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Shop Previously Featured Sabbat Box Products

The Witches’ Hearth Sacred Salt Kit w/Laser Etched Palo Santo
$ 12.00
While the use of salt in the kitchen and hearth as a mundane spice and preservative is common, the spiritual practice of using different salts is just as diverse and useful. Our Witches’ Hearth Sacred Salt Kit includes a pack of black salt, Himalayan pink salt, and white Dead Sea salts, as well as a stick of laser engraved Palo Santo wood for cl...

Hand Burned Elemental Kitchen Witch Spoons (Kitchen Witch Wands)
$ 8.50
These hand burned elemental kitchen witch wands (spoons) will make for a perfect addition to your kitchen altar. These wonderfully rustic wooden spoons are made of birch wood. Each spoon contains a hand burned pentacle design with the elements written out around it. Along with matching spirals and adornments, a further rustic and primitive feel ...

A Hedgerow Cookbook By Glennie Kindred
$ 10.95
Inside this unique seasonal cooking guide for the kitchen witch at heart, author and hedgewitch Glennie Kindred shares with us her deep knowledge of the plant kingdom. Inside you will learn how to prepare and cook magickal mouthwatering recipes from the wild growing plants of the hedgerow. Broken up by season, Glennie also shares the secrets of ...

Pentacle Cookie Stamp
$ 8.95
Bring your craft into the kitchen with one of our unique pentacle cookie stamps. Incorporate your magickally decorated baked goods into your next ritual, offering, or even use to make cookies for your next cakes and ale ceremony. Our cookie stamps are handmade and finished by a small pagan owned family business in Massachusetts. Every stamp is m...
- Altar Supplies for Witches, Wiccans and Pagans
- Altar Tiles and Altar Patens
- Books on Paganism, Wicca and Witchcraft
- Candle Holders
- Cone Incense For Magical & Mundane Use
- Crystals and Gemstones
- Incense Burners, Ash Catchers and Charcoal
- Kitchen Witchery Products
- Liquidation Sale - 50% OFF
- Loose Herbal Incense, For Magick, Ritual or Meditation
- Magical Loose Leaf Pagan Teas
- Mortar and Pestles
- Offering Bowls and Vessels
- On Sale
- Other Pagan Supplies
- Other Spell Supplies
- Pagan Home Decor
- Pagan Jewelry For Witches, Wiccans and Pagans
- Pagan Spell Candles and Ritual Candles
- Pagan Statuary - God Statues and Goddess Statues
- Parchments and Book of Shadow Pages
- Products From Previous Beltane Boxes
- Products From Previous Lammas Sabbat Boxes
- Products From Previous Litha Sabbat Boxes
- Products From Previous Mabon Sabbat Boxes
- Products From Previous Samhain Sabbat Boxes
- Products From Previous Yule Sabbat Boxes
- Products From The Imbolc Sabbat Box
- Products From The Ostara Sabbat Box
- Ritual Baths and Ritual Soaps
- Ritual Chalices and Altar Chalices
- Ritual Elixirs and Gem Essences
- Ritual Oils, Spell Oils and Anointing Oils
- Ritual Powders for Spellwork, Rituals and Magick
- Ritual Sage and Smudge Sticks
- Ritual Sprays, Ritual Mists, and Liquid Smudges
- Ritual Supplies and Spell Supplies
- Shop Previously Featured Sabbat Box Products
- Stick Incense For Magical & Mundane Use
- Stick Incense, Cone Incense and Ritual Loose Incense for Sale
- T-Shirts
- Tarot Cards, Runes, and Divination Tools
- Wiccan Altar Cloths, Ritual Altar Cloths and Pagan Altar Tapestries