........$22.95
    • WHAT:
     Hand Crafted Wood Burned Ogham Set with Reference Guide and Bag
    • WHO MAKES IT?: 
    Dragon Oak
    • WHERE CAN I GET IT?: Available at Dragon Oak or the Sabbat Box Store
    • WHY WOULD I WANT IT?: These handmade Oghams provide a great introduction to incorporating Celtic tree lore into your divinatory practices.

    Use coupon code above at DRAGON OAK'S WOOD SHOP and receive 20% OFF your next purchase! Exp. 12/31/18

    Inside each Beltane Sabbat Box is a specially hand crafted set of Ogham staves made by Dragon Oak. In order to unlock the spiritual mysteries surrounding the Celts, one must have a good grasp and understanding of the Ogham (pronounced “Oh-Em”). Though these handmade staves were included in each box to be used as a form of divination (meant to further enrich and deepen your spiritual practice), the Ogham is so much more than just a system for divination. It is an ancient creed, an alphabet, a form of communication and a unique system of folk lore and magick representative of trees and nature that was devised by the Celts roughly 1700-2000 years ago.

    Each Ogham staff set comes with the original 20 Oghams used by the Celts along with a reference guide on how to use them for divination purposes and is presented in a green silken bag.

    When it comes to the traditional use of Oghams, specifically for divination, it is believed that the person wishing to use Oghams should actually be the one who physically creates their own Ogham Staff sets — in order for one to connect with the very nature of each of the trees (and the journey it takes to ascertain the wood). The procurement process of the wood is believed by some to be a rite in and of its self. Also, in a “traditional" sense, each Ogham is technically suppose to also be made of the wood that the Ogham represents and corresponds to (i.e. a staff of Birch wood for the Birch Ogham, a staff of Yew for the Yew Ogham etc.). These sets that were included inside are the perfect choice for someone who is looking to get their feet wet with using Oghams prior to creating a full set themselves in the traditional manner.  


    Handmade Ogham Set By Dragon Oak's Wood Shop - 2018 Beltane Sabbat Box - Celtic Tree Magick
    Dragon Oak's Wood Shop


    Located in Crane, Missouri, is an online Pagan Supplies store specializing in ritual and divination tools and has long been the go-to source for hand crafted ritual supplies within the Pagan community.  

    Learn more about this vendor in the featured vendors section below...



    Ground and Center Ritual Oil By Moon Goddess Magick Apothecary

    ITEM 3: RITUAL OIL.........$15.95
    • WHAT:
    Ground and Center Earth Energy Magick Ritual Anointing Oil 
    • WHO MAKES IT?:
    Moon Goddess Magick Apothecary
    • WHERE CAN I GET IT?: Available at Moon Goddess Magick Apothecary or the Sabbat Box Store
    • WHY WOULD I WANT IT?: This light-scented oil is a great way to prepare items (or yourself) to help connect to grounding and earth energies for your ritual, divinatory, or meditative work.

    Use the code above at Moon Goddess Magick Apothecary and receive 10% OFF your next purchase!


    This Ground and Center oil contains an exquisite blend of essential oils and herbs such as fir needle, birch, white oak, pine pinyon, agarwood, neroli, and sandalwood, and it is crystal charged with clear quartz to help connect you to the energy of the earth and to help raise your own power for successful grounding.

    Grounding is one of the most important preparations to make when readying yourself for spiritual work, especially divination. Our magickal workings are most effective when the mind is focused on the intent in mind and when our body is grounded to nature’s power and energy. Use this divinely crafted ritual oil prior to working magick or when you feel you may need assistance with grounding and centering yourself on a day to day basis.


      Moon Goddess Magick Apothecary - Ground and Center Ritual Oil
      Moon Goddess Magick Apothecary

      Located in Tacoma, Washington, Moon Goddess Magick Apothecary was started in 2009 by Sarah Collins. Sarah is a mother, a traveler between the worlds, and a weaver of magick. At her shop you will find ritual candles, oils, magickal aromatherapy, teas, incense, herbs, sprays, and more! 

      Learn more about this vendor in the featured vendors section below...


      Celtic Tree Magick Stick Incense By Charme Et Sortilege - Beltane Sabbat Box

      ITEM 4: STICK INCENSE..........$6.50
      • WHAT:
       Hand Crafted Stick Incense - SABBAT BOX EXCLUSIVE
      • WHO MAKES IT?: Charme et Sortilege
      • WHERE CAN I GET IT?: Available at Charme et Sortilege or the Sabbat Box Store
      • WHY WOULD I WANT IT?: Help create a positive environment with these purifying yet earthy scented incense sticks while you study and examine Druidic tree magick.


      This exclusive hand-crafted stick incense by Charme et Sortilege was made specifically for our Celtic Tree Magick Sabbat Box to help invoke and connect with the mystical energy of trees. What makes this incense unique is that it is comprised of 3 separate blends of oils, offering a changing aroma as it burns. Each stick starts with a base dip of purifying fir essential oil. From there as you light the tip, you will notice the first half of the incense combines with the fir to emit a light and airy aroma and energy, like the canopy of a tree. As it slowly burns, the scent becomes more earthy and grounding, like a tree’s roots. Perfect to burn when working with Ogham or Ogham divination..


      Celtic Tree Magick Stick Incense By Charme Et Sortilege
      Charme Et Sortilege


      Charme et Sortilege (Charm and Spell), is a brick and mortar metaphysical store, online witchcraft supplies store, and a wholesaler of pagan supplies located in Montreal, Quebec.

      Learn more about this vendor in the featured vendors section below...



      Tree Agate Stone Set By Sabbat Box

      ITEM 5: TREE AGATE CRYSTAL SET.........$2.00
      • WHAT: 
      Tree Agate Crystal Kit with Info Card and Organza Bag
      • WHO MAKES IT?: 
      By Sabbat Box
      • WHERE CAN I GET IT?: Available the Sabbat Box Store
      • WHY WOULD I WANT IT?: This tree agate is a wonderful addition to any crystal/stone collection or as a great addition to a crystal grid or altar to help evoke the strength and wisdom of trees.

      Tree agate, a type of chalcedony, has long been considered to be a stone of abundance and prosperity to the people of India. It is commonly found in the United States and Asia. Tree agate is made up of “tree like” inclusions of iron and manganese that resemble tree roots or vines. Due to its tree like appearance, some practitioners use tree agate in ritual or meditations to connect with ancestors as well as channel earth energy, making this a helpful crystal to be used along with Celtic tree magick or divinatory work where you receive ancestral guidance..

      Each Set Includes:

      • One tree agate stone
      • One info card for your book of shadows
      • One small organza keepsake bag

      Tree Agate Gemstone Set - Sabbat Box
      Tree Agate Stone Set



      Celtic Tree Magick and Lore Parchment - Sabbat Box

      ITEM 6: PARCHMENT...............$1.95
      • WHAT:
       Magickal Trees in Celtic Lore Book of Shadows Page
      • WHO MAKES IT?: 
      Azure Green
      • WHERE CAN I GET IT?: Available at Azure Green and the Sabbat Box Store
      • WHY WOULD I WANT IT?: This handy reference is a great summary of the sacred trees as evidenced in Celtic lore and what purpose they represent in our own path.

      Discover the magick of the trees in Celtic lore with this in-depth detailed parchment by Azure Green. Our current “Eight Fold Year”, also known as “The Wheel of the Year” is based on the original 13 month Celtic Lunar calendar, where each month had a specific tree with unique correspondences assigned to it. This parchment breaks down the 13 trees that are sacred to their 13 lunar months and includes a corresponding sketch of their leaves as well. This reference sheet is perfect to keep handy in your book of shadows for quick reference, especially when working with Oghams (Oh-Ems) for divination.


      Celtic Trees Parchment - Magickal Trees in Celtic Lore - 2018 Beltane Sabbat Box
      Celtic Trees Parchment


      Bits of Strength Pocket Affirmation Stones By Deva Designs - Sabbat Box

      ITEM 7: AFFIRMATION STONES...............$1.00
      • WHAT:
       Pocket Affirmation Stones
      • WHO MAKES IT?: 
      Deva Designs
      • WHERE CAN I GET IT?: Available at the Sabbat Box Store or via a wholesale purchase from Deva Designs
      • WHY WOULD I WANT IT?: These pocket affirmations are a great sentiment for any practitioner or individual looking to manifest positive changes.

      Included in each of our Celtic Tree Magick Sabbat Boxes were 1 of 10 different Celtic pocket affirmation stones. Part of the "Bits of Strength" line from Deva Designs, each pewter pocket stone comes with a lovely, inspiring message. Use your message as a mantra during meditation, focus in on its meaning during ritual or spell work, or simply place somewhere significant to act as a reminder each time you look upon it. Each stone is cast in pewter and comes with a "Celtic" knot styled in the shape of an acorn, which also contains a triquetra. These are being sold in sets of 5 on the Sabbat Box store.

      The 10 Different Affirmations Are Below. Which Did You Get?

      • Be-Leaf
      • Fearless
      • Love Live Grow
      • Grow awesome
      • Begin small
      • Follow your path
      • Be inspired
      • Stand strong
      • Grow abundance
      • Begin


      Bits of Strength Pocket Stones By Deva Designs - Sabbat Box
      Pocket Affirmation Stones

      Deva Designs, is a family owned online metaphysical wholesale store that creates joyful products to inspire. They are located in Sedona Arizona.

      Learn more about this vendor in the featured vendors section below...


      2018 Beltane Sabbat Box - Celtic Tree Magick

      PACKING & SHIPPING: Part of the costs of your box include the box and the packing material itself. The items listed below account for a good portion of the overall costs for the Beltane Sabbat Boxes. Each Beltane Sabbat Box is lined with paper padding and wrapping to add to the surprise of what we’ve curated for you. Shipping is also included in the total price for Sabbat Boxes. The average cost to ship boxes is roughly $9.50. Also, we here at Sabbat Box wish to be as environmentally friendly that we can be and do our best to source packing supplies and material from companies that have the same beliefs we do, in that we want to make as little of an impact as possible on the environment, while also keeping the content of your boxes safe as they make their journey to you. 

      BOXES: Your boxes where made from high quality corrugated paper and are 100% recyclable. Please try to find another use for your box. They are 9x9x3 on the inside. You could decorate your box to hold some magical supplies or use it again to ship something to someone or save it for another time when you may need it. If you have to get rid of it, please try to recycle it.

      BROCHURES: Your brochures are printed on recyclable 16pt paper, which is sourced from sustainable forests.

      TISSUE PAPER & FILLING: The brown tissue paper is made from 100% recycled paper and is recyclable. The colored filler inside each box is made from scraps of recycled colored crinkle paper and is biodegradable. The filler comes from an eco friendly, company. 

      STICKERS: The stickers found within your boxes where printed on vinyl with a gloss laminate.


      Beltane Sabbat Box Savings - Celtic Tree Magick

      Part of our goal is to provide a number of items to our members at a value far above what individuals can purchase on their own. When you add up all of the items inside your BELTANE Sabbat Box, as well as costs for shipping and packaging, you are saving over $30.00. We believe this to be another good reason to be a member. Also, each box we create helps to support Pagan run businesses and their employees. Sabbat Box looks forward to continuing to stay within our mission to work with other Pagan businesses to supply products for each box.

      • Total MSRP of items inside: $68.34 

      • Total Savings on this box: $22.39 
      • Total Shipping Savings: $9.50 
      • Grand Total In Savings: $31.89 

      Our members helped to support 7 small/Pagan run businesses with their Sabbat Box membership! We work with other Pagans and Pagan owned businesses within the community to purchase, curate and supply the items featured within our boxes. In the end, we want to help the community grow and share our business with companies that share our same values and standards.

      Sabbat Box Featured Vendors For Beltane 2018


      Moon Goddess Magick Apothecary - Sabbat Box Featured Vendor


      ABOUT THEM AND WHAT THEY SELL: Moon Goddess Magick is an online witchcraft supplies store that specializes in creating handcrafted ritual oils, wiccan herbs, ritual baths, spell candles, organic teas, incense and more! 

      Located in Tacoma, Washingon, Moon Goddess Magick Apothecary was started by Sarah Collins. Sarah is a mother of two amazing children, a traveler between worlds and a weaver of Magick. She is ruled by the Moon, the stormy Seas and the gentle flowing rivers.

      An excerpt by Sarah...
      "Knowledge of Witchcraft, Magick, Astrology and Alchemy is a continual and life long study that is deeply rooted into the very essence of Sarah's being. With many years of study in the magical arts, this has been a sacred journey of rediscovery that has been with Sarah throughout her path in the spiral of life. Her creations and recipes are inspired by Nature and the Cosmos, created with the knowledge from herbal lore and ancient magick. With this knowledge, I weave creations into reflections of my own experiences and rituals, sharing their magick with you. Connecting with you all has been such a joy throughout the years, many friendships and sisterhoods have been forged since Sarah began offering her creations and for that she is eternally grateful."

      Use the code above at Moon Goddess Magick Apothecary and receive 10% OFF your next purchase!


        Banish away unwanted negative energy and watch it go down the drain with this beautifully fragrant Banishing Black Salt Scrub. Made during the Waning Moon on a Saturday to ensure that you're removing toxic energy from your sacred temple. You~ Containing quality ingredients of Black Hawaiian Sea salt, Himalayan Sea Salt, Organic Fractionated Coconut Oil, Essential oils of Cedarwood, Cypress, Pine, Rose and Peppermint and Organic herbs of Peppermint , Rosemary, Rue and Rose petals ground down with a Mortar and Pestle. Contained in a Lovely little 3oz Recycled glass Jar with cork lid~ This is great for Spiritual readers that deal with various energies on a daily basis~ Also helpful to others who are in contact with many different people throughout the day. Other ways to use are after an argument, concerts, anywhere that you feel you have picked up other energies that you no longer wish to hold on to~ ~How do you use it? In the shower, bath or on your hands, apply sparingly and scrub away all that unwanted Energy~ The Black salt absorbs all of the negative energy that you can visualize going down the drain, leaving your skin silky smooth and fully cleansed. All of the herbs chosen to work with for this blend, have a long history of offering their protection and aiding in cleansing you both physically and spiritually. Remember this is Black salt and does take a rinse or two to fully wash away the negative Energy~ It is recommended that you clean your tub afterword as well~ The Black banishing salt will stick to the residue on your tub~ Taking with it all of the Negativity right down the drain~ #blacksalt #banishing #beautyscrub #peppermint #rose #witchesblacksalt #banishnegativity #freshstart #freshskin #pagan #planetarymagic #herbs #naturalbeautyproducts

        A post shared by Moon Goddess Magick Apothecary (@ladymoonamore) on


        Charme Et Sortilege - Sabbat Box


        ABOUT THEM AND WHAT THEY SELL: Located in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Charme et Sortilege is a brick and mortar Metaphysical Shop, and online witchcraft supplies store and a wholesaler of Pagan supplies, and has been serving the worldwide Pagan community for over 16 years. Started back in 2002, Charme et Sortilege (which means Charm and Spell in French) carries over 600 products, with their most popular product line being their house made specialty products. Charme et Sortilege's specialty products include ritual incense, ritual supplies, altar supplies, spell candles, apothecary items, jewelry, divination tools, and more!

        Charme et Sortilege was founded by Marie Renee Patry, and Pascal Raymond. Marie has been a practitioner of the craft for over 40 years, specializing in  Hermetic and Druidic traditions. Marie is a high priestess, a Druid, an author, teacher, and an actress. Currently, Marie serves as the Artistic and Marketing Director at Charme et Sortilege and is the creator of the majority of the products that Charme et Sortilege sells.

        Pascal Raymond, a co owner at Charme et Sortilege, is also a practitioner of the craft, with an Eclectic background in various traditions. Pascal currently serves as the director of operations and helps to keep Charme et Sortilege running smoothly. 




        Dragon Oak Wood Shop


        ABOUT THEM AND WHAT THEY SELL: Located in Crane, Missouri, Dragon Oak's Wood Shop was founded by Gypsy Beth and Dragon Oak, and have been serving the Pagan community since 2003. Having operated their own brick and mortar new age store (Ancient Wisdom), DragonOak and Gypsy Beth found that some key products were impossible to find. So in order to change that and provide the Pagan community with these much needed specialty products, Gypsy Beth and DragonOak set out to create Dragon Oak and has been creating beautiful handmade, magickal products ever since. 

        Dragon Oak's Wood Shop creates and sells a variety of hand crafted ritual, altar and divination tools such as handmade runes, oghams, altar tables, altar tiles, wands, books of shadows, tarot boxes, and more! They also accept custom orders as well. 

        DragonOak and Gypsy Beth make all their products themselves. All their work is done by hand and in accordance to the ancient traditions of magick. Each piece is created using the same board or branch to keep with the continuity of the tree spirit and with the elements of nature. And to align with the values of nature, their stains and finishes are kept as natural as possible. Let Dragon Oak work closely with you on your next custom ritual tool purchase to create just the right piece, that is magickally attuned to you. 

        Use the code above at Dragon Oak and receive 20% OFF your next purchase!



        Deva Designs Wholesale Jewelry and Metaphysical Supplies


        ABOUT THEM AND WHAT THEY SELL: Deva Designs is a family-owned and operated wholesale metaphysical jewelry and gift shop located in Sedona, Arizona. Deva Designs is devoted to bringing products of beauty and value to the gift, holistic, and Mind-Body-Spirit marketplaces. Deva Designs was founded in 1990 by Micki Baumann, a leader in the mind-body-spirit marketplace. For over 28 years, Deva Designs has been creating and sharing products of inspiration and joy! 

        Their name ‘Deva’ takes its inspiration from the ancient word for ‘the benevolent shining ones’. These ‘shining ones’ are known by many different names in traditions all across the world today. This is why they chose this name: It is a connection to the radiance, light, and inspiration we all share. If you own a gift shop or metaphysical store and would like to carry their products, reach out to Deva Designs below to set up a wholesale account with them. Be sure to tell them Sabbat Box sent ya. 



        • TIME •

        Celtic Tree Magick - Beltane Sabbat Box Theme

        TIME: We take pride in assembling each and every Sabbat Box by hand, no matter the amount of time it takes. We don't just throw your items inside a flat rate priority mail box like some other subscription box companies out there. We want your Sabbat Box to be delivered to you as beautifully as it left us, and it takes a tremendous amount of time to complete this task.

        This includes folding the boxes together, individually cutting each sheet of tissue paper by hand, weighing out the crinkle paper for each box, designing the flyers, coupons, stickers and brochures to be printed professionally by commercial printers, individually placing each item within their corresponding bags, individually assembling the boxes, individually packing the tissue paper within each box by hand and also putting together and creating product packing. This timeframe doesn't even include the efforts made to manage the Sabbat Box website, the back end billing system, social media management, customer service inquiries, accounting, marketing, purchasing, networking, and so on. This is a labor of love and we enjoy serving the community!

        We believe in what it is we are doing and we sincerely hope that each and every one of you can see that the purest of intent and utmost care goes into curating each Sabbat Box.


        Celtic Tree Magick 2018 Beltane Sabbat Box - Witch Subscription Box Wiccan Subscription Box

        Don't forget to share your unboxing videos with us for Beltane here



            • The History of Beltane: Article
            • An Introduction to Working With Oghams: Article
            • The Origins of Beltane: Article
            • 10 Ways to Celebrate Beltane via Witchy Words: Articles

        We would like to thank each and every one of our suppliers, vendors, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, our members, for making Sabbat Box possible. This wouldn't even be happening if it wasn't for our members. We hope to continue to serve the Pagan community at large and continue to provide you inspiration to celebrate The Wheel of the Year! Have a Blessed Beltane!

        Blessed Be,
        Llyfr & Hugh
        Founders of Sabbat Box

        Celtic Tree Magick

        Beltane 2018 Sabbat Box Theme Release • Celtic Tree Magick 0

        Celtic Tree Magick 2018 Beltane Sabbat Box Theme - Sabbat Box A Subscription Box For Wiccans Witches and Pagans



        Druids and CeltsIt was from the wisemen, shamans, and lore keepers that so many of our modern neo-pagan and Wiccan traditions stem from. For this year's Beltane box we thought...what better way is there to further connect with our spiritual selves than to connect with our spiritual roots; the roots of those who laid down the foundation in which we use and tap into, in order to draw forth and bring about change, while also further providing spiritual nourishment and meaning into our lives. Many of these roots lay specifically with the Celts, and to further connect with their mysteries of the past, is to further connect with ourselves and our practices today.  

        The Celts had a special connection with nature, more specifically trees. The Celts believed that trees were harbingers of wisdom and information, with each tree offering practical, magickal, and healing attributes. To the Celts, to understand the magick of trees was to understand nature itself -- it was a way of connecting with and tapping into the raw elements in which we all stem from.

        Beltane itself marks the halfway point between the spring equinox and the summer solstice, but the sabbat is so much more than just its astronomical and astrological significance. We celebrate Beltane--as well as the concept of the Wheel of the Year--thanks to the Celts, who marked this occasion as the one of the four fire festivals of the year. 

        One of the most recognized traditions of the Celts on Beltane was lighting a bonfire, which was meant to represent a celebration of the light and the sun as the days start to turn longer on the run up to Litha, (a.k.a. the summer solstice). Some traditions speak of the bonfire fueled by burning of the nine sacred woods, which come from the first nine trees of the Celtic tree calendar: birch, rowan, ash, alder, willow, hawthorne, oak, holly, and hazel.

        Another more modern Celtic based tradition is to use these tree's woods in a bonfire as a form of divination; a way to allow the flames and movement of the fire to provide hints and clues of what is to come, especially in reference to foreseeing the coming summer and harvest season. Since Beltane sits opposite Samhain on the Wheel of the Year, some believe that the veil thins once again on this day, making Beltane an opportune time to practice divination and connect with the hidden and unknown.

        Aside from using wood to divine fire, wood and trees have long held deep magickal significance to the ancient Celts. In fact, the Celts venereated certain trees, and from their profound adoration of trees emerged a sigil/symbol type of alphabet known as the Ogham (pronounced Oh-am), that historians believe was used for divination, communication, record keeping and more. 

        For this year's special 3 year anniversary Sabbat Box for Beltane, we will be diving deeper into the study of what the Celts as a people practiced and held sacred. Inside this box you will discover a variety of tools that will further assist you on your path of discovering the past to aid in the present. 

        Tree of Life



        Discover and Shop the 2018 Beltane Sabbat Box - Celtic Tree Magick

        Discover the 2017 Beltane Sabbat Box • The Crystal Box 1


        The Crystal Box - Beltane Sabbat Box For 2017

        Hail and Welcome, Sabbat Box Members and Friends!

        Beltane is here, which means its time to enjoy the increase of life and verdant spaces. The greenery is returning, the animals are multiplying, the air is warm and inviting. The Wheel of the Year has turned once again, and the sun is now spending more and more time above the horizon for longer days and bringing with it higher temperatures. For many, this is a very welcomed season of the year, especially after a harsh winter.

        This Beltane we at Sabbat Box decided it would be a unique change of pace for us to focus on one of the most cherished and beloved spiritual tools as inspiration for this box: the crystal. While the focus on crystals in Paganism may be fairly new to some, many people with different spiritual backgrounds are able to appreciate and connect with the beauty and perceived power of these shining earthly gifts, and for some, incorporate them into their spiritual practices, and in different ways. 

        We have curated a beautiful collection of products for the Beltane box that is completely centered around the use and significance of crystals. Everything inside this box is either....

        1. Made with crystals
        2. Made to be used with crystals
        3. Actually made of crystals.

        This is also our two year anniversary Sabbat Box, and many of you have been asking for a crystal themed box, so we decided to make this box happen, and we chose to celebrate our two year anniversary box with your special requests. We truly hope you both enjoy and can incorporate these crystal themed supplies into your own practice.

        • As some of you may know, as of now we are currently at our maximum membership capacity at Sabbat Box. We have implemented a waiting list for those interested in joining when membership positions become available. You can join the waiting list here
        • Do you or someone you know make a product that would appeal to the Pagan community? Are you looking to launch a product or get your product in front of a large audience? If so, lets talk! Sabbat Box is always looking for new vendors and suppliers that create unique items to feature inside an upcoming Sabbat Box. Sabbat Box is a great way for people to find out about you, your product or your company. Whether you are looking to advertise inside the box or wish to feature a product within a box, we would love to hear from you. Register to become a Sabbat Box Supplier/Advertiser today.

          • BOX SYNOPSIS •

          The Crystal Box - Sabbat Box For Beltane

          All of the items that we curated for you inside this box correspond with -or- may help assist you with the following forms of magick:

          • Crystal Magick
          • Meditation
          • Crystal Spells
          • Manifestation
          • Learning about crystals and their properties
          • Incorporating crystals into your practices

          Since the very first Sabbat Box shipment that went out to our members back on Beltane of 2015, we have curated the majority of our boxes to coincide with the general themes of the Sabbats. We have worked hard to include invaluable resources, information, books, ritual tools, spell supplies, as well as other magickal products within our boxes, in order to help you further connect with your spiritual practice each Sabbat, and to help you connect with the very essence of the seasons. Since we have greatly connected with the broad themes of the Sabbats over the past two years, we decided that going forward, when it comes to curating products for some of our future boxes, we will be narrowing in on more specific magickal themes (as they may relate to a particular sabbat), in lieu of just the Sabbat in general. This approach to the themes of our boxes allows us to dive a little deeper into more specific magickal intent, influences, spiritual workings and product themes.

          For our two year anniversary box, we decided to curate a special collection of items that focuses in on crystals, working with crystal energies, and incorporating crystals into your spiritual practices. Beltane is often represented as a time of manifestation, growth, and the coming together of the feminine and the masculine in nature. The crystal themed items within this box were curated to allow you to easily incorporate the use of crystals, (and their energies), into your various magickal workings, including the celebration of Beltane. Crystals are versatile tools that can assist us with various forms of magick, and are great for further enhancing our overall practices.


          Crystal Grid Kit With Moon Phases - Seed Of Life Crystal Grid

          ITEM 1: CRYSTAL GRID.........$14.95
          • WHAT:
          Custom Made Seed of Life Crystal Grid w/Moon Phases and Instructions
          • WHO MAKES IT?: 
          Alaska Laser Maid 
          • WHERE CAN I GET IT?: The Sabbat Box Store or request a custom order at Alaska Laser Maid
          • WHY WOULD I WANT IT?: This crystal grid is a beautiful way to focus and create crystal arrangements, and is an easy tool that allows you to incorporate crystals into your spiritual practice.

          When it comes to working magick, the basic premise behind it is the same for the majority of people: it all boils down to one’s will and intent. Since this Sabbat Box was about learning how to incorporate different facets of crystal energy and crystal magick into your spiritual practice, we went ahead and designed these gorgeous “Seed of Life” crystal grids to be included within your boxes, and commissioned Deborah, the owner and artist of Alaska Laser Maid to make them, to help aid you with manifesting your intent. The Seed of life represents creation, growth and prosperity, all of which are common forms of magick to work during Beltane. 

          It is believed that one is able to channel and hone specific vibrational energies (in order to bring about a specific result) by using a combination of both sacred geometry and crystals in a specific arrangement...This is known as a “crystal grid." Using a crystal grid is an easy way to incorporate both crystals, and sacred geometry into your spiritual practice. We thought by including crystal grids inside this box that it would make for a unique way to have our members become acquainted with crystals (if you don't already use them within your practice), and to help you further connect with crystals if you already do work them.

          Each crystal grid featured inside the Beltane Box comes with:
          1 x 5 inch, custom-made “seed of life” grid with moon phases on the perimeter (made from Alaskan cedar)
          1 x Instructional how to guide, printed on parchment
          1 x Deep purple keepsake organza bag.

          Deborah Ross, the owner of Alaska Laser Maid, is known for her intricate laser etched designs. Deborah uses a 35 watt C02 laser to create her work. She also sources the wood used in her projects from a family owned mill in Alaska. She sands and finishes all of the wood herself as well. Deb sells breathtaking laser etched wooden rune sets, laser etched wooden Ogham sets, geomancy sticks, intricate tarot boxes, cedar incense boxes and more! Alaska Laser Maid is also able to do custom work too! Visit her Etsy shop and see for yourself. 


          House of Good Juju Aura Cleansing Mist

          ITEM 2: AURA CLEANSING MIST.........$12.00
          • WHAT:
           Aura Cleansing Mist with Quartz, Fluorite, and Amethyst
          • WHO MAKES IT?: 
          House of Good Juju
          • WHERE CAN I GET IT?: Available at House of Good Juju or the Sabbat Box Store
          • WHY WOULD I WANT IT?: This clean, pleasantly-scented spray mist makes for a fragrant way to help clear and cleanse your aura from negativity and perceived attachments with the help of crystal magick.

          There are countless ways to work with crystals to draw forth their influences to assist us, and this beautiful crystal infused mist from House of Good Juju is specifically meant to assist with cleansing a part of ourselves that is important in both our spiritual workings and the mundane world around us--our aura.

          The aura influences people’s first impressions of us, sending subconscious signals to those around us. It acts as like our own personal “spiritual signature.” And just like with other parts of ourselves, our auras can become unbalanced. This spray was made to help restore it. Spray in the vicinity of your person and if needed lightly walk through the mist once it has been sprayed upwardly. Each spray is created and ritually charged during a new moon, and is blessed with a specific mantra, adding to its potency.


          • Cypress essential oil
          • Lavender essential oil
          • Lemongrass essential oil
          • Grapefruit essential oil
          • Cedar essential oil
          • Rosemary essential oil
          • Agrimony
          • Cypress leaves
          • Lavender
          • Lemongrass
          • Spring water
          • High grade vodka

          Amethyst, Clear Quartz and Fluorite.

          Located in Utah, House of Good Juju was started by Kimmy, an intuitive, healer, and root worker. House of Good Juju sells quality metaphysical supplies, and specializes in crystal candles, aura mists and even encourages custom orders. Items are crafted in the appropriate moon cycle and day of the week depending on intent. Special attention to all the details required to make each item Spiritually potent and Energetically charged. Everything is infused with Magick, Blessings, Love, Light, and Good JuJu!


          Sabbat Box Crystal Intention Necklaces

          ITEM 3: CRYSTAL NECKLACES..........$13.95
          • WHAT:
           Crystal Intention Necklace Kits
          • WHO MAKES IT?: 
          Produced by Sabbat Box
          • WHERE CAN I GET IT?: Available at the Sabbat Box Store
          • WHY WOULD I WANT IT?: These necklaces are a beautiful way to keep a crystal close to you all day.

          Our crystal point necklaces are a beautiful piece of jewelry for anyone looking to connect with the corresponding properties of a specific crystal, or for those who just simply appreciate the beauty of crystals.

          Each special crystal necklace kits come with:  
          1 x Adjustable 24” fabric cord with a lobster clasp,
          1 x Hand-stamped cotton muslin keepsake bag
          1 x One of seven crystal point pendants with a stainless steel bezel
          1 x Corresponding crystal info card

          There were seven different necklace types you could have received
          Amethyst, aventurine, black onyx, lapis, malachite, quartz, and tiger’s eye were among the selections. These crystal necklaces were chosen for Sabbat Box to help one connect with their specific corresponding properties, and what better way to manifest those properties than by wearing the crystal itself?


          Carnelian Infused Ritual Oil By Sun's Eye

          ITEM 4: RITUAL OIL..........$7.95
          • WHAT:
           Gem Scents Carnelian Ritual Anointing Oil
          • WHO MAKES IT?: Sun's Eye
          • WHERE CAN I GET IT?: Available at Sun's Eye and the Sabbat Box Store
          • WHY WOULD I WANT IT?: The high-quality oil blend from Sun’s Eye is a wonderfully smelling ritual oil imbued with the energies associated with carnelian. 

          This potent ritual anointing oil by Sun’s Eye draws in both the sensual energies associated with lily and musk and the energizing vibrations associated with Carnelian, making this an ideal ritual anointing oil to use in combination with your Beltane celebrations and seasonal magickal workings. This ritual oil can be used to anoint magickal objects, such as spell candles or ritual tools, and can also be used to anoint people too. Beltane is the sabbat commonly most associated with love and sensuality, since it is the Sabbat representative of the Masculine and the Feminine coming together. This oil would be great to use in love spells, or to manifest love in general..


          Healing Crystals Crystal Information Cards and Oracle Deck Number 1

          ITEM 5: CRYSTAL DECK.........$6.95
          • WHAT: 
          Healing Crystals Information Cards & Oracle Deck (Deck #1 of 3)
          • WHO MAKES IT?: 
          Healing Crystals
          • WHERE CAN I GET IT?: Available at Healing Crystals or Sabbat Box
          • WHY WOULD I WANT IT?: This colorful deck provides an enjoyable way to study the many different crystals used in spiritual and energy work and to learn their correspondences and uses. It can also double as an oracle deck and infuse the power of crystals into your divinatory practice.

          These beautiful crystal information cards/oracle decks are an invaluable tool for anyone who works with crystals. Each deck includes 47 info cards with the name and picture of each crystal, three metaphysical attributes, an affirmation for each crystal, as well as its corresponding chakra info, stone family, and crystal system of each stone displayed on the cards. Each deck can be used as an affirmation oracle as well, and comes with 8 individual instruction guide cards to get you started.


          Clear Quartz Crystal Points And Stone Set

          ITEM 6: QUARTZ COLLECTION...............$7.00
          • WHAT:
           6 Quartz Points & Crystal Quartz Tumbled Stone Set
          • WHO MAKES IT?: 
          Sourced via Eclectic Artisans
          • WHERE CAN I GET IT?: Available at the Sabbat Box Store
          • WHY WOULD I WANT IT?: Included in the Sabbat Box as an accompaniment to the Seed of Life Crystal Grid, this set of clear quartz crystals can stand in for any myriad of intents and correspondences.

          We specifically chose this collection of quartz to use with a crystal grid, as it is common practice to use crystal points with grids. The great thing about quartz, though, is that it is considered a “universal stone,” meaning that it can, in essence, be used for various intents (giving the user the flexibility for these stones to aid any magickal or ritual practices) when not using them for a crystal grid. Quartz is also said to be a stone that aids in clarity, purification, and some even use it to cleanse other stones or tools.

          • PACKING & SHIPPING •

          The Crystal Box Beltane Sabbat Box For 2017

          PACKING & SHIPPING: Part of the costs of your box include the box and the packing material itself. The items listed below account for a good portion of the overall costs for the Beltane Sabbat Boxes. Each Beltane Sabbat Box is lined with paper padding and wrapping to add to the surprise of what we’ve curated for you. Shipping is also included in the total price. The cost to ship boxes is roughly $9.00. With that being said, we here at Sabbat Box wish to be as environmentally friendly that we can be and do our best to source packing supplies and material from companies that have the same beliefs we do, in that we want to make as little of an impact as possible on the environment, while also keeping the content of your boxes safe as they make their journey to you. 

          BOXES: Your boxes where made from high quality corrugated paper and are 100% recyclable. Try to find another use for your box. They are 9x9x3 on the inside. You could decorate your box to hold some magical supplies or use it again to ship something to someone or save it for another time when you may need it. If you have to get rid of it, please try to recycle it.

          BROCHURES: Your brochures are printed on recyclable 16pt paper, which is sourced from sustainable forests.

          TISSUE PAPER & FILLING: The black tissue paper is made from 100% recycled paper and is recyclable. The black colored filler inside each box is made from scraps of recycled colored crinkle paper and is biodegradable.

          STICKERS: The stickers found within your boxes where printed on vinyl with a gloss laminate.


          Ostara Sabbat Box Savings

          Part of our goal is to provide a number of items to our members at a value far above what individuals can purchase on their own. When you add up all of the items inside your Beltane Sabbat Box, as well as costs for shipping and packaging, you are saving over $25.00. We believe this to be another good reason to be a member. Also, each box we create helps to support Pagan run businesses and their employees. Sabbat Box looks forward to continuing to stay within our mission to work with other Pagan businesses to supply products for each box.

          • Total MSRP of items inside: $62.80 

          • Total Savings on this box: $16.85 
          • Total Shipping Savings: $9.00 
          • Grand Total In Savings: $25.85 

          Our members helped to support 6 small/Pagan run businesses with their Sabbat Box membership! We work with other Pagans and Pagan owned businesses within the community to purchase, curate and supply the items featured within our boxes. In the end, we want to help the community grow and share our business with companies that share our same values and standards.


          House of Good Juju


          ABOUT THEM AND WHAT THEY SELL: Kimmie, the owner and creatress of House of Good Juju is a purveyor of Good JuJu and Positive Inspirations. Kimmi is an intuitive, moon oracle, dreamer, mystic healer, and herb/root worker. She hopes to bring illumination and good intent into your world through her products.

          Located in Utah, House of Good Juju offers positive mystiques for you and your home!  Offering everything to cleanse, bless, protect, and bring abundance to your space! Custom orders are both encouraged and welcomed.

          All items are crafted with Positive Intent. Always conjured with white light and crafted when the moon is right! Shop talismans, JuJu bags, crystal candles, aura mists, home blessing and protection kits, abundance bags, and offerings to inspire positive change.

          This shop thrives upon good juju and a "harm no one" attitude. All items are made with inspiration from the Gods, Goddesses, Spirit Guides, and Ancestors with gratitude. Items are crafted in the appropriate moon cycle and day of the week depending on intent. Special attention to all the details required to make each item Spiritually potent and Energetically charged. Everything is infused with Magick, Blessings, Love, Light, and Good JuJu!


          Alaska Laser Maid - Runes - Oghams - Tarot


          ABOUT THEM AND WHAT THEY SELL: Deborah Ross, the owner of Alaska Laser Maid  is known for her intricate and detailed laser engraving and laser etchings. Located in Alaska, Deborah creates beautiful wooden rune sets, Ogham sets, tarot boxes, divination tools, keepsakes and more. Starting out as a part time employee at "Alaska Laser Craft," Deb learned everything she could from the owner. Fast forward a few years later and she ended up buying his business from him to run for herself. 

          Equipped with a 30 watt laser, Deborah is able to pretty much engrave any design into wood (as well as other materials). Her preferred material of choice is wood. All of the wood used in her designs is sourced from a local, family run wood mill. She primarily uses cedar, which she sands herself.

          If you are looking for a unique gift, a gorgeous rune set, a stunning tarot box, or if you are looking for something custom like a crystal grid, Alaska Laser Maid will get the job done, and it will be done so quite beautifully. 

          • TIME •

          The Crystal Box Sabbat Box

          We take pride in assembling each and every Sabbat Box by hand, no matter the amount of time it takes. We don't just throw your items inside a flat rate priority mail box like some other subscription box companies out there. We want your Sabbat Box to be delivered to you as beautifully as it left us, and it takes a tremendous amount of time to complete this task.

          This includes folding the boxes together, individually cutting each sheet of tissue paper by hand, weighing out the crinkle paper for each box, designing the flyers, coupons, stickers and brochures to be printed professionally by commercial printers, individually placing each item within their corresponding bags, individually assembling the boxes, individually packing the tissue paper within each box by hand and also putting together and creating product packing. This timeframe doesn't even include the efforts made to manage the Sabbat Box website, the back end billing system, social media management, customer service inquiries, accounting, marketing, purchasing, networking, and so on. This is a labor of love and we enjoy serving the community!

          We believe in what it is we are doing and we sincerely hope that each and every one of you can see that the purest of intent and utmost care goes into curating each Sabbat Box.


          The Official Crystal Box Unboxing Video

          Don't forget to share your unboxing videos with us for Beltane here



          We would like to thank each and every one of our suppliers, vendors, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, our members, for making Sabbat Box possible. This wouldn't even be happening if it wasn't for our members. We hope to continue to serve the Pagan community at large and continue to provide you inspiration to celebrate The Wheel of the Year! Have a happy Beltane!

          Blessed Be,
          Llyfr & Hugh
          Founders of Sabbat Box

          Clear Quartz

          Discover The 2016 Beltane Sabbat Box - Earth's Instinct 0


          Sabbat Box Wicca Box Subscription Box For Wiccans and Pagans

          Hail and Fiery Welcome, Sabbat Box Members and Friends!

          The Fire Festival of Beltane is upon us, and that means it is time to celebrate the Sun (and all which abides under it) as well as growth, protection, and abundance. It is the time of year when fertility and an abundance of passion is honored in all things of love and sexuality. We here at Sabbat Box are awakened to “Earth’s Instinct,” which welcomes new life and new love, as well as the increase and prosperity that we hope this fertile time of year brings about.

          We have collected a number of items that we believe will help you honor the significance of this Sabbat and bring about that fiery passion both outwardly and within. We hope this year’s Beltane Sabbat Box will help you recognize and value the increase and vitality at this point in the Wheel of the Year. May your house be full of love and light, passion and fire!
          • As some of you may know, as of now we are currently at our maximum membership capacity at Sabbat Box. We have implemented a waiting list for those interested in joining when membership positions become available. You can join the waiting list here
          • Do you or someone you know make a product that would appeal to the Pagan community? Are you looking to launch a product or get your product in front of a large audience? If so, lets talk! Sabbat Box is always looking for new vendors and suppliers that create unique items to feature inside an upcoming Sabbat Box. Sabbat Box is a great way for people to find out about you, your product or your company. Whether you are looking to advertise inside the box or wish to feature a product within a box, we would love to hear from you. Register to become a Sabbat Box Supplier/Advertiser today.


          Love Chakra Energy Candle - Beltane Sabbat Box

          • ITEM 1: CHAKRA CANDLES.........$7.95
          • WHAT:
           Hand Poured Palm Wax Love Chakra Energy Candle
          • WHO MAKES IT?: 
          Aloha Bay 
          • WHERE CAN I GET IT?: Via the Sabbat Box Store or via Aloha Bay.
          • WHY WOULD I WANT IT?: Can be used to raise the energies for love and relationship matters. These handmade candles are made from 100% palm wax and 100% pure essential oils.

          One of the common themes that corresponds to the sabbat of Beltane is love. The very foundation of human existence is based on the instinctual nature for one to love and be loved. Love can come in many forms: love for one’s self, the love you share with friends and family, and the love you share with your life’s partner. Love can also be attributed to the basis of one’s passions and purposes in life, a driving force that steers us in the direction we wish to travel. Use this love chakra energy candle to help manifest the type of love you desire by way of candle magick, meditation, or by ritual.

          Be sure to check out the entire line of Chakra Energy Candles. They are perfect to use for meditation, as offering, candle magick or to illuminate your altar. Each chakra energy candle is made with lead free cotton wicks and palm wax (which is a vegetable wax), making them vegan friendly as well. Each candle includes information on how to use the candle in combination with meditation. 

          The love chakra energy candle is made with pure essential oils of Cedar, Spruce and Rosemary. 

          Candle's Herbal Correspondences:

          • Cedar: Cedar is a masculine herb that belongs to the element of fire and is ruled by the sun. Cedar corresponds to healing, purification, money and protection. 
          • Spruce: Spruce is a masculine herb that belongs to the element of earth and is ruled by the moon. Spruce is said to correspond to fertility, sexuality, love and protection.
          • Rosemary: Rosemary is a masculine herb that belongs to the element of fire and is ruled by the sun. Rosemary has long been used ritually for love, lust, purification and protection.


          Ritual Chalices, Altar Chalices, Pagan Chalices

          • ITEM 2: CHALICES.......$19.95
          • WHAT:
           Stainless Steel Ritual Chalice (8 ounce capacity, 6 3/4” tall)
          • WHO MAKES IT?: Via Eclectic Artisans
          • WHERE CAN I GET IT?: The Sabbat Box Store or Eclectic Artisans.
          • WHY WOULD I WANT IT?: The chalice is a useful ritual tool, and often used in combination with casting circle, ritual and for spell casting or holding beverages and liquids for ceremonial use.

          In Wicca and modern Witchcraft, the chalice is a feminine corresponding ritual tool and is representative of “the womb.” The womb symbolizes fertility, rebirth, life and love, making the chalice a perfect tool to be included in the Beltane Sabbat Box. You can use this food-safe chalice for ritual and magickal purposes, or to simply enjoy your favorite beverage in a magical way!

          Each chalice is made from food safe stainless steel and can hold 8oz. They are almost 7 inches tall and 2.75 inches wide. They all have an intricately molded stem with Celtic knot-working flowing around them. Halfway up each stem, you will see triquetras further adorning these beautifully made chalices. Each chalice is felt lined on the bottom, with black felt to protect the surface of your altar or furniture, and has a nice balanced weight to them. 

          We offered up an array of 4 different chalices for our members:
          • 4 Elements Chalice
          • Wheel of the Year Chalice
          • Blessed Be Chalice
          • Raven Pentacle Chalice
          Which one did you receive? 
          *Note: These chalices are not dishwasher safe. Hand wash and dry. 


          The Sacred Well Ancestors Elixir

          • ITEM 3: ELIXIRS.........$11.00
          • WHAT: Gem and Herb Elixirs
          • WHO MAKES IT?: The Sacred Well
          • WHERE CAN I GET IT?: From the Sabbat Box Store or The Sacred Well
          • WHY WOULD I WANT IT?: This elixir is blended with herbal correspondences and the vibrational energies of gems, and is handcrafted to aid you with ritual or spell work.

          Though Beltane is a Sabbat representative of fertility, love, passion, and the divine union of the masculine and feminine coming together in nature to create new life, our Earth as a whole, lives on perpetual duality. When it is about to be summer in the Northern Hemisphere, the Southern Hemisphere is turning to fall. With that being said, since Beltane falls on the same day that Samhain does in the Southern Hemisphere, many Pagans believe the veil between the living and the dead is parted once again on Beltane, making this an opportune time to commune with our ancestors and honor those who have come before us each Sabbat.

          An Herb and Gem Elixir is a potion made from herbal essences and healing crystal vibrations. The Sacred Well's Herb and Gem Elixirs feature naturally grown herbs and hand-selected crystals from the makers private collections, infused in sacred water and charged under the full moon or the dark moon. A few drops of an Elixir from The Sacred Well is meant to shift energy and add a boost to personal spells and rituals.

          This herb and gem elixir is made with brandy and water that has been infused with bloodstone, mahogany, obsidian and Dittany of Crete—an herb similar to oregano—which all correspond with the afterlife. 

          Caution: if pregnant, suffering from any medical condition or taking any medication or are allergic to any of the ingredients, consult your doctor before use. Keep out of reach of children. Alcohol content: 40%. For questions on how it’s made or specific uses, contact 
          Sacred Well.


          Faery Fire Traditional Rites Loose Incense Kit - Beltane Sabbat Box

          • ITEM 4: TRADITIONAL RITES LOOSE INCENSE.........$12.00
          • WHAT: 
          Faery Fire Traditional Rites Loose Incense Kit with Charcoal
          • WHO MAKES IT?:
          Sun's Eye
          • WHERE CAN I GET IT?:
           The Sabbat Box Store or Sun's Eye.
          • WHY WOULD I WANT IT?
          Loose incense is a convenient way to burn mixtures of herbs and flowers for various ritual, meditative, or spell-working uses. The herbs may also be used for other purposes other then incense. Sun's Eye is a Pagan owned and operated business that has been serving the Pagan community for over 20 Years! One of their newer product lines is the Traditional Rites loose incense kits. Each kit is hand blended with an array of fine herbs and resins to assist you with raising vibrational energy and cleansing your sacred space.

          Regardless of which specific pantheon of Pagan practice or belief you may follow, a common core of all ritual and magickal work consists of creating sacred space. Whether you are Wiccan and wish to cleanse your space to call quarters or a traditional witch that wishes to banish and purify your space to tread the circle 'round, or if you are looking to heighten your senses and increase your focus on a specific intent, loose herbal incense is great at helping you do so. Some people prefer loose incense because it gives them the control over the potency of the aroma and the length of burn time. People also prefer loose incense simply for the fact that loose herbs offer a cleaner more pure method of extracting the corresponding vibration of a specific herb or herbal blend, giving the practitioner a direct connection with such energies. Also, using incense in this manner is a form of connecting with our ancestors in the past, of whom would have used and burned incense in such a way. 

          If you are not partial to burning loose incense, you could...
          1.) Use the herbs found within to dress a spell candle to manifest and bring forth the corresponding energies of the herbs into your spell. 
          2.) Use the herbs as casting herbs. Some pagans may cast herbs into a bon fire as an offering to the divine, others may use herbs to cast around their home (i.e. under your door mat, outside your home's perimeter, within your car, on your window sills etc.) Regardless of where the herbs are located, their corresponding energies are dispersed wherever the herbs are. 
          3.) Grind the herbs down to a fine powder and create your own cone incense
          4.) Use the herbs to make a mojo/gris gris bag or sachet. Within each box is a small mesh organza bag. You may wish to place some herbs within the organza bag and place a charm upon it or your intent within it as a way to manifest your will. Here is a great link about gris gris/mojo bags and how to make one.


          Aphrodisia Cone Incense By Kamini

          • ITEM 5: CONE INCENSE.........$2.00
          • WHAT IS IT: Aphrodisia Cone Incense.
          • WHO MAKES IT?: Kamini
          • WHERE CAN I GET IT?: The Sabbat Box Store.
          • WHY WOULD I WANT IT?: Its sultry scent is a powerful mood enhancer and creates an atmosphere for love and passion.


          The sabbat of Beltane is commonly considered by many pagans as a time to celebrate and embrace one’s passion, love, and sexuality. The seductive and intriguing aroma of these Aphrodesia cone incense will surely have your senses tingling in no time. these alluring cone incense are specially made with the intent to help create a romantic atmosphere and to inspire a little love magick in your life. Lightly sense your bedroom with these incense beforehand or burn in effort to raise a loving vibration.

          Kamini Aphrodisia cone incense are created with the finest natural and raw materials, herbs, oils and resins, in order to create the ideal, slow burning incense. Our Pagan ancestors would burn fragrant resins, herbs and plants, as an incense, in order to bring about (or call upon) the spirit of the plant they where burning. Nowadays, modern Pagans have adopted the ritual burning of incense to be used during mediation, spell work, magick or rituals as a means of bringing forth and banishing various energies.

          • PACKING & SHIPPING •

          Beltane Sabbat Box Earth's Instinct Wiccan Supplies Subscription Box

          PACKING & SHIPPING: Part of the costs of your box include the box and the packing material itself. The items listed below account for a portion of the overall costs for the Beltane Sabbat Box. Each Beltane Sabbat Box is lined with paper padding and wrapping to add to the surprise of what we’ve curated for you. Shipping is included in the total price. The average cost to ship Sabbat Boxes is roughly $8.60. With that being said, we here at Sabbat Box wish to be as environmentally friendly that we can be and do our best to source packing supplies and material from companies that have the same beliefs we do, in that we want to make as little of an impact as possible on the environment. 

          BOXES: Your boxes where made from high quality corrugated paper and are 100% recyclable. Try to find another use for your box. They are 9x9x3 on the inside. You could decorate your box to hold some magical spell supplies or magical components, or use it again to ship something to someone or save it for another time when you may need it. If you dispose of it, please try to recycle it. 

          BROCHURE: Your brochures are printed on 100% recyclable paper.

          TISSUE PAPER & FILLING: The red tissue paper is made from 100% recycled paper and is recyclable. The filling is made from scraps of recycled colored crinkle paper and is biodegradable. 

          STICKERS: The stickers found within your boxes where printed on vinyl with a gloss laminate.


          Sabbat Box - Subscription Box For Pagans Savings

          Part of our goal is to provide a number of items to our members at a value far above what individuals can purchase on their own. When you add up all of the items inside your Beltane Sabbat Box, as well as costs for shipping and packaging, you are saving over $21.10. We believe this to be another good reason to be a member. Also, each box we create helps to support Pagan run businesses and their employees. Sabbat Box looks forward to continuing to stay within our mission to work with other Pagan businesses to supply products for each box.


          Dragon Oak Wood Shop Pagan Supplies and Runes

          Coupons are another great feature you will find within Sabbat Boxes. Coupons just add to the overall value of your box and are not included in the "total savings" specified on your information sheet/brochure, but definitely add further value as well as further exclusivity to being a member. Be sure to visit the product suppliers websites and stores to help continue to support their businesses and missions as well.


          • EXCLUSIVE MEMBER COUPON VALUE: 20% off next purchase
          • WHAT THEY SELL: Dragon Oak's Wood Shop creates handmade, one of a kind pagan supplies such as runes, oghams, altar tables, wands, books of shadows and more. 
          • WEBSITE:
          • FACEBOOK PAGE:

          • Total MSRP of items inside: $52.45 

          • Total Savings on this box: $12.50 
          • Total Shipping Savings: $8.60 
          • Grand Total In Savings: $21.10 

          ~Our members helped to support 5 Pagan run businesses with their Sabbat Box membership! Unlike some subscription boxes (that only use their own products inside each of their boxes), we work with other Pagans and Pagan owned businesses within the community to purchase and supply the items featured within our boxes. In the end, we want to help the community grow and share our business with companies that share our same values and standards.

          Earth's Instinct Sabbat Box Theme

          We take pride in assembling each and every Sabbat Box by hand, no matter the amount of time it takes. We don't just throw your items inside a flat rate priority mail box like some other subscription box companies out there. We want your Sabbat Box to be delivered to you as beautifully as it left us, and it takes a tremendous amount of time to complete this task.

          This includes folding the boxes together, individually cutting each sheet of tissue paper by hand, weighing out the crinkle paper for each box, designing the flyers, coupons, stickers and brochures to be printed professionally by commercial printers, individually placing each candle within a bag, individually assembling the boxes, individually packing the tissue paper within each box by hand, putting together and creating product packing. This timeframe doesn't even include the efforts made to manage the Sabbat Box website, the back end billing system, social media management, customer service inquiries, accounting, marketing, purchasing, networking, and so on.

          We believe in what it is we are doing and we sincerely hope that each and every one of you can see that the purest of intent and utmost care goes into curating each Sabbat Box.


          Sabbat Box - Official Beltane Unboxing Video


          • THE INTERNET BOOK OF SHADOWS: This is a large (+9Mb) collection of articles related to Neo-Paganism which can be found archived at a number of FTP sites. This is a collection of posts to bulletin boards from the late eighties to the mid nineties, essentially predating the modern Internet. According to a recent communication, the original editor of this archive was Durwydd mac Tara at PODS net.  

          Join Scarlet for discussions on pagan topics and more.  A pagan voice from the beautiful western shores of Lake Michigan.

          We would like to thank each and every one of our suppliers, vendors, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, our members, for making this possible. This wouldn't even be happening if it wasn't for our members. We hope to continue to serve the Pagan community at large and continue to provide you inspiration to celebrate The Wheel of the Year! Have a blessed Beltane~

          Blessed Be, 
          Llyfr & Hugh
          Founders of Sabbat Box
          Earth's Instinct Beltane Sabbat Box - Subscription Box For Pagans

          Stoking The Fires of Beltane 5


          Greetings Sabbat Box members (and prospective members)! We here at Sabbat Box are excited about our very first Sabbat Box offering to the community for the upcoming celebration of Beltane. Here is a detailed synopsis of the Beltane Box for those interested in learning more about us. 
          We wanted to take the opportunity to share with you all how much care and attention to detail we’ve put into the items included in Beltane’s Sabbat Box. The flyer we included in your box gives some basic information about sources and possible uses for each item, but we wanted to share with you a little more about these things and why we chose them. This box has been three months in the making, and we hope that it shows!

          Sabbat Box - Beltane Box

          Beltane Book: Rituals, Recipes, & Lore for May Day (Llewellyn’s Sabbat Essentials by Melanie Marquis

          • WHAT: Beltane: Rituals Recipes & Lore For Mayday, Llewellyn's Sabbat Essentials
          • WHO MAKES IT?: Llewellyn Worldwide & Authored By Melanie Marquis
          • WHERE CAN I GET IT?:
          You can purchase copies via the Sabbat Box Store or via
          • WHY WOULD I WANT IT?: 
          Llewellyn has been a trusted source for books on Paganism, Magick and New Age topics since 1901. This particular book features spells, recipes, lore, invocations, correspondences, crafts and rituals that will help to inspire you to celebrate Beltane in your own unique way.

          This good-sized volume is a brand-new publication (first edition), gathering some more detail on Beltane with practices and traditions observed both past and present. We included this not to mainstream or homogenize Pagan practices, but merely to offer some inspiration and expose our members to some of the history and mythos surrounding humans’ celebrations for the return of growth and understand the basis for many traditions around the world, both Pagan and non-Pagan. The book’s author, Melanie Marquis, has written numerous books on Pagan lore and tradition, as well as contributing to many Llewellyn’s popular yearly publications like the Witches’ Datebook. We believe that every Pagan can gain something from this collection of Beltane practices, or at least plant some seeds for your own ideas! You will find an array of fantastic information pertaining to Beltane, including plenty of rituals, spells and inspiration for your May Day celebrations. 

          An excerpt from the Earth Goddess Invocation, page 141.
          Lovely maiden, beautiful goddess of the earth, the fields, the flowers, the trees,
          Lady of the oceans, ruler of rivers and seas,
          Great mother of the beasts and the birds, I invoke you!
          Great Lady of the wild wood, Great Lover of the world,
          Great Danu, maiden of the stars and mother of earth,
          I invoke you!
          You are the Lover and the Beloved. You are the sun and the moon. You are the death and the life. 
          Great goddess, great Danu, lovely maiden, I invoke you!

          There are plenty of recipes, spells, and invocations within this book that will surely continue to aid you upon your Beltane celebrations for times to come. 

          Would you like to discuss this book with other Sabbat Box members? Are you looking for more inspiration for Beltane? Stop on by the Sabbat Box community page to learn more and engage with other Pagans in reference to Beltane and Sabbat Box.

          Sabbat Box - Beltane Box - Beltane Tea

          Beltane Tea - Blackthorn Hoodoo Blends

          • WHAT: Beltane Tea
          • WHO MAKES IT:
          Blackthorn Hoodoo Blends
          • WHERE CAN I GET IT:
          You can purchase Beltane Tea & other Pagan teas via their website or the Sabbat Box Store
          • WHY WOULD I WANT IT:
          Even if you aren't the biggest fan of tea, Blackthorn Hoodoo Blends may help change your mind about tea. This particular tea is very light and the caliber of quality of each batch of tea is way above par! 

          While much of the world enjoys tea simply as a beverage, there are a myriad of uses for tea going back thousands of years—as a medicine, a shaman’s tool, a poultice, and even an addition to ritual and healing baths. Amy Blackthorn’s company,
          Blackthorn Hoodoo Blends, was started from her desire to share her love of tea and her expertise in tea-making with others as a soothing “slow-down” escape to our busy, sped-up lives. The owner, Amy Blackthorn, uses only natural, safe ingredients in her teas, which she crafts by hand in small batches to share.  Our choice from her various creations is, appropriately, Beltane Tea, a fragrant Jasmine Green Tea blend that we hope will stir the fires of Beltane for you. If you check out her website, you’ll also find that she is offering subscription services of her own. Shop Hoodoo Teas at her website today. Here is a nifty link to a list of youtube videos on how to brew a cup of loose leaf tea.  

          Jasmine, one of the two components of the tea has a feminine correspondence and the green tea associates with the masculine and we felt this was a great way to meld the coming together of the God and Goddess during the passionate and seductive energies that flow during Beltane. We also felt this was a nice way to add a bit of duality to the heavily masculine influenced box.

          If you are not a huge tea drinker, remember, you can use your the herbs within to make a ritual bath for ritual cleansing, use the herbs to dress a spell candle, or one could use the herbs within the tea as casting herbs to your balefire as an offering to the divine. 

          You may wish to make a cup of Beltane tea prior to your Beltane celebration or ritual. One thing you could do is chant an invocation or visualize your intent of the tea whilst brewing a cup, charging it with your will. When ready, you can consume your magical brew to make it part of you and in essence "sealing" the intent of your tea ritual by drinking it. Depending on what your intent is for your Beltane ritual or magick (and if you wish to incorporate your Beltane tea as part of a ritual) you could stir your tea Deosil (clockwise) to manifest or Widdershins (counter-clockwise) to banish. One could also use the tea in the form of divination, also known as tasseomancy

          Do you have other ideas for how to use the tea inside your box? Feel free to share with us and other members of Sabbat Box by visiting the Sabbat Box Community.

          Sabbat Box - Beltane Box

          Fire of Passion Oil, By Sun's Eye - Part of the "Mystic Blends" Collection

          • WHAT: Anointing/Perfume Oil
          • WHO MAKES IT: Sun's Eye
          • WHERE CAN I GET IT: You can purchase this ritual oil via Sun's Eye website or via the Sabbat Box Store.
          • WHY WOULD I WANT IT: Sun's Eye offers, by far, some of the highest quality oils that one can find to use within their magickal endeavors. Most of their oils will have corresponding herbs or stones added inside each bottle to further add both corresponding energies of the essential oils within as well as adding a layer magical detail to oil itself.

          Part of Beltane’s significance is the natural inclination toward…shall we say, intimate contact? With that in mind, we chose this high-quality essential oil blend that actually contains some of the herbs used to create it right in the bottle! As Pagans ourselves, we understand the power of scent and touch to create and stimulate energy and intent; these oils, we believe, will do the trick! An added bonus to Sun’s Eye’s creations is their commitment to use of animal-free, natural ingredients. How you (safely) use this  patchouli based oil is up to you—please don’t blame us for any unintended results nine months later ;-p (patchouli is commonly used herb of both sexuality and love as well as luck and prosperity). 

          Sun’s Eye is a Pagan-run business looking to cater to other Pagans in a responsible way, and that’s why we chose it to enhance your Sabbat Box. Also, 
          within Wiccan and modern Paganism, a common formality in working magick (candle magick even more so) includes adding common apothecary products such as anointing oils, ritual oils and spell oils into your magical workings. When working candle magick, one may wish to dress or anoint their Energy and Will spell candle with their Fire of Passion Oil to add both the divine masculine and the divine feminine in union during your ritual or spell work (see more about the candle and its masculine correspondences below). 

          Have some more ideas on how to use this oil for magical use or are you looking for further inspiration on how to use oils in particular? Visit the Sabbat Box Community to engage with other members about this product. 

          Sabbat Box - Beltane Box

          Wheel of the Year Parchment - By Amber 'K' - Via Azure Green

          • WHAT: Wheel of the Year Parchment
          • WHO MAKES IT: Azure Green
          • WHERE CAN I GET IT: You can purchase this parchment via Azure Green's website of via the Sabbat Box Store.
          • WHY WOULD I WANT IT: Since most Pagans keep a magical grimoire or book of shadows, one may want this particular parchment as a reference page to be placed within your book of shadows.

          While this particular box item is not specific to Beltane, it gives an elegant overview of each Sabbat around the Wheel of the Year, suitable for framing or hanging in your sacred space. Started as a small local Pagan shop, Azure Green has been supplying the majority of products for metaphysical shops for almost 30 years. We chose this particular poster for its unifying theme of the eight Pagan Sabbats to the annual cycle of the Earth as it travels around the Sun. Many Pagans who purchase these parchments like to place them in their book of shadows. There is a plethora of parchments available via Azure Green that may tickle your fancy.

          Find more magical inspiration by visiting the Sabbat Box community.

          Sabbat Box - Beltane Box

           Energy & Will Blessed Herbal Spell Candle - By Coventry Creations

          • WHAT: Herbal Pillar Spell Candle
          • WHO MAKES IT:
          Coventry Creations
          • WHERE CAN I GET IT:
          You can purchase this spell candle via Coventry Creations or via the Sabbat Box store.
          WHY WOULD I WANT IT: It can be hard to find high quality candles, let alone candles made specifically for Pagans and magical use. Coventry Creations has been hand pouring candles for over 15 years and use only the finest waxes and ingredients to create their candle line. This particular candle lasts about 40 hours, which allows you to get your money's worth out of it for sure. 

          This blessed herbal spell candle is infused with sandalwood and ginger to invoke the fires of Beltane in your own home. Sandalwood is a feminine herb and is associated with the element of water. The feminine aspect of sandalwood balances out nicely with the masculine energies of the ginger essential oil found inside as well. Sandalwood is commonly used by witches for protection, healing and manifesting one's will. Ginger is a masculine herb with an elemental correspondence of Fire and is commonly used by witches for love, money, and power. 

          Since Beltane represents the coming together of male and female energies to manifest growth, the marriage of the two prime essential oils within this candle make it perfect to be used as a symbol of Beltane in general, on top of its intended corresponding purpose of manifesting energy and will. Duality plays a very important role within Wicca and Witchcraft, and the harmony in which this candle creates with its masculine and feminine associations parallels nicely with the sacred fire's of Beltane and the manifestation of new growth, prosperity and will.

          This particular candle comes with a spell/chant on the label. Use the incantation on the label or modify it to make it your own when working magick.

          The spell/incantation within the candle reads:

          I call on forces higher than I,
          To awaken the vitality that I hold inside,
          To strengthen my will,
          And bring energy to me,
          Motion is what I need to be.
          Passion & Fire to spur me on, send me,
          These energies from far beyond,
          I call on thee in perfect trust and perfect love, 
          Sending me guidance from above.
          Harming none and helping all,
          Is how it shall be,
          This I make true 3x3x3.

          One thing you may want add at the end to "seal the spell" per se is..."This I will it, so mote it be."

          Check out the Sabbat Box community to engage with other members in reference to this candle, how to use it and to talk about candle magick in general.

          Sabbat Box - Beltane Box

          Sun Stick Incense

          • WHAT: "The Sun" Stick Incense
          • WHO MAKES IT: HEM
          • WHERE CAN I GET IT: You can find these incense within the Sabbat Box store or at Azure Green.
          • WHY WOULD I WANT IT: These incense smell divine! You know you are getting top notch quality incense with HEM. All of their incense are hand rolled and contain only the highest quality components to create their incense.

          We included Sun incense in the Beltane Sabbat Box to spotlight the masculine divine of this particular Sabbat: the Sun! This bright, sweet, musky scent is a popular one and adds a layer of sensuality and exoticism to your sacred space. HEM is world famous for their incense, created from choice woods, resins, florals, and fine essential oils, is imported from India. All incense are hand rolled, allowing a clean, even burning stick incense. 

          The word "Beltane" comes from the Scottish Gaelic word Bealltainn, which means "bright fire." Beltane is also commonly thought to have been connected to the worship of an ancient Celtic sun god called Belenus. With these two things in mind, we felt these incense made a great addition to the box by adding in that correspondence as well as the connection to the divine masculine. 

          There are many ways to incorporate incense into ritual or magick. Some magical practitioners will burn incense to purify a sacred space, with the smoke of the incense lending corresponding energies from the ingredients within the incense to the ritual space. Some may burn the incense while meditating, to help set a tranquil tone. One may also use the incense to cleanse ritual tools or spell supplies as the same manner as burning sage. 

          How do you incorporate incense into your magical practice? Share your ideas with us on how you like to use incense with other Sabbat Box members within the Sabbat Box community.

          Sabbat Box - Beltane Box

          Sun Ash Catcher

          • WHAT: Hand Painted Ash Catcher
          • WHO MAKES IT: 
          This item is imported from India
          • WHERE CAN I GET IT: Unfortunately, the supplier of these ash catchers do not sell to the public, but you can purchase these ash catchers within the Sabbat Box store.
          • WHY WOULD I WANT IT: These ash catchers are a perfect to adorn your altar with. They are beautifully hand painted and pertain to Beltane beautifully. 

          What’s some incense without a holder to burn it? We’ve included these hand-painted incense holders from India as a simple, colorful way to safely burn incense on your altar or anywhere you want to create a mystical, sensual air. These burners come in various colors and designs to fit a myriad of Pagan paths.

          Sabbat Box A Pagan Subscription Box Pagan Supplies

          Packaging & Shipping:
          Part of the costs of your box include the box and the packing material itself. The items listed below account for a good portion of the overall costs for the Beltane Box. 
          Each Beltane Sabbat Box is lined with paper padding and wrapping to add to the surprise of what we’ve curated for your box. Shipping is included in the total price—average cost to ship the Beltane Box: $8.00 alone. We here at Sabbat Box wish to be as environmentally friendly that we can be and do our best to source packing supplies and material from companies that have the same beliefs we do in that we want to make as little of an impact as possible on the environment. 

           Your boxes where made from high quality corrugated paper and are 100% recyclable. Try to find another use for your box. They are 9x9x3 on the inside. You could decorate your box to hold some magical supplies or use it to again to ship something to someone or save it for another time when you may need it. If you must throw it away, we ask that you recycle it.  
          INFO SHEETS & COUPONS:  Your info sheets are printed on 100% recyclable Mohawk 16pt paper which is sourced from sustainable forests. They are ECF (elemental chlorine free), helping to have less of an impact on the environment.
          TISSUE PAPER & CRINKLE FILLING: The red tissue paper and black crinkle filling is made from 100% recycled paper and is recyclable. 
          BELTANE STICKERS: The stickers found within your boxes where printed on vinyl with a gloss laminate.

          Sabbat Box Subscription Box For Pagans

          Savings & Coupons: Part of our goal is to provide a number of items to our members at a value far above what individuals can purchase on their own. When you add up all of the items as well as costs for shipping and packaging, you are saving over $17.83 with the Beltane Box. We believe this to be another good reason to be a member. Also, each box supports Pagan run businesses and their employees, and Sabbat Box looks forward to continuing to stay within the guidelines of our mission to help further inspire you to live a magical life.

          Sabbat Box - Beltane Box
          It took us over 70 hours, from beginning to end, just to make the Beltane Boxes ready to ship. This included folding the boxes together, individually cutting each sheet of tissue paper by hand, weighing out the crinkle paper for each box, designing the flyers, coupons and stickers to be printed by the printers, individually placing each candle within a bag, individually placing your oil within a zip lock bag, individually rolling up each and every parchment and rubber banding them, individually assembling the boxes, individually taping the tissue paper within each box by hand, taping each and every box by hand as well as individually printing each and every shipping label and sticking to your boxes as well. This timeframe doesn't even include the efforts made to manage the website, the back end billing system, social media, customer service enquiries, accounting, marketing, purchasing, and so on. We believe in what it is we are doing and we sincerely hope that each and every one of you can see that the purest of intent has been placed within each and every box. 

          We thank each and every one of our suppliers, vendors, customers and MOST IMPORTANTLY our members for making this possible. This wouldn't even be happening if it wasn't for our members. We really look forward to shipping out the next boxes for Litha, as we are hoping to make this next box EVEN BETTER. We also are look forward to continuing to serve the Pagan community at large via our unique subscription box service.

          Blessed Be,

          Llyfer & Hugh
          Founders of Sabbat Box &
          Eclectic Artisans LLC
          Sabbat Box Beltane Unboxing Video