Yule - Super Sabbat Giveaway Box & Winner 0

Yule Super Sabbat Box Giveaway Winner - Wiccan Supplies


• Hand Bound Triquetra Book of Shadows: $39.95
From: Eclectic Artisans. 
• Mercury Clarity Spray: $16.00
From: Cosmophilia
• Green Witches Tarot Deck & Book: $28.99
From: Llewellyn 
• Silver Plated Triple Moon Altar Tile: $10.95
From: Azure Green
• Protection Pillar Candle $12.00
From: Crystal Journey Candle Company
• Cleansing Votive Candle: $2.50
From: Crystal Journey Candle Company
• Altar Oil $5.95
From: Azure Green
• 2016-2017 Witches Almanac: $12.95
From: The Witches Almanac
• Double Pointed Amethyst Point: $9.95
From: Eclectic Artisans
• Pentacle poster: $1.95
From: Eclectic Artisans
• 4 inch White Sage: $3.95
From: The Sabbat Box Store
• Aphrodisia Incense Cones: $1.95
From: Eclectic Artisans


Check out Kathryn's unboxing video
Sabbat Box Super Sabbat Giveaway Winner for Yule

You could be the winner our next member exclusive Super Sabbat Giveaway! All you have to do is create an unboxing video and share it with us via the registration page on the Sabbat Box website. Congratulations Kathryn for winning the Yule Super Sabbat Giveaway!

Yule Super Sabbat Giveaway Registration 0

Yule Winter Solstice Super Sabbat Giveaway Registration

Sabbat Box - Subscription Box For Pagans Wiccans and Witches

This exclusive "members only" giveaway allows members the ability to share their Sabbat Box experience via an unboxing video. Members are able to register for this exclusive giveaway by making an "unboxing" video when they receive their Box and sharing that video with us via the registration form below. Each Super Sabbat Giveaway Box will include a much larger assortment of products and the total value of this special box will exceed $100

We want to reward members for their feedback and for sharing their Sabbat Box experiences with us. Tell us how you plan on using the items inside your Sabbat Box or share with us how the items inside will help add to your magical practice. Let us know what you liked most or which product you where most excited to receive. Your video and feedback allows us to better curate future Sabbat Boxes, which will allow Sabbat Box to become even better! Also, your video may inspire other members to use the items inside their box in a different way and it allows non members to get a good idea of what they can expect if they where to sign up for Sabbat Box. Plus, who wouldn't want to win an amazing box filled with witchy goodness, right?

A winner for each Super Sabbat Giveaway will be drawn around the half-way point in between Sabbat Box shipments. This gives you the time needed to make the unveiling video, post it to You Tube or Vimeo and share it on the registration form.