Sabbat Box Blog — Samhain Box


Discover the 2017 Samhain Sabbat Box • Samhain For Cunning Folk Alike 9


Sabbat Box Samhain Sabbat Box Subscription Box For Witches Wiccans and Pagans

Hail and Welcome, Sabbat Box Members and Friends!

We have come to the favorite Sabbat of many of our members--Samhain! It is time to don the robes, tread into the dark, and hold ritual with friends and loved ones, both present and passed. Many celebrate "The Witches' New Year" with ancestor altars, dumb suppers, and other rituals that both honor those in our past as well as look toward our future.

With that in mind, we decided this year to curate items for a spiritual practice that goes hand-in-hand with Samhain and its focus on both past and future: divination. The practice of intuiting the future using basic tools and systems has been around probably as long as people have been walking the earth. We strive to both understand those things that have happened, both good and bad, and hopefully learn from them, but also look at the signs and portents with specific methods to help us understand where we are headed and what is to come. As cunning folk, we consider divination to be a gift. Whether it is the lines on one’s hand, the cards in a deck, or the leaves at the bottom of a teacup, people have practiced methods of attuning their intuition to hopefully glean insights of what lies ahead and what is to be done to take the next steps in their lives. We gathered the items for the 2017 Samhain Sabbat Box in hopes to help our members look ahead and by looking inward.

  • As some of you may know, we are currently at our maximum membership capacity at Sabbat Box. We have implemented a waiting list for those interested in joining when membership positions become available. You can join the waiting list here
  • Do you or someone you know make a product that would appeal to the Pagan community? Are you looking to launch a product or get your product in front of a large audience? If so, lets talk! Sabbat Box is always looking for new vendors and suppliers that create unique items to feature inside an upcoming Sabbat Box. Sabbat Box is a great way for people to find out about you, your product or your company. Whether you are looking to advertise inside the box or wish to feature a product within a box, we would love to hear from you. Register to become a Sabbat Box Supplier/Advertiser today.


    2017 Samhain Sabbat Box - For Cunning Folk Alike - Divination Tools and Wiccan Supplies

    All of the items that we curated for you inside this box correspond with -or- may help assist you with the following forms of magick:

    • Divination work
    • Working past the veil
    • Protection magick
    • Working with the Higher Self
    • Aiding with Samhain rites, spells and magick

    It is during “summer’s end,” on All Hallows’ Eve (the witches’ new year) that we start to embrace the coming darkness. As the veil between the living and the dead fades, we call upon our ancestors and those who came before us, to guide us in the coming months, while honoring them during our rites. We honor the Earth for the final fruit that she bears, and reflect upon the sacrifices we had to make to get to where we are while prepping for the future. Thogh the future for certain may be unknown, and questions may arise, we as cunning folk will use this time to work divination in effort to seek what may be coming our way.

    When we as practitioners are presented with questions, or are heading into the uknown, we put our magick to the test, attempting to find the answers we need with divination, and we proceed to manifest the outcomes we desire with our own magickal pursuits. Divination is a practice that helps us to see our way forward as well as see where we have been. We use divinatory tools to intuit our place and get our bearings of where we are on our path; it is a means to understand the conditions that surround us while helping us to look within to make better choices that will ultimately make us most happy.

    For this year’s Samhain Sabbat Box, we have turned our focus on curating a variety of items that may shine a light on the season’s darkening path--light not from the sky, but from ourselves. Since the magick and celebration of Samhain is versatile, and its significance often greater for most, we wanted to make sure that the items found within our flagship box were equally versatile in their use. On top of versatility, we have also curated items that go hand in hand with this sabbat in particular, tools to aid with parting the veil, protection magick, workgin with spirit guides, workign with our higher selves, divination work, and more.



    Palmistry Hand Statue Kit With Info Booklet - Samhain Sabbat Box

    ITEM 1: PALMISTRY KIT.........$16.95
    • WHAT:
    Palmistry Hand Statuary with Information Book and Instructions
    • WHO MAKES IT?:
    Curated via Eclectic Artisans
    • WHERE CAN I GET IT?: Available at the Sabbat Box Store
    • WHY WOULD I WANT IT?: If you have an beginning interest in palmistry, this fantastic statuary will provide you with a “handy" visual reference.  


    This beautifully detailed palmistry hand statuary is the perfect resource to get you started in learning about the art of chiromancy (a.k.a. palm reading), a method of divination. Divination is such a valuable tool that we use to assist us on our spiritual journeys. It helps us to gain a deeper understanding of our inner selves, and provides us with valuable insight that assists us with our day to day lives. Our goal in curating this set is to help expand your choices and broaden your knowledge when it comes to working divination and your “higher self.”

    If you are looking to learn more about the art of Palmistry and Chiromancy, check out this website called The Palmistry Room. The Palmistry Room offers an in depth guide on palmistry that includes diagrams and illustrations to go along with the article. 

    Palmistry Hand Statue With Info Booklet
    Palmistry Hand Set



    Witch's Circle Water By The Vodou Store

    ITEM 3: RITUAL WATER..........$10.00
    • WHAT:
     Hand Blended Witch's Circle Water
    • WHO MAKES IT?: 
    The Vodou Store
    • WHERE CAN I GET IT?: Available at The Vodou Store or the Sabbat Box Store
    • WHY WOULD I WANT IT?: Infused waters are a versatile tool to help cleanse, purify, and protect sacred spaces or objects. This water is a great addition to your spell pantry for Samhain rituals or any other working.

    Made up of a potent blend of consecrated water, salt, lavender, rosemary, patchouli, and a few other secret proprietary ingredients, The Witch’s Circle Water by The Vodou Store was made to help strengthen and add extra protection to your circle, fast. Sprinkle it around your altar, temple, or sacred space, as well as along the perimeter of your circle to ensure that no negative energy interrupts the intent of your magickal working.

    Witch’s Circle Water incorporates the traditional method of spreading salt and protective herbs around your circle, but in a quick and convenient way. This particular concoction works very well for outdoor rituals or workings as well. Witch’s Circle Water can also be used as an individual spell component when working protection magick as well. 


    The Vodou Store - Witch's Circle Water
    The Vodou Store

    Located in Chicago, Illinois, The Vodou Store was started back in 2010 by Docteur Caeli and Helfurian Liontari. The Vodou Store specializes in items related to Haitian Vodou, hoodoo, conjure, and witchcraft. Their proprietary line of baths, incense, conjure rubs, dirts, sachet powders, gris gris, colognes, oils, and more, are meticulously hand crafted, using knowledge and techniques that stay true to the religions they know and have experience with.

    Learn more about this vendor in the featured vendors section below...



    The Crow Anointing Balm By FOG - Samhain Sabbat Box

    ITEM 2: ANOINTING BALM.........$16.00
    • WHAT:
    “The Crow” Hand Crafted Reiki Charged Anointing Balm
    • WHO MAKES IT?: 
    • WHERE CAN I GET IT?: Available at FOG or the Sabbat Box Store
    • WHY WOULD I WANT IT?: This hand crafted balm is great for pre ritual anointing and perfect for rituals involving shadow work, ancestor work or for spiritual protection. 

    Use the code above at FOG and receive 15% OFF your next ORDER!


    This hand crafted Reiki charged anointing balm from FOG is the perfect tool to incorporate into your Samhain celebrations and rituals. Made with a divine blend of wild crafted dark aged patchouli, organic clary sage, organic cold pressed jojoba oil, and beeswax, The Crow anointing balm is ideal to use in combination with shadow work, divination, animal totem work, shamanic journeying, crossing the hedge, transmutation work, and more.

    The crow is a sentinel of the dark. It carries mysteries and secrets into the light of day, revealing that our spirit is everywhere. The crow allows us to step into the shadows and walk between the worlds at will, making this also ideal to incorporate into channeling work and working with the dead as well. 

    FOG Ritual Apothecary
    FOG Ritual Apothecary

    Located in Southeast Pennsylvania, FOG was started by Bryanna back in 2014. FOG is a ritual apothecary specializing in anointing balms and crystal essences that are made with organic, wild crafted, and local ingredients.

    Learn more about this vendor in the featured vendors section below...


    Witches Sight Pendulum Set By Sabbat Box - Samhain Box

    ITEM 4: PENDULUM SET..........$15.00
    • WHAT:
     Witches Sight Wood Chambered Pendulum Kit with Herbs and Board
    • WHO MAKES IT?: Created By Sabbat Box
    • WHERE CAN I GET IT?: The Sabbat Box Store 
    • WHY WOULD I WANT IT?: If you have an interest in learning to use a pendulum, or are looking for a new set, this kit provides everything you need to get started!

    One specific practice that goes hand in hand with Samhain is divination. Divination is “the practice of seeking knowledge of the future or the unknown by supernatural means.” Since it is believed that the “veil” beteween the living and the dead is at its thinnest on Samhain, many believe it to be an opportune time to communicate with spirit, ancestors, guides, or loved ones. Inside each kit is a wooden chambered pendulum and includes everything you need to work this simple, yet effective, form of divination this Samhain and beyond.


    • 1 x Hand carved, wood chambered pendulum - 10.25" long
    • 1 x Bag of Witches Sight divination herbs - 3x4" bag
    • 1 x Custom pagan pendulum board on sturdy card stock - 4.75" x 4.75"


    • Mugwort (Psychic power, psychic protection, astral projection, protection)
    • Yarrow (Psychic work, exorcism, courage)
    • Rosemary (Protection, purification)
    • Meadowsweet (Love, divination, peace)
    • Damiana (Used to produce visions, trance work psychic work)
    • Wormwood (Spirit work, summoning spirit, protection, psychic power)

    It is believed that when using a pendulum, you are tapping into and accessing your “higher self,” a.k.a. your subconscious mind, in order to find answers to questions that may lay deep within. Some also believe along with the higher self, beings like spirit, the divine, ancestors, guides, or guardians can be brought forth to assist with providing answers during divinatory work as well. 

    People will use pendulums to dowse for simple yes or no answers to questions or to receive guidance from spirit. Some use them to find lost items, while others will use them to help pick things out for spellwork, like crystals and herbs, or even help to pick tarot cards for a reading. Others may use pendulums to help them to pick out ritual supplies, and some will also use in combination with healing, and Reiki. If at the grocery store, keep a watchful eye out… you might notice that some practitioners will even use their pendulums to help them pick the most ripe or freshest fruits and vegetables on the display. Pendulums are a helpful and easy to use form of divination, and it is recommended that all practitioners have one to assist you with both your magickal and mundane lives.


    Witches Sight Pendulum Kit With Pendulum Board, Divination Herbs, and Wood Chambered Pendulum
    Witches Sight Pendulum Kit


    Samhain Spell Candle By Lailoken's Awen

    ITEM 5: RITUAL CANDLE.........$8.50
    • WHAT: 
    Anointed and Charged Samhain Beeswax Ritual Candle
    • WHO MAKES IT?: 
    Lailoken's Awen
    • WHERE CAN I GET IT?: Available at Lailoken's Awen or The Sabbat Box Store
    • WHY WOULD I WANT IT?: Custom made and infused with corresponding oils dedicated to the Sabbat, black candles are a staple for ritual work and spellcraft on Samhain.

    This deep, dark black beeswax Samhain candle from Lailoken’s Awen was custom made specifically for the 2017 Samhain Sabbat Box. Each candle comes ritually charged and pre-anointed with Lailoken’s potent Samhain ritual oil within, ready to be used in combination with your own spiritual workings this Samhain.

    This versatile candle is perfect to be used on an ancestor altar to honor departed loved ones, and those who came before us; it would make a divine candle to use in combination with scrying or when working divination, or use it simply to illuminate your altar or sacred space with subtle light.

    Shop Lailoken's Awen
    Lailoken's Awen

    Lailoken's Awen, Located in Thunder Bay Canada, was founded by Shawn, a magickal practitioner of Wicca and a practicing Druid for 25 years. Lailoken's Awen creates hand-crafted, organic loose incense, stick incense, anointing oils, smokeless smudge sprays, bath salts, and spell candles and more! 

    Learn more about this vendor in the featured vendors section below...


    Miriam Jasper Stone Pyramids

    ITEM 6: STONE PYRAMID...............$9.95
    • WHAT:
     Miriam Jasper Crystal Pyramid Set with Bag and Information Card
    • WHO MAKES IT?: 
    Sourced and Made by Sabbat Box
    • WHERE CAN I GET IT?: Available at the Sabbat Box Store
    • WHY WOULD I WANT IT?: These beautiful pyramids are a great addition to altar or sacred space as an aid in meditation and divinatory work.

    Miriam Jasper, also known as calligraphy stone, Arabic stone, or script stone, is as beautiful as it is unique. This stone ironically isn’t a jasper but is actually made up of fossilized seashell, bone, and vegetation from an ancient lake that came under great pressure when the Himalayas were forming.

    Known as a diviner’s stone, Miriam Jasper is said to carry protective qualities due to the hematite inside. It is also said to aid with automatic writing and accessing the akashic records during meditation. It is also known as “calligraphy stone” due to the flowing lines that run through it, like a handwriting


    • 1 Miriam Jasper Stone Pyramid
    • 1 Info card for your book of shadows
    • 1 Black felt bag for safe keeping

    If you are ever attempting "automatic writing," keep your pyramid in your opposite writing hand (your non dominate hand), or near where you are writing to help you pick up the vibration or energy of spirit to aid in your automatic writing. Here is a great video on automatic writing by The Witchy Mommy. 

    Miriam Jasper Pyramid By Sabbat Box
    Miriam Jasper Pyramid



    Samhain Sabbat Box - For Cunning Folk Alike

    PACKING & SHIPPING: Part of the costs of your box include the box and the packing material itself. The items listed below account for a good portion of the overall costs for the Samhain Sabbat Boxes. Each Samhain Sabbat Box is lined with paper padding and wrapping to add to the surprise of what we’ve curated for you. Shipping is also included in the total price for Sabbat Boxes. The cost to ship boxes is roughly $9.00. Also, we here at Sabbat Box wish to be as environmentally friendly that we can be and do our best to source packing supplies and material from companies that have the same beliefs we do, in that we want to make as little of an impact as possible on the environment, while also keeping the content of your boxes safe as they make their journey to you. 

    BOXES: Your boxes where made from high quality corrugated paper and are 100% recyclable. Try to find another use for your box. They are 9x9x3 on the inside. You could decorate your box to hold some magical supplies or use it again to ship something to someone or save it for another time when you may need it. If you have to get rid of it, please try to recycle it.

    BROCHURES: Your brochures are printed on recyclable 16pt paper, which is sourced from sustainable forests.

    TISSUE PAPER & FILLING: The black tissue paper is made from 100% recycled paper and is recyclable. The black colored filler inside each box is made from scraps of recycled colored crinkle paper and is biodegradable. The filler comes from an eco friendly, company. 

    STICKERS: The stickers found within your boxes where printed on vinyl with a gloss laminate.


    Samhain Sabbat Box Savings

    Part of our goal is to provide a number of items to our members at a value far above what individuals can purchase on their own. When you add up all of the items inside your Samhain Sabbat Box, as well as costs for shipping and packaging, you are saving over $39.00. We believe this to be another good reason to be a member. Also, each box we create helps to support Pagan run businesses and their employees. Sabbat Box looks forward to continuing to stay within our mission to work with other Pagan businesses to supply products for each box.

    • Total MSRP of items inside: $76.40 

    • Total Savings on this box: $30.45 
    • Total Shipping Savings: $9.00 
    • Grand Total In Savings: $39.45 

    Our members helped to support 5 small/Pagan run businesses with their Sabbat Box membership! We work with other Pagans and Pagan owned businesses within the community to purchase, curate and supply the items featured within our boxes. In the end, we want to help the community grow and share our business with companies that share our same values and standards.


    FOG Apothecary


    ABOUT THEM AND WHAT THEY SELL: FOG ( is a ritual apothecary balancing energy through chakras, moon phases, spirit animals, and light + shadow work. Founded by Bryanna back in 2014, Bryanna created FOG as a conduit for healing, exploring her darkness, and sharing her discoveries with kindred spirits; this apothecary contains the truest essence of her soul.

    Located in Southeastern Pennsylvania, FOG offers an array of ritual anointing balms and crystal essences geared toward ritual and spiritual workings. All products are smudged with sage at their birth, nurtured with crystals + reiki, and made with organic, wildcrafted or locally sourced ingredients. As Bryanna’s inner journey evolves, so too will FOG, in perpetuum. 

    Use during checkout at FOG to receive 15% off your purchase.


    The Vodou Store - Featured Inside The Samhain Sabbat Box


    ABOUT THEM AND WHAT THEY SELL: Started by Docteur Cæli, The Vodou Store humbly began back in December of 2010 with only a select few products, most notably self-adhesive candle labels featuring the lwa of Haitian Vodou, Docteur Cæli's initiated religion, and this is where the store got its name.

    Over time the product line began to expand to include items related to hoodoo, conjure, witchcraft, and products featuring pagan gods representative of Hellfurian Liontari's religion (Caeli's partner), and began to transform from a store carrying about 5 products to featuring over 1000. Their candle labels and prayer cards have been able to fill the need for many other religions and feature traditional prayers compiled with the help of experts within those religions, initiated priests, and scholars who specialize in those fields.

    Their working products such as their baths, incense, conjure rubs, dirts, sachet powders, gris gris, colognes, and oils, etc., are meticulously hand crafted staying true to the religions they have experience and knowledge with. It is their goal to create only the best and most authentic tools for their customers, tools that can be incorporated into any personal practice.



    Lailoken's Awen


    ABOUT THEM AND WHAT THEY SELL: Located in Thunder Bay, Canada, Lailoken's Awen was founded by Shawn Hebert. Shawn has been a practicing Druid and Wiccan for over 25 years, and is also a practitioner of the Golden Dawn system of magic. In his professional life he is a clinical aromatherapist and herbalist. 

    His introduction to the use of essential oils and herbs came with his first tentative steps on his Pagan path. He learned of their energetic properties and associations, and how to incorporate them into ritual and spell work. Nine years ago he began his education in aromatherapy and herbalism, and has studied extensively over the years not only their therapeutic properties, but also their energetic properties. As well as compounding blends based on their energetic properties, Lailoken takes the creation process one step further and utilizes the energies of the universe around us by creating each product on the appropriate day, during the appropriate hour, and even during the proper phase of the Moon and time of the year. This allows him to create the most potent, energetic products he can offer to you. 



    • TIME •

    The Samhain Box For Cunning Folk Alike

    We take pride in assembling each and every Sabbat Box by hand, no matter the amount of time it takes. We don't just throw your items inside a flat rate priority mail box like some other subscription box companies out there. We want your Sabbat Box to be delivered to you as beautifully as it left us, and it takes a tremendous amount of time to complete this task.

    This includes folding the boxes together, individually cutting each sheet of tissue paper by hand, weighing out the crinkle paper for each box, designing the flyers, coupons, stickers and brochures to be printed professionally by commercial printers, individually placing each item within their corresponding bags, individually assembling the boxes, individually packing the tissue paper within each box by hand and also putting together and creating product packing. This timeframe doesn't even include the efforts made to manage the Sabbat Box website, the back end billing system, social media management, customer service inquiries, accounting, marketing, purchasing, networking, and so on. This is a labor of love and we enjoy serving the community!

    We believe in what it is we are doing and we sincerely hope that each and every one of you can see that the purest of intent and utmost care goes into curating each Sabbat Box.


    2017 Samhain Sabbat Box Unboxing Video

    Don't forget to share your unboxing videos with us for Samhain here



    • The White Goddess - Celebrating Samhain: Article
    • Deeper into Samhain via the OBOD: Article
    • The History of Samhain: Article
    • A collection of Samhain Rituals via Witchy Words: Articles 
    • 7 Ways to celebrate Samhain: Video
    • Ravenstar's Witching Hour Special With Selena Fox on Samhain: Video

    We would like to thank each and every one of our suppliers, vendors, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, our members, for making Sabbat Box possible. This wouldn't even be happening if it wasn't for our members. We hope to continue to serve the Pagan community at large and continue to provide you inspiration to celebrate The Wheel of the Year! Have a Blessed Samhain!

    Blessed Be,
    Llyfr & Hugh
    Founders of Sabbat Box

    Samhain Sabbat Box for 2017 - Blessed Samhain

    Samhain 2017 Sabbat Box Theme Release • The Samhain Box - For Cunning Folk Alike 0

    Samhain Sabbat Box Theme for 2017 - The Samhain Box For Cunning Folk Alike


    Dusk envelops the oranges and reds of decaying leaves; bony trunks and branches blacken against a purpling sky. There are sounds on the forest floor...echoes of unseen things that instill uncertainty, maybe fear. The path becomes hazy, the course forward misted in damp and shadow. The veil of night soon takes us all, and we may sometimes struggle to find our way. As the Wheel turns to the end of one year and the beginning of the next, as the plunge into winter lies just over the horizon and darkness begins to reign, the way forward many not be so clear. Though the coming season make be dark, the light within us will always shine to lead the way.

    Samhain Sabbat Box Theme Release - The Samhain Box - For Cunning Folk AlikeFor this year’s Samhain Sabbat Box, we have turned our focus on curating a variety of items that may shine a light on the season's darkening path--light not from the sky, but from ourselves. Since the magick and celebration of Samhain is versatile, and its significance often greater for most, we wanted to make sure that the items found within our flagship box were equally versatile in their use. On top of versatility, we have also curated items that go specifically hand in hand with this sabbat in particular, tools to aid with parting the veil, divination work, working with spirit guides, our higher selves, and more.

    It is during "summer's end"...on All Hallow's Eve, and the witches' new year, that we start to embrace the coming darkness. As the veil between the living and the dead fades, we call upon our ancestors and those who came before us, to guide us in the coming months, while honoring them during our rites. We honor the Earth for the final fruit that she bears, and reflect upon the sacrifices we had to make to get to where we are, while prepping for the future. Though the future for certain may be unknown, and questions may arise, we as cunning folk use this time to work divination in effort to seek what may be coming our way.

    Samhain Sabbat Box - Witch Subscription Box - Wiccan Subscription Box

    When we as practitioners are presented with questions, or head into the unknown, we put our magick to the test, attempting to find the answers we need with divination, and we proceed to manifest the outcomes we desire with our own magickal pursuits. Divination is a practice that helps us to see our way forward as well as see where we have been. We use divinatory tools to intuit our place and get our bearings of where we are on our path; it is a means to understand the conditions that surround us, to help us make choices that will bring light and life our way, despite the darkness or negativity that can sometimes surround us.

    We hope the items we have curated this year for Samhain bring you light to shine in dark places, to scare away the shadows of uncertainty and bring to focus your own still voice (or the voices of the guides within you) as a way forward through the winter season. We are hopeful that the new "witches' year" will be ever brighter and kinder and that your steps will be sure-footed and sound. Samhain, the witches' new year, is when the veil is thinnest, and we could think of no better way to take advantage of this time than to get in touch with the unspoken, the unaware, the unknown. Whether you look toward your ancestors, your gods, or just yourself, we at Sabbat Box hope this collection of items may help you best connect with the sabbat, while illuminating your magickal path.



    The 2017 Samhain Sabbat Box

    What’s a Poppet? 90


    What Are Voodoo Dolls and Poppets - Sabbat Box Blog

    "The old crone hunches over her work, raising her hand. There is a flash of golden light, a reflection of the fire on a sharp pin. She plunges the pin into the small object she holds: a cloth effigy, its arms and legs splayed out. Just as the pin enters the cloth, across town, a man grabs his stomach, his face a mask of pain and terror. The old crone cackles, her wrath meted out in horrific precision!"

    What is a Voodoo Doll - What is a Poppet?There are few practices of Paganism or witchcraft more widely known--and widely misinformed--to the outside world than the concept and use of “Voodoo dolls.” While the actual items named as such are predominately a myth of twentieth-century popular culture, there are numerous accounts of folk magic and witchcraft practitioners using what is better termed a poppet.

    The term “poppet" actually comes from Middle English, with roots in the Latin word for girl or doll. The word puppet, which came later, also derives from this. The use of a poppet in modern Pagan practice is actually a method of sympathetic magic--having an item represent or correspond to another thing. A poppet, usually being “person-shaped”, often represents someone to whom the magickal working or spell is directed.

    And while pop culture implies anything person shaped is purely for darkness and evil,Black Poppet - Sabbat Box
     that dreaded “voodoo doll”, the reality is poppets can represent any form of intent by its user, good or bad. Health, prosperity, protection, peace...all of these goals can correspond to the use of a poppet as well. Want to protect your loved one while they are away on travel? A poppet, filled with stones, herbs, or other materials that correspond to your goals and connect with that loved one can be a powerful form of directed will and intention. Worried about a coworker that has been causing strife or difficulties at your job? A poppet representing this person can be utilized to diminish or obstruct that person’s negative energies or intentions.

    We have included a kit for making your own poppet within the 2016 Samhain Sabbat Box, and we hope we have helped to widen the understanding of this often-maligned Pagan practice. As Samhain is a time devoted for many Pagans as a devotion to those who have passed on and the wisdom of our ancestors, the poppet in the Sabbat Box can represent someone who you hold dear and wish to “hear from” in your everyday life, to remind you of the care they had for you, the wisdom they may have imparted, and the joy they brought to your life. It can also be used to draw in those spirits of the departed for protection. Whatever your intent may be, adding different methods of magick into your practice helps to broaden your knowledge of the craft and help further inspire you to work your craft in unique ways -- our main goal and objective here at Sabbat Box. 

    No sharp pins necessary ;-)


  • Using a magickal poppet
  • Wikipedia Article On Poppets
  • Poppets and Voodoo Dolls - From A Root Workers Perspective
  • How to use Hoodoo Dolls, Effigy Dolls, Spirit Dolls and Helper Dolls 
  • Creole Moon - Information About New Orleans Voodoo Dolls
  • How do Voodoo Dolls Actually Work - Original Botanica


    Guardian Protection Poppet Kit

    Discover the 2016 Samhain Sabbat Box - Beyond The Veil 15


    2016 Samhain Sabbat Box - Beyond The Veil

    Hail and Welcome, Sabbat Box Members and Friends!

    The Wheel of the Year once again has reached the end of the summer and autumn harvest time, and Samhain represents that time in nature when crops are out of the ground and the snow has not yet fallen, ensuring a clear path between our world and the one Beyond. This is a common time for many Pagans to commune with their ancestors and loved one who have passed on, to honor the love and wisdom that they gave while they were still with us and to not forget the lessons that they shared.

    We wanted to focus this Samhain on the tools and materials that will allow you to safely navigate the space between spaces, which can provide a conduit between the seen and the unseen, the known and the Unknown. Whether it is an honoring ritual, divination, or meditation, these items give their user protection against negative forces or energies while working in the Beyond. 

    • As some of you may know, as of now we are currently at our maximum membership capacity at Sabbat Box. We have implemented a waiting list for those interested in joining when membership positions become available. You can join the waiting list here
    • Do you or someone you know make a product that would appeal to the Pagan community? Are you looking to launch a product or get your product in front of a large audience? If so, lets talk! Sabbat Box is always looking for new vendors and suppliers that create unique items to feature inside an upcoming Sabbat Box. Sabbat Box is a great way for people to find out about you, your product or your company. Whether you are looking to advertise inside the box or wish to feature a product within a box, we would love to hear from you. Register to become a Sabbat Box Supplier/Advertiser today.


      Voodoo Doll Kit - Poppet Kit - Guardian Protection Poppet Kit

      • ITEM 1: POPPET KIT.........$21.95
      • WHAT:
      Guardian - Protection Poppet Kit
      • WHO MAKES IT IT?: 
      Charme et Sortilege aka (Charm and Spell)
      • WHERE CAN I GET IT?: Charme et Sortilege or the Sabbat Box Store
      • WHY WOULD I WANT IT?: A poppet is a powerful from of sympathetic magick and has a multitude of uses.

      This Samhain we wanted to include something unique for our members that would coincide with the Sabbat as well as the thinning of the veil, so we found these wonderful hand sewn poppet kits from our Canadian friends at Charme et Sortilege wiccan supplies store

      Each hand crafted poppet kit comes with everything you need to create your very own protection poppet. The poppet in this particular kit is meant to act as an effigy of protetion and can be used to summon and house protective spirits and energies (especially while the veil is thin). Poppets can also be used for other things depending on your intent. It can serve as protection for a particular person or place, a representation of love or healing, a conjure doll, a voodoo or spirit doll--all of which are made and used differently depending on your purpose and need. One of the great things about a poppet kit like this is that it is so versatile.

      This particular poppet kit comes with three packets of protection-corresponding herbs for filling (star anise, raspberry leaf, and alfalfa), a gemstone (magnetic hematite) for attraction and drawing in protection, a filling stick, needle and thread, as well as basic instructions on how to use it. 

      Located in Montreal, Charme et Sortilege (aka Charm and Spell), creates and sells high quality, beautifully crafted spiritual supplies for those who practice the craft. They have been serving the Pagan community for over 13 years. The majority of their products are made in house and are one of a kind. Though they are located in Canada, they offer their unique products for purchase to anyone in the world. Visit their website to browse their extensive and magical product line:


      Beyond The Veil Gem Essence Herbal Elixir - Highest Self Elixirs

      • ITEM 2: SPECIAL EDITION ELIXIR.......$12.00
      • WHAT:
       Beyond The Veil - Gem Essence Herbal Elixir
      • WHO MAKES IT?: Highest Self Elixirs
      • WHERE CAN I GET IT?: Highest Self Elixirs or the Sabbat Box Store
      • WHY WOULD I WANT IT?: This elixir is made to help connect to the space beyond the veil to commune with those who have passed on from this world.

      When we work magick, meditate, or work a spell, we open ourselves spiritually in order to manifest our intent. That said, there are times that we may want to invite those who have gone beyond the veil into our practice--when working divination, for instance--and there are times we may want to venture beyond the veil and open ourselves up further in order to connect with the guides and petition our ancestors to provide us guidance and answers during meditation, divination, past life regression, or shamanic journeying. Since Samhain is an ideal time to work with and connect with our ancestors and those who have come before us, we wanted to add to this year’s Samhain Sabbat Box a product to help make this task a little easier, and this elixir does just that!

      We wanted to include a quality elixir from a reputable source, and this is why we decided to team up with Aemen Bell, the founder and owner of Highest Self Elixirs, to curate this particular item for your Samhain Box. This elixir was specially formulated by Aemen herself in effort to assist you with working beyond the veil. Aemen came up with this special formulation which is made specifically to help open the third eye and relax your crown chakra. Ingredients include: wildcrafted flowers of mugwort, chicory, purple loosestrife, organic elderberries, organic lavender, and crystal essences of Scolecite, amethyst, black obsidian, apophyllite and quartz in a base of organic grape/cane alcohol. Beyond the Veil was made during a pisces full moon.

      Highest Self Elixirs is the premier source for herbal crystal elixirs and has over 20 years of experience with herbalism and crafting quality herbal products. Highest Self Elixirs are always made with fresh wildcrafted and organic herbs. All of their elixirs are made with organic, gluten free alcohol. Each elixir is also made under relevant moon phases and with specific intent. Discover amazing chakra elixirs, gem essences, ritual sprays and spiritual products by visiting their website here:

      CAUTION: If pregnant, suffering from any medical condition or taking any medication, consult your doctor before ingesting or using herbal products. Keep out of reach of children. DO not use if allergic to ingredients listed on the label.


      Traditional Four Thieves Vinegar - Sabbat Box Exclusive Product

      • ITEM 3: EXCLUSIVE CURIO.........$7.00
      • WHAT: Traditional Hand Crafted Four Thieves Vinegar
      • WHO MAKES IT?: Exclusive Sabbat Box Product
      • WHERE CAN I GET IT?: The Sabbat Box Store
      • WHY WOULD I WANT IT?: Four Thieves Vinegar has a long history of use in protection and warding off negative attack energies, perfect for use during Samhain.

      It is from the legend of the four thieves that witches and magickal practitioners have adopted the use of this powerful liquid. This potent concoction is a base of apple cider vinegar infused with parsley, rosemary, white sage, thyme, lavender, garlic, and clove, and was mixed and cured during the course of a rare “black moon”, which only occurs about once every three years. Use this Four Thieves Vinegar for protection as the veil is thin--a defense against psychic attacks, banishment of unwanted enemies or entities, as well as for healing magick and spells.

      Legend of the Four Thieves:
      As the black plague swept through France, four thieves looted the dead without fear of falling ill or getting infected. When they were apprehended for their crimes, they confessed the ingredients of their secret concoction in exchange for their lives. They said they covered themselves in a vinegary mixture prior to coming in contact with the dead or the infected, claiming this is what kept them safe. It is from this story that witches and magickal practitioners adopted the use of four thieves vinegar. It is most commonly used in rituals and spells that pertain to protection, banishing, and healing. 


      Skull Candles - Hand Carved Skull Candles

      • ITEM 4: HAND CARVED CANDLES.........$7.00
      • WHAT: Hand carved black and white skull candles

      • WHO MAKES IT?: Sourced via Eclectic Artisans

      • WHERE CAN I GET IT?:
       The Sabbat Box Store.
      • WHY WOULD I WANT IT?: These Dual Skull Candles are a great way to honor ancestors or highlight the focus of Samhain on those who have passed on. 

      One of the most common themes in reference to observing Samhain is honoring our ancestors, as well as honoring family, friends, and loved ones who have passed away. An easy way to honor and remember those who have left us is to light a candle in their name. We included these hand carved black and white skull candles in this year’s Sabbat Box to light upon an ancestor altar, to burn in remembrance of someone who has passed, or to burn while working magick or performing a Samhain ritual that involves summoning the spirits of those who have crossed over.


      Graveyard Dust Ritual Curio

      • ITEM 5: RITUAL CURIO.........$6.50
      • WHAT IS IT: Ritually Consecrated Graveyard Dust
      • WHO MAKES IT?: Charme et Sortilege
      • WHERE CAN I GET IT?: Charme et Sortilege or the Sabbat Box Store
      • WHY WOULD I WANT IT?: This popular spell and ritual tool is used often for workings involving spirits and the dead.


      Graveyard dust is a versatile and potent tool that can be used for a wide range of ritual and magickal workings. It is often used to aid in spells or rituals dealing with spirits and the dead, as well as various forms of spirit magick. It is commonly used to invoke or petition the spirits of the dead and seek protection. This graveyard dust is made by Charme et Sortilege, who specializes in crafting ritual tools and spell supplies, and is made from a traditional recipe that includes sulfur powder and valerian root.


      Pagan Spell Incense by S.A.C.

      • ITEM 6: INCENSE.........$2.50
      • WHAT IS IT: Pagan Spell Incense
      • WHO MAKES IT?: S.A.C. (Sandesh Agarbathi Co).
      • WHERE CAN I GET IT?: The Sabbat Box Store or most metaphysical stores.
      • WHY WOULD I WANT IT?: The exotic scents of this incense blend will add another dimension to spell and ritual work.


      The light and spicy aroma of these Pagan Spell stick incense will go perfectly with your next ritual, spell, or meditation. S.A.C., which stands for Sandesh Agarbathi Company, is a new brand of stick incense to be featured in Sabbat Box. Each stick is hand rolled and made with anise essential oil and other protective herbs. We chose this incense because it contained Anise, which is an herb that corresponds to protection and purification and makes a festive and favorable correspondence when performing spellwork this Samhain.


      Samhain Sabbat Box - Beyond The Veil

      PACKING & SHIPPING: Part of the costs of your box include the box and the packing material itself. The items listed below account for a good portion of the overall costs for the Samhain Sabbat Boxes. Each Samhain Sabbat Box is lined with paper padding and wrapping to add to the surprise of what we’ve curated for you. Shipping is also included in the total price. The average cost to ship Sabbat Boxes has gone up the past few months due to the postal price increases. The cost to ship boxes is roughly $8.50. With that being said, we here at Sabbat Box wish to be as environmentally friendly that we can be and do our best to source packing supplies and material from companies that have the same beliefs we do, in that we want to make as little of an impact as possible on the environment.

      BOXES: Your boxes where made from high quality corrugated paper and are 100% recyclable. Try to find another use for your box. They are 9x9x3 on the inside. You could decorate your box to hold some magical supplies or use it again to ship something to someone or save it for another time when you may need it. If you have to get rid of it, please try to recycle it.

      BROCHURE: Your brochures are printed on 100% recyclable 16pt paper, which is sourced from sustainable forests.

      TISSUE PAPER & FILLING: The black tissue paper is made from 100% recycled paper and is recyclable. The black colored filler inside each box is made from scraps of recycled colored crinkle paper and is biodegradable.

      STICKERS: The stickers found within your boxes where printed on vinyl with a gloss laminate.


      Samhain Sabbat Box Savings

      Part of our goal is to provide a number of items to our members at a value far above what individuals can purchase on their own. When you add up all of the items inside your Samhain Sabbat Box, as well as costs for shipping and packaging, you are saving over $25.00. We believe this to be another good reason to be a member. Also, each box we create helps to support Pagan run businesses and their employees. Sabbat Box looks forward to continuing to stay within our mission to work with other Pagan businesses to supply products for each box.

      • Total MSRP of items inside: $56.95 

      • Total Savings on this box: $17.00 
      • Total Shipping Savings: $8.50 
      • Grand Total In Savings: $25.50 

      Our members helped to support 5 Pagan run businesses with their Sabbat Box membership! We work with other Pagans and Pagan owned businesses within the community to purchase, curate and supply the items featured within our boxes. In the end, we want to help the community grow and share our business with companies that share our same values and standards.


      The Twisted Unicorn

      • WHAT THEY SELL: Twisted Unicorn - Metaphysical Gifts for the curious wanderer. The Twisted Unicorn is a small family run business. Just a simple family of four with two dogs, a bird, and a fish. Twisted Unicorn was conceived with the thought in mind, offering spiritual and unique items no matter what path (you the wanderer) is on. Discover unique pagan jewelry, pagan candles, handmade goods and more! Learn more about The Twisted Unicorn and shop their store here.
      • WEBSITE:

      • TIME •

      Samhain Sabbat Box - Beyond The Veil

      We take pride in assembling each and every Sabbat Box by hand, no matter the amount of time it takes. We don't just throw your items inside a flat rate priority mail box like some other subscription box companies out there. We want your Sabbat Box to be delivered to you as beautifully as it left us, and it takes a tremendous amount of time to complete this task.

      This includes folding the boxes together, individually cutting each sheet of tissue paper by hand, weighing out the crinkle paper for each box, designing the flyers, coupons, stickers and brochures to be printed professionally by commercial printers, individually placing each item within their corresponding bags, individually assembling the boxes, individually packing the tissue paper within each box by hand putting together and creating product packing. This timeframe doesn't even include the efforts made to manage the Sabbat Box website, the back end billing system, social media management, customer service inquiries, accounting, marketing, purchasing, networking, and so on. This is a labor of love and we enjoy serving the community!

      We believe in what it is we are doing and we sincerely hope that each and every one of you can see that the purest of intent and utmost care goes into curating each Sabbat Box.


      2016 Official Samhain Sabbat Box Unboxing Video - Beyond The Veil Theme



      We would like to thank each and every one of our suppliers, vendors, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, our members, for making Sabbat Box possible. This wouldn't even be happening if it wasn't for our members. We hope to continue to serve the Pagan community at large and continue to provide you inspiration to celebrate The Wheel of the Year! Have a happy Samhain and may you connect deeply with your ancestors!

      Blessed Be,
      Llyfr & Hugh
      Founders of Sabbat Box

      Beyond the Veil Sabbat Box Breakdown

      Samhain 2016 Sabbat Box Theme Release • Beyond The Veil 4

      Samhain Sabbat Box Theme for 2016 Samhain Box


      "The way is shut. It was made by those who are Dead, and the Dead keep it, until the time comes. The way is shut.”
      —J.R.R. Tolkien, The Return of the King

      Representation of going beyond "The Veil" during SamhainThe Dead speak to us all the time. We may hear a voice of a family member, a friend, a lover—of those who has since passed on. The voices remind us of who they were and what they meant to us. Their words of wisdom and friendship and kindness never leave us, even if their physical presence has long since disappeared. We can seek the words and admonishments of our ancestors and loved ones as lights on our own path.

      The boundary between us and the Dead can feel as thick and as blocked as a vault door, or as thin and fragile as a spiderweb. Many Pagans refer to the boundary between the living and the dead as "the veil." The grand sabbat of Samhain affords us the ability to look beyond the veil, as it is said that the veil is at its thinnest during this time of year — it asks us to look back and into the darkness and find the counsel of past lives who have touched ours.

      The theme for this Samhain’s Sabbat Box is all about moving (or at least looking) beyond that veil: to honor those who came before us and gave to us the things we need in our own lives. Spend some time in your sacred space, looking beyond the veil. Try your hand at a new form of divination and see what those voices might whisper to you, the Living. Ask questions, search your memories, and allow the wisdom of those who love you and have moved on to guide you through the darkness, and beyond the veil. The items you will find within the 2016 Samhain Sabbat Box will consist of an array of magickal supplies that one can utilize when working beyond the veil and working within the shadows as well as honoring those who came before us. 

      Samhain Sabbat Box Theme for 2016 - Beyond The Veil

      Discover the 2016 Samhain Sabbat Box Here

      Discover The Samhain Sabbat Box - The Witches' Sabbath 4


      Samhain Sabbat Box - The Witches Sabbath

      Greetings Sabbat Box Members!

      The end of the year is fast approaching. It’s getting dark a little earlier every day, and stays that way just a little longer every morning. While many have been raised to think this time of year is just about dressing in silly costumes, knocking on neighbors’ doors, and hauling in as much candy as our make-shift pillowcase/goody bag would hold, those who have headed down the spiritual path of Paganism realize there is so much more to experience, appreciate, and learn about All Hallows’ Eve.

      As you will see from the list of items below, we’ve done our best to marry the festive enjoyment that our modern society has cultivated around the 31st of October, but also focus on the powerful work that our paths can conjure from this magical time of year. We worked hard to curate items inside this box that would help one appreciate the importance of this holiday as well as, maybe, offer a little smirk and a wink (incense from freshly-squeezed vampires, anyone?) and even threw in a little morsel that you may have found at the bottom of that pillowcase years ago on November 1st.

      Wherever your traditions, your path, or your craft take you, this “Witches’ New Year” can be a wonderful time to reflect, assess, and honor the time that we have been given on this plane, and to honor those who came before us as the veil thins, inviting our ancestors to visit us once again. We sincerely hope you enjoy what we have put together inside the Samhain box and we hope you enjoy putting these magical items to use in your own special way.

      • As some of you may know, as of now we are currently at our maximum membership capacity at Sabbat Box. We have implemented a waiting list for those interested in joining when membership positions become available. You can join the waiting list here.

      • Do you or someone you know make a product that would appeal to the Pagan community? Are you looking to launch a product or get your product in front of a large audience? If so, lets talk! Sabbat Box is always looking for new vendors and suppliers that create unique items to feature inside an upcoming Sabbat Box. Sabbat Box is a great way for people to find out about you, your product or your company. Whether you are looking to advertise inside the box or wish to feature a product within a box, we would love to hear from you. Become a Sabbat Box Supplier/Advertiser today.


      Samhain Rituals Recipes and Lore For Halloween By Diana Rajchel -Sabbat Box

      • ITEM 1: SAMHAIN BOOK.........$11.99
      • WHAT:
       Samhain-Rituals, Recipes and Lore for Halloween (part of Llewellyn's Sabbat Essentials series) 
      • WHO MAKES IT?: 
      Llewellyn Worldwide & Authored By Diana Rajchel
      • WHERE CAN I GET IT?: You can purchase copies via the Sabbat Box Store or via Llewellyn.
      • WHY WOULD I WANT IT?: Llewellyn has been a trusted source for books on Paganism, Magick and New Age topics since 1901. This particular book features spells, recipes, lore, invocations, correspondences, crafts and rituals that will help to inspire you to celebrate Samhain in your own unique way.

      Part of what we wish to do here at Sabbat Box is to provide further resources
      for our members pertaining to paganism, witchcraft and the Sabbats. The Sabbat Essentials series are wonderful resource books and will truly help you find inspiration on how to celebrate the Sabbat in your own special way. Some may say that these books are geared more towards beginners, but you would be surprised to read how much information is packed within these books, which is helpful for both seasoned practitioners as well as a novice! We decided to feature Llewellyn's Sabbat Essentials books when we started Sabbat Box, as this line of books is brand new to Llewellyn, (making them first edition prints) and they correlate perfectly with what Sabbat Box is all about. In fact, these first edition printings come out only a few weeks before we ship each Sabbat Box, which makes our members some of the first people to actually own and read them. The book’s author, Diana Rajchel, has written other books on Paganism, including her most recent book, "Divorcing A Real Witch," and has also contributed to many other popular Llewellyn publications

      We believe that every Pagan can gain something from this collection of Samhain practices, or at least inspire you to try something new that you may not have thought to do before. You will find an array of fantastic information pertaining to Samhain/Halloween, including plenty of rituals, spells and inspiration for your Samhain celebrations. 

      An excerpt from "A Banishment of Ill Spirits" on page 163.
      I sweep you out;
      I turn you about,
      Troublesome spirits,
      Go to the gods!
      Leave here for the rivers,
      Depart the skies--
      I bid you, fly!
      I'll not have you linger,
      With your venomous trouble.
      I'll know if you hang on!
      I pry you loose, claw by finger,
      Command you with the charge:
      Count every drop of water in every lake,
      Ocean, river and sea;
      Count each grain of rice that ever was,
      Count each grain that shall ever be;
      Count every leaf on every tree,
      That will fall or that will be,
      Never again return--
      Don't come near me!

      These books have been a great hit within the Sabbat Box community and we continue to plan on including the Sabbat Essentials series until Ostara of next that point we will have included each book from the Sabbat Essentials series within each Sabbat Box for the first year.


      The Witches Sabbath Black Ritual Protection Tapers - By Sabbat Box

      • ITEM 2: BLACK RITUAL TAPERS........$5.50
      • WHAT:
       The Witches' Sabbath Protection Black Ritual Tapers
      • WHO MAKES IT?: Sabbat Box (exclusive Sabbat Box item).
      • WHERE CAN I GET IT?: The Sabbat Box store.
      • WHY WOULD I WANT IT?: A nice set of spell candles can always come in handy for any practicing witch. One may want a decent set of black tapers for spells, to adorn your altar, or to work protective magick.  

      Since the veil is thin, we felt that our Witches’ Sabbath Protection Black Ritual Tapers would come in handy for Samhain. Whether you use them to illuminate your sacred space, perform a quick spell, or place them upon your window sill to guide the spirit of your ancestors home during Samhain, our black ritual tapers have a multitude of uses. Candles have always played an essential role in witchcraft, and every witch should have a pair of ritual tapers on hand at any given time. Each set comes with a simple chant to release your spell/magick as well. 

      By wax of candle,
      By way of flame,
      I conjure up my will,
      By dark of night,
      By witches' right,
      I beseech my spell.

      • Use on your altar as standard black altar candles, to match your Samhain decor
      • Use for protective candle magick
      • Use as guides for your ancestors on All Hallow's Eve
      • Use for standard candle magick
      • Write a petition on the back side of the parchment label and burn on the candles flame to release your magickal intent.


      The Spirit Of Samhain Sabbat Oil By Moonlit Herbals

      • ITEM 3: SABBAT OIL.........$7.50
      • WHAT: The Spirit of Samhain Sabbat Oil
      • WHO MAKES IT?: Moonlit Herbals
      • WHERE CAN I GET IT?: The Sabbat Box Store or via Moonlit Herbals
      • WHY WOULD I WANT IT?: Many Pagans utilize oil in their magical practice and ritual as a way to dedicate, protect, or consecrate people and items. This particular oil and its scent will invoke powerful imagery of Samhain and its long-standing traditions.

      The Spirit of Samhain ritual sabbat oil will make a wonderful addition to your Samhain rites, rituals, and spells involving divination, honoring loved ones who have passed, and working between the shadows. Each oil is handcrafted with organic herbs and resins as well as high quality organic essential oils. Each vial of oil also contains black onyx and carnelian crystals to lend their corresponding energies. Moonlit Herbals is located in Olympia, Washington and has been serving the Pagan community since 2007. Check out Moonlit Herbals unique array of witchcraft supplies and spell supplies such as: spell candles, oils, herbs, and more by visiting their Etsy Shop at

      • Black Onyx
      : Protection, grounding, clearing, consecration
      • Carnelian: Power, love, purification, magick


      Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Cards - Samhain Sabbat Box

      • ITEM 4: FORTUNE TELLING CARDS.........$7.00
      • WHAT: 
      Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards
      • WHO MAKES IT?:
      U.S. GAMES
      • WHERE CAN I GET IT?:
      You can purchase at the Sabbat Box Store.
      For many Pagans, divination is a integral part of their practice in the Craft. This beginner-style deck is a great introduction to reading cards as it uses tarot-style imagery in its art along with regular playing card imagery as well. 

      During Samhain, it is very common for witches to work divination. We wanted to include something unique inside your box that could allow you to do so while the veil is thin, and these novelty fortune telling cards fit the bill! U.S. Games has been serving the Pagan community for 45 plus years, making unique items such as fortune telling cards and more. 

      The Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Cards where originated back in the 1930's and its imagery is based off of the early Lenormand tarot artwork, making for a beautiful display of both occult and pagan imagery. Each deck comes with instructions on how to use them and different spreads for the deck.


      Black Salt Witches Black Salt Sel Noir Samhain Sabbat Box

      • ITEM 5: BLACK SALT.........$7.00
      • WHAT IS IT: Traditionally Made Black Salt - Sel Noir
      • WHO MAKES IT?: Charm et Sortilege 
      • WHERE CAN I GET IT?: The Sabbat Box Store.
      • WHY WOULD I WANT IT?: Salt has been used for millennia as a purifier and preserver of foods, and in spellwork or ritual, the role is very similar. Black salt, specially consecrated for the Craft, absorbs and protects against negativity or unwanted spiritual energies. 

      This traditionally made black salt is energetically charged and consecrated, making it a useful magickal component for protection and banishing. Sprinkle in an area you want to protect or within your circle to boost your magic. Black salt is especially beneficial to use during Samhain while the veil has parted to keep unwelcome spirits away.

      • Use to cleanse and consecrate sacred space
      • Imbue your intent within and sprinkle around outside of home
      • Place beneath outside doormat for protection magick
      • Use in conjunction with spell work
      • Use to consecrate ritual tools or spell supplies
      • Place inside a poppet, mojo bag/mojo hand or gris gris


      Black Sage Smudge Sticks - Mugwort Smudge Stick - Samhain Sabbat Box

      • ITEM 6: BLACK SAGE.........$3.50
      • WHAT IS IT?:
      Black Sage Smudge Stick (Mugwort)
      • WHO MAKES IT?: Mother Nature
      • WHERE CAN I GET IT?: You can purchase at the Sabbat Box Store.
      • WHY WOULD I WANT IT?: Fresh, wild harvest black sage smudge sticks are the perfect ritual smudge stick for the witch at heart. Black sage, also known as mugwort has many magical uses, especially during Samhain. 


      Black sage, also known as mugwort, is very closely related to divination, astral projection, and psychic power, making it a potent herb for witches to use during Samhain. Many Pagans will burn mugwort prior to working divination to protect themselves. Some may also take mugwort, rosemary, salt, and water to create a consecrated concoction for protection, as well as to spiritually cleanse the home and altar.

      • FOLK NAMES: Artemis Herb, Sailor's Tobacco, Black Sage
      • GENDER: Feminine
      • PLANET: Venus
      • ELEMENT: Earth
      • DEITIES: Artemis, Diana
      • MAGICAL USE: Psychic power, protection, strength, prophetic dreams, healing, astral projection.


      Vampire Blood Incense - Vampires Blood Stick Incense Samhain Sabbat Box

      • ITEM 7: STICK INCENSE.........$3.00
      • WHAT: 
      Vampire Blood Incense
      • WHO MAKES IT?: Devils Garden
      • WHERE CAN I GET IT?: Via the Sabbat Box Store, or most metaphysical suppliers 
      • WHY WOULD I WANT IT?: Vampire Blood stick incense are a premium, hand rolled, organic stick incense with an amazing, intoxicating aroma, and will add a magical feel to your next rite.

      The name may be slightly macabre, but Vampire Blood incense are some of the best quality stick incense you can find. Each incense is made from a unique blend of rare herbs, flowers, resins, and essential oils. There are hints of vanilla, musk, and sandalwood, as well as a little benzoin and dragon’s blood resin. They are on the stronger side, but oh so intoxicating. These incense are made using the “Masala” method, which means herbs, resins, and oils are mixed together to create a paste and that paste is then hand rolled onto the incense stick. This method makes for a better quality incense overall. All of the ingredients used to make these incense are organic, non-toxic, and ozone friendly.

      We chose to feature Vampire Blood incense within the Samhain Sabbat Box because their scent does almost mimic the deep fall season. Each pack of Vampire Blood incense comes with 10 sticks, which is more then plenty to facilitate your magical sabbat workings. 


      • ITEM 8: OBSIDIAN STONE.........$2.00
      • WHAT: 
      Black Obsidian Tumbled Gemstone Sets 
      • WHO MAKES IT?: Mother Nature
      • WHERE CAN I GET IT?: Via the Sabbat Box Store, or most metaphysical suppliers. 
      • WHY WOULD I WANT IT?: Black Obsidian gemstone set, perfect for the gemstone and crystal collector! Each Black Obsidian Gemstone Set comes with a bag, an info card & 1 black obsidian. Obsidian is a versatile gemstone with many metaphysical properties that can come in handy during samhain.

      Black obsidian is naturally occurring volcanic glass, and is created when hot lava comes into contact with water and is rapidly cooled, forming a powerful stone with a deep dark color. Black obsidian is said to provide strong psychic protection and shields against negative energies. It is also a great stone for grounding. Obsidian is also said to aid with divination and channeling, making it a perfect stone for Samhain and the parting of the veil. 


      Samhain Sabbat Box - The Witches Sabbath

      PACKING & SHIPPING: Part of the costs of your box include the box and the packing material itself. The items listed below account for a good portion of the overall costs for the Samhain Box. Each Samhain Sabbat Box is lined with paper padding and wrapping to add to the surprise of what we’ve curated for you. Shipping is included in the total price. The average cost to ship the Samhain Box was roughly $8.00. With that being said, we here at Sabbat Box wish to be as environmentally friendly that we can be and do our best to source packing supplies and material from companies that have the same beliefs we do, in that we want to make as little of an impact as possible on the environment.

      BOXES: Your boxes where made from high quality corrugated paper and are 100% recyclable. Try to find another use for your box. They are 9x9x3 on the inside. You could decorate your box to hold some magical supplies or use it to again to ship something to someone or save it for another time when you may need it. If you dispose of it, try to recycle it.

      BROCHURE & COUPONS: Your brochures are printed on 100% recyclable 16pt paper, which is sourced from sustainable forests. They are ECF (elemental chlorine free), helping to have less of an impact on the environment.

      TISSUE PAPER & FILLING: The black tissue paper is made from 100% recycled paper and is recyclable. The filling is made from scraps of recycled "black" crinkle paper and is biodegradable.

      STICKERS: The stickers found within your boxes where printed on vinyl with a gloss laminate.


      Samhain Sabbat Box Coupons


      Part of our goal is to provide a number of items to our members at a value far above what individuals can purchase on their own. When you add up all of the items inside your Samhain Sabbat Box, as well as costs for shipping and packaging, you are saving over $14.99 with your Samhain Sabbat Box. We believe this to be another good reason to be a member. Also, each box we create helps to support Pagan run businesses and their employees. Sabbat Box looks forward to continuing to stay within our mission to work with other Pagan businesses to supply products for each box.

      Coupons are another great feature you will find within Sabbat Boxes. Coupons just add to the overall value of your box and are not included in the "total savings" specified on your information sheet/brochure. Check out the Pagan run businesses below and see the great discounts our members received inside the Samhain Box. Be sure to visit their online store and help support their businesses. They really do make some magickal, Pagan products. 

      • Total MSRP of items inside: $46.99 

      • Total Savings on this box: $7.04 
      • Total Shipping Savings: $7.95 
      • Grand Total In Savings: $14.99 

      ~Our members helped to support 6 Pagan run businesses with their Sabbat Box membership! Unlike some subscription boxes (that only use their own products inside each of their boxes), we work with other Pagans and Pagan owned businesses within the community to purchase and supply the items featured within our boxes. In the end, we want to help the community grow and share our business with companies that share our same values and standards


      River Silverwolf Nature and Spiritual Shoppe

      • COMPANY: 
      River Silverwolf Nature and Spiritual Shoppe 
      • EXCLUSIVE MEMBER COUPON VALUE: 10% off next purchase
      • WHAT THEY SELL: Discover unique pagan jewelry and spiritual items at the River Solverwolf Shoppe. All items found inside their shop are created and designed using gifts from nature.
      • WEBSITE:


      Moonlit Herbals Wiccan Supplies and Spell Supplies

      • COMPANY: Moonlit Herbals

      • EXCLUSIVE MEMBER COUPON VALUE: 10% off next purchase
      • WHAT THEY SELL: Moonlit Herbals offers a variety of spell supplies; from candles and incenses, to crystal mists, altar oils, ritual salts and witch bottle pendants, crafted by the light of the moon. Moonlit Herbals crafts each of their items with organic herbs and flowers, resins, crystals and oils associated with the intent of each item. The items they lovingly craft are created as focusing tools to help one focus their personal energy on their spells and rituals to bring about their desired change.
      • WEBSITE:

      • THE WITCHERY •

      The Witchery Wiccan Supplies Store

      • COMPANY: The Witchery

      • EXCLUSIVE MEMBER COUPON VALUE: 25% off next purchase
      • WHAT THEY SELL: The Witchery, located in Alberta Canada, showcases and sells unique, witchcraft and pagan supplies such as, spell bottles, potions, crystals, gemstones, replenishments and other spell supplies. The owner is a practicing hedgewitch, with hoodoo influences, which you will see within her work. 
      • WEBSITE:

      Samhain Sabbat Box

      We take pride in assembling each and every Sabbat Box by hand, no matter the amount of time it takes. We don't just throw your items inside a flat rate priority mail box like some other subscription box companies out there. We want your Sabbat Box to be delivered to you as beautifully as it left us, and it takes a tremendous amount of time to complete this task.

      This includes folding the boxes together, individually cutting each sheet of tissue paper by hand, weighing out the filler for each box, designing the flyers, coupons, stickers and brochures to be printed professionally by the printers, individually placing each candle within a bag, individually assembling the boxes, individually packing the tissue paper within each box by hand, taping each and every box by hand as well as individually printing each and every shipping label and sticking them to your boxes too. This timeframe doesn't even include the efforts made to manage the website, the back end billing system, social media management, customer service inquiries, accounting, marketing, purchasing, and so on.

      We really do believe in what it is we are doing and we sincerely hope that each and every one of you can see that the purest of intent and utmost care goes into curating your Sabbat Box.


      Samhain Sabbat Box Unboxing Video


      • Cornish Witchcraft: For those out there that may lean more toward the practice of BTW (British Traditional Witchcraft), this website is filled with great resources, links and other information pertaining to Cornish and English country magick.

      • Solitary Path:
       A great Pagan blog from the perspective of Yvonne Tyves, a shamanic healer, author, artist and OBOD Ovate, who walks an eclectic solitary path.

      • The Desperate House Witches Podcast: 
      A Hodgepodge of magickal chat, drinks, spells, tarot, guests and unadulterated fun with two sister witches. This is not a PG rated show. Raina is a beloved but inappropriate Pagan & Dorian is the owner of Cobaltraven's Magickal Notions. Both are self proclaimed kitchen witch extraordinaire and hope to bring you an enjoyable podcast. Website:

      We thank each and every one of our suppliers, vendors, customers and MOST IMPORTANTLY our members for making this possible. This wouldn't even be happening if it wasn't for our members. We really do look forward to shipping out the next boxes for Yule. We also have so much more in the works here at Sabbat Box and continue to strive to make Sabbat Box the premier subscription box for Pagans. We look forward to continuing to serve the Pagan community at large. Blessed Samhain! 

      Blessed Be, 
      Llyfr & Hugh
      Founders of Sabbat Box