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Runes Parchment
$ 1.95
The Runes Poster with depictions of runes and Trees. Including Freyr's Aett, Hagal's Aett, and Tyr's Aett. Quote from poster: "Predating the first century CE, Runes are the sacred symbols of the Teutonic people and were used by the Village shamans for divination and magick..." Size: 8 1/2" x 11".
Sabbat Box Organic Witching Herbs Kit w/Parchment and Jute Bag
$ 12.00
The perfect witches herb kit for those who work magickally or mundanely with herbs. Each Sabbat Box Witching Herbs herb kit comes with a set of 4 organic herbs; one herb to represent each element, as well as two masculine herbs and two feminine herbs. This combination of herbs was specifically chosen for their vast correspondences, making this a...
Sabbats - A Witch's Approach To Living The Old Ways By Edain McCoy
$ 18.95
Sabbats, A Witch's Approach to Living The Old Ways By Edain McCoy is a must have title for Witches, Wiccans and Pagans. In Sabbats, Edain McCoy reveals the eight major holidays of this faith and the many ways in which they are celebrated. There are two basic types of holidays. The first come at the Solstices and Equinoxes. The others divide the ...
Sacred Altar Wash By Earthen Alchemy - 2oz
$ 12.95
Cleanse and consecrate your altar, tools, personal space and more by spraying a light mist over them during a purification ritual. Rid yourself and your space from negative energy, attachments, or just create a blank slate to infuse your tools with your own energy. Ingredients: Sweetgrass (Hierochloe odorata) Hydrosol, Palo Santo (Bursera gra...
Sacred Blessings Herbal Stick Incense
$ 6.50
These Sacred Blessings Herbal Stick Incense by Herbal Moon Apothecary are hand crafted and made up of high quality herbal components to provide a long lasting, slow burning incense for magickal or mundane use. Rosemary, lavender and sage are three sacred herbs that have traditional uses for clearing spaces and honoring the sacred. Herbal Moon Ap...
Sacred Magical Altar Hearth
$ 59.95
Fire is among the oldest representations of divinity and sacredness. In mystical tradition the hearth maintains the divine essence of fire and connects it with household, Clan, and the ancestral spirit. Our beautifully detailed hearth honors this ancient tradition, and can be used as an altar piece or a shrine adornment. Place offerings on its m...
Sacred Sabbat Purification Spell Candles - 6 inch
$ 5.00
Sacred Sabbat Purification Spell Candles are a simple way to purify and cleanse your space by use of candle magic. These white ritual spell candles are a wonderful way to honor the power of fire and the light and the purification it can hold. White spell candles are quite versatile and could be used to work candle magick, purification spells, or...
Sacred Thunderbird Triple Feather Smudging Fan
$ 24.95
Our Sacred Thunderbird Triple Feather Smudging Fan features three large, black, white, grey and brown feathers attached to a circular base. Upon the base is the image of the mighty Thunderbird. Smudging fans can be used with any smudge or cleansing ceremony including Sage, Cedar, Sweetgrass and resins to purify your home, objects or people. Smud...
Sage, Cedar and Lavender Smudge Stick Set - 3 Pack
$ 8.95
Our blue sage, cedar, and lavender smudge sticks blends are sustainably harvested from a Native American cooperative and come in biodegradable packaging. The combination of blue sage and cedar promotes protection while hints of lavender will help encourage a calm and relaxing energy. Sage and Cedar grow at a high altitude and also carry the ener...
Samhain Black Beeswax Spell Candle
$ 8.50
Our Samhain spell candles by Lailoken's Awen are hand crafted with 100% pure beeswax. Each candle is also ritually anointed within and spiritually charged ready to be used for your ritual or magickal working. These beeswax spell candles are the perfect sized candle to be used for candle magick, and are very clean burning. Light your dark black b...
Samhain Rituals, Recipes and Lore For Halloween By Diana Rajchel
$ 11.99
Samhain Rituals, Recipes and Lore For Halloween by Diana Rajchel - is a fantastic book part of the Llewellyn Sabbat Essentials Series. Samhain, also known as Halloween, is the final spoke in the Wheel of the Year. At this time, the harvest has finished and the veil between the worlds is at its thinnest. This guide shows you how to practice the s...
Sandalwood Ancient Elements Stick Incense by Sun's Eye
$ 4.95
Each Sandalwood Ancient Elements Stick Incense by Sun's Eye are handcrafted using the "masala" tradition of crafting incense which originates from ancient India and uses natural, plant-based ingredients to create an incense stick that is truly of this earth. The process begins with grinding plant ingredients into a powder. Oils are then mixed in...
- Altar Supplies for Witches, Wiccans and Pagans
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