Sabbat Box Blog — Sabbat Box Theme
Mabon • Autumnal Equinox Sabbat Box Theme Release 1
• Mabon - Autumnal Equinox Sabbat Box Theme •
A stag disappears into the high grass field as the sun bows to the west. As you head back toward the house, you smell a fire burning—a musky fragrance that wafts through the cooling dusky air—and then it happens: You feel that first hint of autumn, a slivered yellow moon rising in the darkening east. You hurry back toward home, a simmering dinner waiting for you on the fire. You start to notice that the veil of the night becoming equivalent to that of the day, Mabon is near~
As the sun's light starts to wane and we approach the autumnal equinox, we here at Sabbat Box are gearing up for our next shipment for Mabon. With that being said, it is time to announce Sabbat Box’s theme for Mabon: "Home, Hearth, Harvest."
This stop on the Wheel of the Year is about the abundance of the second harvest! This is the time of the year where we really start to obtain and enjoy all of the fruits of our labor and reflect on the bounty in our lives. Gratitude and appreciation for the good things of life are in order of this time of year, but it’s also an opportunity to start thinking about what we have yet to accomplish and where we want to focus our energy when “planting time” comes ‘round again. Some may consider Mabon and the second harvest "Pagan Thanksgiving," being that the two celebrations are similar in nature. Late September is the time of the year where mother nature bears her final gifts as a means for us to get through the coming cold, but not without first giving us a final feast for our eyes with the seasonal changes of fall colors. We also celebrate the Sabbat of Mabon in conjunction with the Autumnal Equinox -- the day where light and darkness are equal. An important magickal facet of the equinox is the resemblance of duality and balance; duality and balance as found in ourselves, nature and the universe.

Due to the overwhelming popularity of Sabbat Box, we recently had to implement a waiting list for new perspective members. For those of you not yet able to join Sabbat Box and are on our waiting list, please know that we are working as diligently as possible to expand the Sabbat Box circle in order to further expand and allow for new members to join. We sincerely thank all of you for your support and we hope that we can continue to provide helpful, meaningful additions to your Pagan path.
Blessed Be,
Llyfr & Hugh
- Hugh Carey
- Tags: Autumnal Equinox Home • Hearth • Harvest Mabon Sabbat Box Theme
Lammas - Lughnasadh Sabbat Box Theme Release 1

Greetings Fellow Wise Ones,
It is that time again! With the sun finalizing its journey to its maximum potency, the light of the day will begin to start to wane. It is at this point, we as a people in the northern hemisphere, start to reap what we have sewn, as we begin our journey back towards the darker half of the year. With that being said, we have decided to have our Lammas - Lughnasadh themed Sabbat Box be based upon the idea of "reaping what you sew." The universe will echo our actions, both magically and mundanely, and in essence getting what we give or "reaping what we are sewing." This is a deep seeded principle with magick and witchcraft, and is heavily regarded as a foundation of the principles of working magick, making this the perfect theme for this box!
Our goal with the Lammas-Lughnasadh Sabbat Box is to provide you with inspirational tools that will help you "reap and sew" a little magick into your life this Lammas. We have some exciting items planned for this box that will envelope all of your senses and will hopefully shine a light on the things that are bountiful in our lives and also shine a light on things that we tend to be thankful for this time of year. We have some exclusive Sabbat Box products that will be featured within this box as well as products that have been specially made for our Lammas box, which makes this box even more magical.
We plan on shipping out Lammas Boxes on July 17. Most members will receive their boxes within 2-3 business days after shipping. Once Lammas boxes ship, you will receive a tracking email. You can always check the status of your order once it ships by visiting the "Check Order Status" link on the Sabbat Box homepage.
We thank you all for your continued membership and for making this happen. We have been overwhelmed with so many happy members, sharing their experiences and giving us such positive feedback. It really does help to let us know that we are doing something right! We look forward to shipping out your Lammas - Lughnasadh Sabbat Box as well as continuing to bring some magickal inspiration your way. Haven't signed up yet for a Sabbat Box, you can do so here.
Blessed Be,
Llyfr & Hugh
P.S. Don't forget to share your unboxing videos with us! You can do this here.
- Hugh Carey
- Tags: Lammas Lammas Box Lughnasadh Sabbat Box Theme
Litha • Midsummer • Summer Solstice Sabbat Box Theme Release 1

Merry Meet Again,
We hope everyone had a wonderful Beltane and we hope that the items inside of your Beltane Box brought magickal inspiration into your lives! We where so happy to receive such all of the positive feedback from everyone regarding the Beltane Box. We put a lot of time, effort and dedication into making Sabbat Box a valuable tool that will inspire you to further live magically.
With that being said, It is that time again here at Sabbat Box when we release the theme for the next box. I know Beltane just passed us by, but we are gearing up for the next box for Litha • Midsummer • Sumer Solstice. The official theme of the next Sabbat Box is..."MIDSUMMER MAGICK." The wheel keeps on a' turnin' and as we head into the peak of summer, we are finding unique products for the next box that are geared towards the summer solstice and the magickal practice associated with this time of the year! We are working very hard with some awesome Pagan owned companies to curate your next Sabbat Box. We truly hope to make this next box even better and filled with items that will surely aid you in your magical endeavors!
Also, since we received such positive feedback regarding the items featured in the Beltane Box, we have decided to feature other items for sale by the various vendors who had items featured within the Beltane Box, on the Sabbat Box store. We are in the midst of adding different teas, candles, oils, books and other high quality Witchcraft Supplies that will assist you with you magickal workings. These items will be posted and available for purchase this Friday.
As specified on the Sabbat Box Shipping Schedule, Litha Boxes are scheduled to ship out on June 8th. And it looks like we are on schedule for that ship date. Just like before, once your boxes ship, you will receive a tracking email with a link to track your Sabbat Box. Also, if you have any questions, you can always visit the Sabbat Box knowledge base/FAQ's or contact us at any time.
Don't forget, there is still time to sign up for the Sabbat Box Super Sabbat Giveaway. If you did an unboxing video for your Beltane Box, all you have to do is post it to youtube, and then share the link with us via the Super Sabbat Giveaway registration form. We will be giving away an amazing box of items filled with over $100 worth of products inside. One winner will be picked on May 15th.
If you happen to wish to do a little more reading about the upcoming Sabbat, here are two links you may like:
• Inspiration for setting up your Litha altar, From Marietta over at Witchy Words:
• From Patti Wigington over at, setting up your Litha-Midsummer altar.
We look forward to delivering your Litha • Midsummer • Summer Solstice boxes to you!
- Hugh Carey
- Tags: Litha Midsummer Midsummer Magick Sabbat Box Theme Summer Solstice
Beltane Sabbat Box Theme Release and Ship Date 1
Greetings Fellow Cunning Folk,
It looks like the Beltane Sabbat Box ship date is still on track for April 17th. All members that joined or signed up by April 1, 2015 by 5:00pm EST will be receiving The Beltane Box. Each Sabbat Box will be shipped via USPS Priority Mail. Once boxes are shipped, you will receive a shipping confirmation e-mail with the tracking # for your box as well as a link to track your box as it is en route to you. You can also check the status of your order at any time by visiting the "check order status" page. Enter in the order # on your order receipt and the email address you used to sign up and click find. From there, you will be able to see all the details pertaining to your order and there will also be a tracking link where you can track your package.
We have some absolutely amazing products in store for the very first Sabbat Box including our very first Sabbat Box exclusive product, made by a small Pagan owned business (more information about this particular product will be found within your Sabbat Box info sheet in your box). We don't want to give to much away about it before the boxes go out, but lets just say we like to "tease." Some of you may get the hint, if you do, SHHHHH ;-)
Announcing the theme of the first Sabbat Box
"The Fires of Beltane." Being that Beltane is a Fire Festival and the general corresponding element is Fire, we felt it appropriate to connect the first box with the strong and masculine symbolism of fire.
Beltane is a time of growth, fertility, prosperity and manifestation. It is the time of year when the snow is all but gone and the fiery sun is ablaze, brining forth the new growth of nature. Our mother Earth is is waking from her slumber and spring has set the mark for renewal and life. The items you will be finding within your Beltane box coincide with these energies and each Beltane box will be filled with an abundance of information and Pagan products that will bring forth that magical spark within you to help jumpstart your Beltane festivities. Also, Sabbat Box members will be privy to some phenomenal exclusive items and features - just for being members. We don't want to give away too much before we ship the Beltane Boxes out, but we can promise you this, there will be products and magical inspiration in this box to last you a few more Beltanes!
We thank each and every one of you for taking part in this journey with us and look forward to the official unveiling on the April 20th!!!
Your Official Box Witch,
• A Beltane Declamation •"Let swing open the gates of summer!By leaping hare and serpent fire,By broom, by staff and cauldron pyre,We conjure thee, we conjure thee, we conjure thee,Oh white one, come!So shall it be."
- Hugh Carey
- Tags: Beltane Beltane Box Fires of Beltane Sabbat Box Theme