Sabbat Box Blog — At Winter's End
Discover the 2018 Imbolc Sabbat Box • At Winter’s End 1
Hail and Welcome, Sabbat Box Members and Friends!
Before you know it, the snow and ice and cold will once again give way to the green warmth of spring. The wheel of the year turns as always, the light beginning to lengthen our days since the solstice, and thoughts of new life and new growth abound. We lift our eyes to the reawakening of the sun Lord and give reverence to our moon Lady.
This year at Sabbat Box we have curated a collection of items that will hopefully enhance the advent of spring and prepare ourselves and our circles for the growth and increase that is to come. We purify our intention, solidify our will, and protect our newly-cleared space to do the work that the power of life and light can help manifest.
- As some of you may know, we are currently at our maximum membership capacity at Sabbat Box. We have implemented a waiting list for those interested in joining when membership positions become available. You can join the waiting list here.
- Do you or someone you know make a product that would appeal to the Pagan community? Are you looking to launch a product or get your product in front of a large audience? If so, lets talk! Sabbat Box is always looking for new vendors and suppliers that create unique items to feature inside an upcoming Sabbat Box. Sabbat Box is a great way for people to find out about you, your product or your company. Whether you are looking to advertise inside the box or wish to feature a product within a box, we would love to hear from you. Register to become a Sabbat Box Supplier/Advertiser today.
All of the items that we curated for you inside this box correspond with -or- may help assist you with the following forms of magick:
- Purification Magick
- Protection Magick
- Transformation Magick
- Working with the goddess Brigid
Across the globe, different cultures honor this time with festivals that celebrate the new life that awakens where they live. In many ancient European cultures, Imbolc was a time to celebrate the goddess Brigid, who many consider the original triple goddess figure. Brigid later became a Catholic saint, with her original pagan aspects folded into Christianity. She is considered by some as the goddess of fire and light, as well as reproduction and fertility. Imbolc is said to be translated as “in the womb."
In Ireland, feasts are held by pulling out some of the last winter stores as an offering to the earth’s promise of new seeds to be sown, and the future crops to be harvested. Many cultures in the past also considered this “lambing season,” when breeding of livestock and pregnant ewes and other animals would reproduce to add to the flock. This is also a time of weather divination, where people would look for the appearance of snakes or badgers from their dens to gauge how much longer the winter would be (and where the modern custom of Groundhog’s Day may have evolved).
Not only is Imbolc and its time of the year a time to reawaken the life of the earth, it is also a time of purification and cleaning out old, cooped-up things in our homes and lives that we are ready to let go and improve. This time of clearing away later became to be known as “spring cleaning,” which is an annual tradition for many.
Here at Sabbat Box we recognize and celebrate all of these different aspects of Imbolc and we have curated items for this box to honor our connection to these traditions and rites, and what they provide as a focus to our magickal practice and Path.
ITEM 1: WITCHES' ALMANAC.........$12.95
• WHAT: The Witches’ Almanac, Issue 37, Spring 2018-2019: The Magic of Plants
• WHO MAKES IT?: The Witches' Almanac Publishing
• WHERE CAN I GET IT?: Available at The Witches' Almanac or the Sabbat Box Store
• WHY WOULD I WANT IT?: For over forty-five years this handy compendium of pagan knowledge has provided a treasure trove of information and insight for the current year and beyond..
Since 1971, The Witches’ Almanac has been providing the Pagan community an invaluable written and pictorial guide on astrology, the occult, folklore, and magick. Inspired by the Old Farmer’s Almanac, it includes information related to the annual moon calendar (page 43-71), horoscopes, weather forecasts, legends, rituals, herbal secrets, mystic incantations, and spells, as well as interviews by Pagans for Pagans. It is an extremely helpful tool that can aid you through the coming year, both magickally and mundanely.
The Witches' Almanac Spring 2018-2019
• WHAT: Custom Made Herb Infused Brigid’s Fire Smudge Spray
• WHO MAKES IT?: Light of Anjou
• WHERE CAN I GET IT?: Available at Light of Anjou or the Sabbat Box Store
• WHY WOULD I WANT IT?: This room/smudge spray is a handy way to encourage the light of Brigid to fill your altar or sacred space.
Use the code above at Light of Anjou and receive 15% OFF your next ORDER! Valid Feb. 28 - Mar. 5. 2018
This custom made ritual spray by Light of Anjou makes for a simple and convenient way to purify your altar, sacred space, linens, and more. Each spray is made with a divine herbal blend of angelica, rowan, and heather infused alcohol as well as pure essential oils. The components of this spray were carefully chosen to be included in this concoction because of their corresponding ties to both the Sabbat of Imbolc as well as their connections to Brigid.
The Celts believed that rowan was a symbol of the hidden mysteries of nature and represented the quickening of the life force (a celebrated theme of Imbolc). Angelica and heather are said to be extremely protective, both used to ward off evil, as well as heal and purify.
- Rowan: known by many as a tree of power, it was sacred to the Celts and the Goddess Brigid. The Celts Believed that rowan was a symbol of the hidden mysteries of nature and represented the quickening of the life force.
- Heather: A feminine herb that is believed to bring about good luck and protection
- Angelica: Corresponding to the element of fire, angelica is a masculine herb that corresponds to healing and protection.
Located in Monroe, Maine, Light of Anjou is a witchery shop specializing in herbal potions, ritual and therapeutic oils, mystical art, divination, and magickal tools. Anjou draws upon the power of the moon phase and the flux of elements to craft powerful tools to help you in your witching journey.
Learn more about this vendor in the featured vendors section below...
ITEM 2: SPELL CANDLES.........$9.00
• WHAT: Hand Poured Soy Wax “Purity” Herbal Alchemy Candles
• WHO MAKES IT?: The Witchy Mommy
• WHERE CAN I GET IT?: Available through The Witchy Mommy or the Sabbat Box Store
• WHY WOULD I WANT IT?: This lovely set of tealight candles with corresponding oils and herbs will add a fiery dimension to your Imbolc spells and rituals.
Use the code above at The Witchy Mommy and receive FREE SHIPPING on your next ORDER!
These Purity soy tea lights are hand crafted herbal alchemy spell candles meant for cleansing, purification, and spiritual maintenance. Each tealight is pure white and blended with a scent of sandalwood and adorned with hyssop, red sandalwood, and rosemary. Each candle is charged under the full moon and under the planetary influence of Saturn. A perfect choice to incorporate into your Imbolc rites and magick, or light in honor of Brigid.
- Red Sandalwood
- Hyssop
- Rosemary
- Soy Wax
- Sandalwood
- Soy Wax
The Witchy Mommy, an online shop founded by Feather, specializes in handmade herbal spell blends, animal spirit oils, alchemy powders, sprays, spell candles, and more!
Learn more about this vendor in the featured vendors section below...
ITEM 4: HANDMADE SOAP..........$6.99
• WHAT: Hand Crafted Crystal Infused “Clarity” Soap
• WHO MAKES IT?: Frequency
• WHERE CAN I GET IT?: Available at Frequency or the Sabbat Box Store
• WHY WOULD I WANT IT?: This clear soap is a fragrant way to incorporate the herbs and oils associated with purification and clarity into your ritual baths or rites.
Use the code above at Frequency and receive 15% OFF your next ORDER! Valid until May 31, 2018
Made up of an invigorating, fresh blend of pure essential oils and infused with real crystals, this hand crafted all natural “Clarity” soap by Frequency will help you clear the cobwebs from your mind and refresh your thoughts. This sweet spearmint blend is grounded with woodsy rosemary and rounded out with fresh lime. The pure essential oil blend infuses this all natural glycerin soap with a divine aroma and the rainbow flourite stones help bring calm. This makes for the perfect special soap to use for ritual bathing.
Coconut oil, palm oil, safflower oil, glycerine, purified water, sodium hydroxide, sorbitol, propylene glycol, sorbitan oleate, oat protein, essential oil blend of spearmint, lime, rosemary and eucalyptus oils.
Founded by Heather Lovelady in Largo, Florida. Frequency is an online shop specializing in intent specific aromatherapy products like soap, smudge sprays, spell candles, incense, essential oil blends and more!
ITEM 5: BRIGID'S CROSS.........$9.95
• WHAT: Authentic Hand Crafted Brigid’s Cross with Info Card and Bag
• WHO MAKES IT?: Naomh Padraig Handcrafts
• WHERE CAN I GET IT?: Available the Sabbat Box Store
• WHY WOULD I WANT IT?: Created in Ireland using traditional materials, this handcrafted Brigid’s cross is a powerful talisman and a time-honored Celtic form of protection magick
The Celts, for whom the celebration of Imbolc stems from, believed that the “Brigid’s Cross” (a symbol sacred to the goddess Brigid) is a powerful talisman of protection, and would be hung above windows or entryways into the home in effort to keep harm or want away.
It is originally believed that Brigid’s crosses were crafted by the Celts and hung indoors as a way to invite their life giving Goddess (Brigid) into the home during the start of spring and the planting season. It was quite the symbolic gesture during our ancestor’s time, holding various significance. In Celtic lore, Brigid was considered the “fire keeper of the flame of life” and some believe that the reeds and rushes used to make these talismans happen to represent the kindling used to keep “the life fire” lit, making this an extremely old and powerful form of sympathetic magick. The practice of crafting these ancient talismans still continues today in parts of Ireland on St. Brigid’s Day, which is celebrated on February 1st.
Each Brigid’s Cross included in Sabbat Box was hand crafted in Ireland and made with real reeds and rushes harvested from the River Shannon, by folk artist Patricia O’Flaherty. Patricia, the founder of “Naomh Padraig,” (pronounced Nav Badrig) has been an Irish folk artist for over twenty years and uses age-old techniques and material to craft her line of traditional Irish Folk Crafts
ITEM 6: PARCHMENT...............$1.95
• WHAT: Brigid Prayer Parchment/Book of Shadows Page
• WHO MAKES IT?: Azure Green
• WHERE CAN I GET IT?: Available at the Sabbat Box Store
• WHY WOULD I WANT IT?: This beautiful prayer is to honor the goddess Brigid and the light she brings to the world, and can serve as an incantation or spell element for the celebration of winter’s end and spring’s return.
The Wheel of the Year and the eight sabbats that it represents happens to stem primarily from the old seasonal Celtic calendar. With the sabbats’ roots deep in Celtic lore and celebration, it is easy to see why Brigid (the Celtic goddess of light, life, fertility, the forge and the hearth) became a focal point of worship for Imbolc, especially given the time of year Imbolc was celebrated by the Celts. You may incorporate the use of this prayer into your Imbolc rites or spell work as a way to connect with both the archetype of Brigid (what she represents), and to work with her as a goddess.
PACKING & SHIPPING: Part of the costs of your box include the box and the packing material itself. The items listed below account for a good portion of the overall costs for the Imbolc Sabbat Boxes. Each Imbolc Sabbat Box is lined with paper padding and wrapping to add to the surprise of what we’ve curated for you. Shipping is also included in the total price for Sabbat Boxes. The average cost to ship boxes is roughly $9.50. (The average price went up this year due to USPS's yearly price increase on shipping costs). Also, we here at Sabbat Box wish to be as environmentally friendly that we can be and do our best to source packing supplies and material from companies that have the same beliefs we do, in that we want to make as little of an impact as possible on the environment, while also keeping the content of your boxes safe as they make their journey to you.
BOXES: Your boxes where made from high quality corrugated paper and are 100% recyclable. Please try to find another use for your box. They are 9x9x3 on the inside. You could decorate your box to hold some magical supplies or use it again to ship something to someone or save it for another time when you may need it. If you have to get rid of it, please try to recycle it.
BROCHURES: Your brochures are printed on recyclable 16pt paper, which is sourced from sustainable forests.
TISSUE PAPER & FILLING: The cream tissue paper is made from 100% recycled paper and is recyclable. The green colored filler inside each box is made from scraps of recycled colored crinkle paper and is biodegradable. The filler comes from an eco friendly, company.
STICKERS: The stickers found within your boxes where printed on vinyl with a gloss laminate.

Part of our goal is to provide a number of items to our members at a value far above what individuals can purchase on their own. When you add up all of the items inside your Imbolc Sabbat Box, as well as costs for shipping and packaging, you are saving over $20.00. We believe this to be another good reason to be a member. Also, each box we create helps to support Pagan run businesses and their employees. Sabbat Box looks forward to continuing to stay within our mission to work with other Pagan businesses to supply products for each box.
• Total MSRP of items inside: $56.84
• Total Savings on this box: $10.89
• Total Shipping Savings: $9.50
• Grand Total In Savings: $20.39
Our members helped to support 6 small/Pagan run businesses with their Sabbat Box membership! We work with other Pagans and Pagan owned businesses within the community to purchase, curate and supply the items featured within our boxes. In the end, we want to help the community grow and share our business with companies that share our same values and standards.

ABOUT THEM AND WHAT THEY SELL: Light of Anjou is an online witchery shop that specializes in creating handcrafted ritual oils, spell candles, herbal potions, apothecary items, occult art and more!
Located in Maine, Light of Anjou was started by Anjou. Anjou is a hedge witch toiling in herbal potions, ritual and therapeutic oils, mystical art, divination, spirit work, and magickal tools. Currently crafting out of an 1800’s farmhouse deep in the forested mountains of New England.
Anjou draws upon the power of the moon phases, the flux of elements, and the spiritual realm to craft powerful tools to help you in your witching journey. From psychic dream pillows to healing herbal potions and topicals, to ritual oils and divination tools, Light of Anjou is in and of itself a cabinet of curiosities, meant to tangle you in its web of Victorian Gothic romance, the mystery of the occult, and the magic in the deep, dark forest where the will-o-whisps dwell.
Use the code above at Light of Anjou and receive 15% OFF your next ORDER! Valid Feb. 28 - Mar. 5 2018.
ABOUT THEM AND WHAT THEY SELL: The Witchy Mommy, located in the upstate area of the Carolinas was founded by Feather Garden Belle in 2013. Feather is a solitary folk herbalist, an earth centered magickal practitioner, and a pagan mother of 3.
“Having children has taught me to live more in the present, to craft Magick with my little ones by my side.” With over 20 years of study and experience, she creates an assortment of herbal spell blends, animal spirit oils, alchemy powders and ritual sprays, all handcrafted to inspire others to live a magickal life. “Look closely child with curious eyes…for Magick lives within the wild."
Use the code above at The Witchy Mommy and receive FREE SHIPPING on your next ORDER!
ABOUT THEM AND WHAT THEY SELL: Frequency ( is an online store that specializes in creating handcrafted, crystal infused aromatherapy products such as smudge sprays, crystal infused soaps, candles, incense, essential oils, and more!
Located in Largo, Florida, Frequency LLC began with a search from Heather, its founder.
"I was looking for a full sensory aromatherapy experience. Not just an essential oil, but something more. A spray that I could use as a body spray, room spray, or an environment spray to assist with meditation. Something with crystal energy, sight, and sound. Something to aid in the journey to calm my mind, ground myself, and focus. Something magical, mystical, and full of joy and wonder… I found a few options that were close… but close wasn’t going to cut it. So I created it myself. And it was wonderful!"
After much research, a plethora of recipe trials and errors, a lot of learning, and a whole lot of positive energy and love, Heather created the first collection. "Grounding. Peace. Clarity. Positivity."
Combined with a desire to help others calm their minds and achieve their goals, Frequency LLC was born. Life is too short to not enjoy every single moment.
Use during checkout at Frequency to receive 15% off your purchase.
• TIME •
We take pride in assembling each and every Sabbat Box by hand, no matter the amount of time it takes. We don't just throw your items inside a flat rate priority mail box like some other subscription box companies out there. We want your Sabbat Box to be delivered to you as beautifully as it left us, and it takes a tremendous amount of time to complete this task.
This includes folding the boxes together, individually cutting each sheet of tissue paper by hand, weighing out the crinkle paper for each box, designing the flyers, coupons, stickers and brochures to be printed professionally by commercial printers, individually placing each item within their corresponding bags, individually assembling the boxes, individually packing the tissue paper within each box by hand and also putting together and creating product packing. This timeframe doesn't even include the efforts made to manage the Sabbat Box website, the back end billing system, social media management, customer service inquiries, accounting, marketing, purchasing, networking, and so on. This is a labor of love and we enjoy serving the community!
We believe in what it is we are doing and we sincerely hope that each and every one of you can see that the purest of intent and utmost care goes into curating each Sabbat Box.

Don't forget to share your unboxing videos with us for Imbolc here
- Imbolc Lore and Rituals via The Circle Sanctuary: Article
- Imbolc, Traditional Celebrations For a Modern Time: Article
- The History and Lore Surrounding Brigid: Article
- The Magickal History of Imbolc: Article
- A collection of Imbolc Rituals via Witchy Words: Articles
- Imbolc House Cleansing Ritual: Article
We would like to thank each and every one of our suppliers, vendors, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, our members, for making Sabbat Box possible. This wouldn't even be happening if it wasn't for our members. We hope to continue to serve the Pagan community at large and continue to provide you inspiration to celebrate The Wheel of the Year! Have a Blessed Imbolc!
Blessed Be,
Llyfr & Hugh
Founders of Sabbat Box

- Aeden B
- Tags: At Winter's End Candlemas Imbolc Imbolc Box Members Only
Imbolc 2018 Sabbat Box Theme Release • At Winter's End 0
The new calendar year is here, and with it brings the promise of new life and new beginnings. We watch as the earth begins to awaken, her fertile soil ready to welcome the rise of her Sun Lord. We eagerly await the newness of life to come forth as the winter cold starts to wane. The earth comes awake: the air begins to sweeten, the earliest flower buds start to appear, even through the snow. The sun gives new life and new energy to all living things. The ice and snow begins to melt, water flowing through the forest, a promise of new life ready to emerge.Across the globe, different cultures honor this time with festivals that celebrate the new life that awakens where they live. In many ancient European cultures, Imbolc was the celebration of the goddess Brigid, who many consider the original goddess figure. Brigid later became a Catholic saint, the original pagan aspects folded into Christianity. She is considered by some as the goddess of fire and light, as well as reproduction and fertility...Imbolc is said to be translated as “in the womb”.
In Ireland, feasts are held, pulling out some of the last winter stores as an offering to the earth’s promise of new seeds to be sown and future crops to be harvested. Many cultures in the past also considered this “lambing season”, when breeding of livestock and pregnant ewes and other animals would reproduce to add to the flock. This is also a time of weather divination, where people would look for the appearance of snakes or badgers from their dens to gauge how much longer the winter would be (and where the modern custom of Groundhog’s Day may have evolved).
Not only is Imbolc and its time of the year a time to reawaken the life of the earth, it is also a time of purification and cleaning out old, cooped-up things in our homes and lives that we are ready to let go and improve. This time of clearing away later became to be known as the annual tradition of “spring cleaning”.
Here at Sabbat Box we recognize and celebrate all of these different aspects of Imbolc. We are curating items to honor our connection to these traditions and rites and who they provide focus to of our magickal practice and Path. Much like early spring fruits and vegetables, we are collecting a group of items that will serve to help awaken all of your senses and help you to honor this amazing point in the Wheel of the Year.

- Llyfr Glas
- Tags: At Winter's End Brigid's Day Candlemas Imbolc Imbolc Box Sabbat Box Theme