Sabbat Box Blog — Moon Magick II
Discover the 2018 Mabon Sabbat Box • Moon Magick II 6
Hail and Welcome, Sabbat Box Members and Friends!
Summer is moving on, and cooler air will soon invite us outside. Autumn is the time the earth brings for shorter days and longer nights, its balance culminating on the equinox--which many Pagans and witches refer to as Mabon. Around this time the harvest moon can be seen, the last of the fruits of the earth are to be gathered and the time of thanksgiving for all the bounty gathered and stored. This year’s Mabon Sabbat Box celebrates the moon and her magickal and mundane influence on our lives.
- Would you like to join the circle? Become a member and reserve your box here.
- Do you or someone you know make a product that would appeal to the Pagan community? Are you looking to launch a product or get your product in front of a large audience? If so, lets talk! Sabbat Box is always looking for new vendors and suppliers that create unique items to feature inside an upcoming Sabbat Box. Sabbat Box is a great way for people to find out about you, your product or your company. Whether you are looking to advertise inside the box or wish to feature a product within a box, we would love to hear from you. Register to become a Sabbat Box Supplier/Advertiser today.
All of the items that we curated for you inside this box correspond with -or- may help assist you with the following forms of magick:
- Moon Magick
- Candle Magick
- Intention Setting
- Working with the moon phases
- Working with and connecting with the divine feminine
- Using moon spells to help bring forth changes you seek
In addition to thanksgiving and harvest, the autumn exquinox is a time of balance. The word equinox itself comes from the Latin word aequinoctium - aequus meaning equal and nox meaning night. During both the spring and fall equinox, day and night are nearly equal. Enforcing the equilibrium is the fact that the sun enters Libra, a sign of balanced scales, on the morning of the autumn equinox. Celebrating balance means appreciating the light and dark within your life. What does the light bring you? Think of the sun, the day, the progress you make during that timeframe and what you draw to you. And what does the dark do for you? Think of letting go, of cleansing, of the night, and, especially, of the moon. After all, we’re entering her jurisdiction as we travel to the darker half of the year!
ITEM 1: MOON SPELLS BOOK.................$12.95
• WHAT: Moon Spells: How to Use the Phases of the Moon to Get What You Want
• WHO MAKES IT?: Written by Diane Ahlquist, Published by Adams Media (a division of Simon & Schuster).
• WHERE CAN I GET IT?: Available at The Sabbat Box Store
• WHY WOULD I WANT IT?: This guide is packed with a compendium of moon-based information and inspiration that you will turn to every time you want to include the moon in your magickal workings.
One way to interact with the moon’s energy is by reading about it, and we here at Sabbat Box wanted to include an in-depth informational guide to teach and inspire your lunar workings. Author Diane Ahlquist comes from a line of familial intuitives and uses her gifts through counseling, public speaking, and of course, writing books. In her book Moon Spells she walks you through utilizing the moon’s energy in every phase with easy to understand charts, images, and guides. Great for the visual learner and reader alike, this book takes a simple, practical approach to the many different manifestations of the moon. From waxing to waning, new to full, Ahlquist talks about the moon’s effects on an individual and the way we can harness these energies to our advantage. Moon Spells specifically looks at how to achieve success and get what you want, be it matters of money, love, divinity, and more. You’ll have all the information you need, from timing your moon rituals to various spells you can perform, right at your fingertips. Ahlquist even includes information about how the moon can intersect with astrology and numerology! This fantastic, straight-forward informational book is perfect for both the beginner moon witch and the advanced practitioner.
ITEM 2: MOON BATH SOAK..........$10.00
• WHAT: Full Moon Ritual Bath Soak (with Organic Cotton Muslin Bag)
• WHO MAKES IT?: Earthen Alchemy
• WHERE CAN I GET IT?: Available at Earthen Alchemy or the Sabbat Box Store
• WHY WOULD I WANT IT?: A perfect ritual bath for all your lunar magick spells or rituals.
Use the code above at Earthen Alchemy and receive 20% OFF your next purchase! Exp. 12/31/18
The moon is often linked with water, an emotional and psychic element. That’s why this full moon ritual bath soak by Earthen Alchemy was perfect for the Mabon Sabbat Box! Use it this upcoming Mabon or during the Harvest Moon, or both, to invoke gratitude, balance, and the harvest. Bath soaks help to create balance by removing--cleansing--and drawing in the gratitude, within a daily task you already perform. You will enjoy this responsibly sourced harvest of salts, oils, and various herbs that together create the perfect combination for a soothing yet magickal bath. Let the marjoram cleanse you, the neroli soothe you, and the jasmine incite your psychic abilities! Use just half the package per bath and set aside some quiet time for just you and the moon herself. Also included with the bath soak is a reusable cotton bag that you can fill and use in the shower (if you don’t have a tub).
Earthen Alchemy is an old world esoteric apothecary specializing in spiritually crafted ritual supplies such as ritual oils, baths, wild crafted ointments and balms, herbal tinctures, skin care and more! All of their herbs are hand foraged and organically grown in the Canadian Boreal Forest, and are vegan and cruelty free.
Learn more about this vendor in the featured vendors section below...
ITEM 3: MOON RITUAL OIL.........$19.95
• WHAT: Moon Ritual Oil (Waning Moon Ritual Oil)
• WHO MAKES IT?: Honey Rose Botanicals
• WHERE CAN I GET IT?: Available at Honey Rose Botanicals or the Sabbat Box Store
• WHY WOULD I WANT IT?: This heavenly oil blend is a fragrant way to anoint yourself or components that are part of your sacred workings.
Use the code above at Honey Rose Botanicals and receive 15% OFF your next purchase! Expires11/1/18
This Waning Moon Ritual Oil is a perfect addition to any ritual but is especially potent in banishing, ridding as well as spiritual cleansing and purification magick. The mix of lemongrass, lavender, vanilla, and moonstones represent the waning moon, which is a common time for performing banishing, cleansing, and repelling work. Use this oil to anoint the tools of your ritual or spell, from your athame and wand to your candles and even yourself! This oil comes in a roller ball glass vial for easy application.
Located in Philadelphia, PA, Honey Rose Botanicals is a small holistic medicine and botanical beauty company specializing in handcrafted, high-quality eco friendly bath and body products, with sustainable packaging and zero additives.
Learn more about this vendor in the featured vendors section below...
ITEM 4: HERBAL BLEND..........$12.00
• WHAT: Moon Magick Herbal Blend With Rainbow Moonstone
• WHO MAKES IT?: Light of Anjou
• WHERE CAN I GET IT?: Available at Light of Anjou or The Sabbat Box Store
• WHY WOULD I WANT IT?: This special lunar blend of herbs are a great way to incorporate moon correspondence and lunar energy into your spells and moon rituals.
(**Remove moonstone prior to using these herbs.) Mabon is the time of the second harvest. What better way to celebrate it than with an herbal blend harvested by Light of Anjou! This Lunar Magick Herbal Blend contains various seasonal herbs with direct associations with the moon herself, such as blue lotus and white willow bark, and even a rainbow moonstone for extra lunar energy! Herbal blends can be used in a variety of ways, from anointing candles to offerings for deities, from filling sachets and poppets to burning as loose incense and more! Use your creativity during thise upcoming Harvest Moon to work a little herbal magick with this blend.
Moon Magick Herbal Blend By Light of Anjou
Located in Monroe, Maine, Light of Anjou is a witchery shop specializing in herbal potions, ritual and therapeutic oils, mystical art, divination, and magickal tools. Anjou draws upon the power of the moon phase and the flux of elements to craft powerful tools to help you in your witching journey.
Learn more about this vendor in the featured vendors section below...
ITEM 5: LUNAR CANDLE SET.........$8.95
• WHAT: Moon Magick Lunar Intention Spell Candle Set with Parchments & Holder
• WHO MAKES IT?: By Sabbat Box
• WHERE CAN I GET IT?: Available the Sabbat Box Store
• WHY WOULD I WANT IT?: This boxes' candle set provides all the tools you need to work your own moon spell or ritual.
The light of a flame against the cool darkness of the moon’s light sets the mood for any magick you wish to work. This is why we included a chime candle set with a candle represending each major phase of the moon: New (black), Waxing (white), Full (silver), and waning (gray)! Each candle burns for about two hours, making them a perfect choice to add to your lunar workings.
Moon Magick Intention Spell Candle Set
ITEM 6: MOON MAGICK CARD...............$3.95
• WHAT: Lunar Correspondence Guide
• WHO MAKES IT?: Sabbat Box
• WHERE CAN I GET IT?: Available EXCLUSIVELY at the Sabbat Box Store
• WHY WOULD I WANT IT?: This detailed breakdown of lunar correspondences is handy for any practicing pagan.
The moon phase insert is a custom-designed guide that provides information and correspondences for the moon, both in her various phases and as she arrives at her fullest phase each month. The insert includes colors, herbs, gemstones and key terms to begin building spells and rituals! This tool is a must-have for those looking to work with moon phases without having to scour for their data. At 5x7”, it inserts perfectly into a book of shadows or grimoire or makes a beautiful display piece in any ritual or altar area.
Moon Magick Lunar Correspondence Guide
ITEM 7: MOONSTONE SET...............$3.95
• WHAT: Rainbow Moonstone Crystal Set with Info Card and Bag
• WHO MAKES IT?: Sabbat Box
• WHERE CAN I GET IT?: Available at the Sabbat Box Store.
• WHY WOULD I WANT IT?: What better way to connect and draw forth all aspects of the moon than the stone that bears her name and corresponding energies?
Moonstone gets its name from its moon-like appearance and is great for psychic protection and moon magick.
PACKING & SHIPPING: Part of the costs of your box include the box and the packing material itself. The items listed below account for a good portion of the overall costs for the Mabon Moon Magick Sabbat Boxes. Each Mabon Sabbat Box is lined with paper padding and wrapping to add to the surprise of what we’ve curated for you. Shipping is also included in the total price for Sabbat Boxes. The average cost to ship boxes is roughly $9.50. Also, we here at Sabbat Box wish to be as environmentally friendly that we can be and do our best to source packing supplies and material from companies that have the same beliefs we do, in that we want to make as little of an impact as possible on the environment, while also keeping the content of your boxes safe as they make their journey to you.
BOXES: Your boxes where made from high quality corrugated paper and are 100% recyclable. Please try to find another use for your box. They are 9x9x3 on the inside. You could decorate your box to hold some magickal supplies or use it again to ship something to someone or save it for another time when you may need it. If you have to get rid of it, please try to recycle it.
BROCHURES: Your brochures are printed on recyclable 16pt paper, which is sourced from sustainable forests.
TISSUE PAPER & FILLING: The black tissue paper is made from 100% recycled paper and is recyclable. The colored filler inside each box is made from scraps of recycled colored crinkle paper and is biodegradable. The filler comes from an eco friendly, woman owned company.
STICKERS: The stickers found within your boxes where printed on vinyl with a gloss laminate.

Part of our goal is to provide a number of items to our members at a value far above what individuals can purchase on their own. When you add up all of the items inside your MABON Sabbat Box, as well as costs for shipping and packaging, you are saving over $35.00. We believe this to be another good reason to be a member. Also, each box we create helps to support Pagan run businesses and their employees. Sabbat Box looks forward to continuing to stay within our mission to work with other Pagan businesses to supply products for each box.
• Total MSRP of items inside: $71.75
• Total Savings on this box: $25.80
• Total Shipping Savings: $9.50
• Grand Total In Savings: $35.30
Our members helped to support 5 small/Pagan run businesses with their Sabbat Box membership! We work with other Pagans and Pagan owned businesses within the community to purchase, curate and supply the items featured within our boxes. In the end, we want to help the community grow and share our business with companies that share our same values and standards.

ABOUT THEM AND WHAT THEY SELL: Earthen Alchemy is an Esoteric Apothecary that specializes in wellness for your mind body and soul. Their offerings are created with intent by an Alberta, Canada based Aromatherapist, Herbalist and Hedge Witch. They feature wildcrafted herbs and locally sourced ingredients and are inspired by the Boreal forest, pagan folklore and the greater beyond. Their offerings include apothecary goods such as lunar phase soaks and ritual oils, planetary oil blends, Deity inspired aura sprays, anointing oils, herbal tinctures, spell and craft tools, wildcrafted natural body care and more.
Use the code above at EARTHEN ALCHEMY and receive 20% OFF your next purchase! Expires: 12/31/18

ABOUT THEM AND WHAT THEY SELL: Honey Rose Botanicals is a small botanical beauty company located in Philadelphia, PA. Always crafted with Mother Nature's purest ingredients and organically grown and sustainably foraged herbs.
Their mission is to create sustainable, earth friendly, cruelty free products that provide magical results one can see, smell and feel without leaving behind any trace of waste! While there is something for everyone, Honey Rose Botanicals' innate focus is feminine and witchy. Between CBD deodorants, Lucid Dreams Elixirs, Moon Phase Potions, Herbal Cough Medicine and Menstrual Salves, HRB has some buzz for every body."
Use the code above at HONEY ROSE BOTANICALS and receive 15% OFF your next purchase! Expires: 11-1-18
ABOUT THEM AND WHAT THEY SELL: Light of Anjou is an online witchery shop that specializes in creating handcrafted ritual oils, spell candles, herbal potions, apothecary items, occult art and more!
Located in Maine, Light of Anjou was started by Anjou. Anjou is a hedge witch toiling in herbal potions, ritual and therapeutic oils, mystical art, divination, spirit work, and magickal tools. Currently crafting out of an 1800’s farmhouse deep in the forested mountains of New England.
Anjou draws upon the power of the moon phases, the flux of elements, and the spiritual realm to craft powerful tools to help you in your witching journey. From psychic dream pillows to healing herbal potions and topicals, to ritual oils and divination tools, Light of Anjou is in and of itself a cabinet of curiosities, meant to tangle you in its web of Victorian Gothic romance, the mystery of the occult, and the magic in the deep, dark forest where the will-o-whisps dwell.
• TIME •
TIME: We take pride in assembling each and every Sabbat Box by hand, no matter the amount of time it takes. We don't just throw your items inside a flat rate priority mail box like some other subscription box companies out there. We want your Sabbat Box to be delivered to you as beautifully as it left us, and it takes a tremendous amount of time to complete this task.
This includes folding the boxes together, individually cutting each sheet of tissue paper by hand, weighing out the crinkle paper for each box, designing the flyers, coupons, stickers and brochures to be printed professionally by commercial printers, individually placing each item within their corresponding bags, individually assembling the boxes, individually packing the tissue paper within each box by hand and also putting together and creating product packing. This timeframe doesn't even include the efforts made to manage the Sabbat Box website, the back end billing system, social media management, customer service inquiries, accounting, marketing, purchasing, networking, and so on. This is a labor of love and we enjoy serving the community!
We believe in what it is we are doing and we sincerely hope that each and every one of you can see that the purest of intent and utmost care goes into curating each Sabbat Box.

Don't forget to share your unboxing videos with us for Mabon here
We would like to thank each and every one of our suppliers, vendors, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, our members, for making Sabbat Box possible. This wouldn't even be happening if it wasn't for our members. We hope to continue to serve the Pagan community at large and continue to provide you inspiration to celebrate The Wheel of the Year! Have a Blessed Mabon!
Blessed Be,
Llyfr & Hugh
Founders of Sabbat Box

- Aeden B
- Tags: Autumnal Equinox Fall Equinox Mabon Members Only Moon Magick Moon Magick II
Mabon 2018 Sabbat Box Theme Release • Moon Magick II 1

The weather cools, a chill settling in the air. The leaves begin to turn to fiery colors: Yellow. Red. Orange. The spectrum creates a rainbow over the landscape as they fall to the ground, filling the air with an earthy scent. The autumn equinox is near.
The equinox itself is a scientifically observable event when the tilt of the earth is so that the sun passes over the earth’s equator. Because of this, the sun rises exactly east and sets exactly west rather than at a slight tilt towards the poles and we experience a near-equal day and night. This event occurs twice a year: Once at spring and once in the fall. In 2018, the Autumn Equinox will take place on September 22nd at 4:02 PM EDT.
For pagans and witches, the fall equinox is also known as Mabon, one of three harvest festivals on the Wheel of the Year. We owe the name "Mabon" itself to Aidan Kelly in the 1970s, a reference to characters, or perhaps gods, from Welsh lore. That being said, though the name is relatively new, the concept of a celebration occurring around the fall equinox is not. Oschophoria was a festival in ancient Greece that honored the grape harvest and wine. Eighteenth century Bavarians celebrated Oktoberfest in the last week of September, a festival that continues today. Even the US holiday Thanksgiving originally occurred on October 3rd, just a week and a half after the equinox. It wasn’t until 1863 that it was moved to November and 1941 before it settled on the date it is today. As such, the modern Autumn Equinox as a pagan festival is one of thanksgiving and gratitude.
Much of this thanksgiving tradition with Mabon is owed to its timing around the fall harvest. Customs of the holiday include this, creating themes of completion and goal achievement. This is a great time to reflect upon the past to see if you have reaped what you’ve sown from seeds planted in the spring. What goals did you want to achieve at the beginning of the year? Have they come to fruition? What do you need to do to find completion? This might even mean cutting your losses to move forward, much as a farmer might do with a dud crop.

In addition to thanksgiving and harvest, the autumn equinox is a time of balance. The word equinox itself comes from the Latin word aequinoctium- aequus meaning equal and nox, of course, meaning night. During both the spring and fall equinox, day and night are nearly-equal. Enforcing this equilibrium is the fact that the sun enters Libra, a sign of balanced scales, on the morning of the autumn equinox. Celebrating balance means appreciating the light and dark within your life. What does the light bring you? Think of the sun, the day, the progress you make during that timeframe and what you draw to you. And what does the dark do for you? Think of letting go, of cleansing, of the night and, especially, of the moon. After all, we’re entering her jurisdiction as we travel to the darker half of the year.
Mabon has always had a close association with the moon. The full moon near the fall equinox, the Harvest Moon, is probably the most well-known. This particular full moon derives its name from the farmers working late into the night, the crops illuminated by its brilliant light. The Harvest Moon is sometimes called the Wine Moon as well because it rises in a beautiful orange-red splendor, akin to the fiery colors of the autumn leaves below. Moreover, for those that believe in the goddess, Mabon is when she officially enters her “waning” phase – another emphasis on the connection of this equinox with the moon.
But this isn’t all. As stated earlier, the equinox isn’t exactly a perfect balance of night and day – it is only nearly equal. That perfect equality, called equilux rather than equinox, occurs a few days before the actual equinox itself. We owe this offset on the day the sun passes over the equator’s plane to atmospheric diffusion and, of course, our beloved moon. Earth’s satellite causes the planet’s orbit to vary from a perfect ellipse. It’s also why we have the tilt, and thus the equinoxes, in the first place. Thus the moon has a profound effect on this sabbat in particular!
Because of the fall equinox’s especially close connection to the moon, Sabbat Box would like to announce its Mabon box theme: Moon Magick II. Our first Moon Magick themed Sabbat Box was presented on Ostara of last year. It seems only appropriate to present the second of this theme on the mirror holiday to the first. Moon Magick deals with the darkness and the ways we attempt to illuminate it, much like a candle in the night. It is spiritual, cleansing, divinatory and divine. It’s also natural, emphasizing harvested herbs akin to the harvest of the fall.
This box will assist subscribers on working with not just the Harvest Moon in its full status but every phase during this time – and throughout the year! The items you’ll discover will be educational, interactive and fully integrated with the moon herself, and will include more exclusive items just for our members. We can’t wait for our subscribers to open up this magickal box and begin harnessing the full power of the many phases of the moon this equinox!

- Marietta Williams
- Tags: Autumnal Equinox Fall Equinox Mabon Moon Magick Moon Magick II Sabbat Box Theme