Sabbat Box Blog — Lammas Box
Lammas - Lughnasadh Sabbat Box Theme Release 1

Greetings Fellow Wise Ones,
It is that time again! With the sun finalizing its journey to its maximum potency, the light of the day will begin to start to wane. It is at this point, we as a people in the northern hemisphere, start to reap what we have sewn, as we begin our journey back towards the darker half of the year. With that being said, we have decided to have our Lammas - Lughnasadh themed Sabbat Box be based upon the idea of "reaping what you sew." The universe will echo our actions, both magically and mundanely, and in essence getting what we give or "reaping what we are sewing." This is a deep seeded principle with magick and witchcraft, and is heavily regarded as a foundation of the principles of working magick, making this the perfect theme for this box!
Our goal with the Lammas-Lughnasadh Sabbat Box is to provide you with inspirational tools that will help you "reap and sew" a little magick into your life this Lammas. We have some exciting items planned for this box that will envelope all of your senses and will hopefully shine a light on the things that are bountiful in our lives and also shine a light on things that we tend to be thankful for this time of year. We have some exclusive Sabbat Box products that will be featured within this box as well as products that have been specially made for our Lammas box, which makes this box even more magical.
We plan on shipping out Lammas Boxes on July 17. Most members will receive their boxes within 2-3 business days after shipping. Once Lammas boxes ship, you will receive a tracking email. You can always check the status of your order once it ships by visiting the "Check Order Status" link on the Sabbat Box homepage.
We thank you all for your continued membership and for making this happen. We have been overwhelmed with so many happy members, sharing their experiences and giving us such positive feedback. It really does help to let us know that we are doing something right! We look forward to shipping out your Lammas - Lughnasadh Sabbat Box as well as continuing to bring some magickal inspiration your way. Haven't signed up yet for a Sabbat Box, you can do so here.
Blessed Be,
Llyfr & Hugh
P.S. Don't forget to share your unboxing videos with us! You can do this here.
- Hugh Carey
- Tags: Lammas Lammas Box Lughnasadh Sabbat Box Theme