Mabon • Autumnal Equinox Sabbat Box Theme Release
• Mabon - Autumnal Equinox Sabbat Box Theme •
A stag disappears into the high grass field as the sun bows to the west. As you head back toward the house, you smell a fire burning—a musky fragrance that wafts through the cooling dusky air—and then it happens: You feel that first hint of autumn, a slivered yellow moon rising in the darkening east. You hurry back toward home, a simmering dinner waiting for you on the fire. You start to notice that the veil of the night becoming equivalent to that of the day, Mabon is near~
As the sun's light starts to wane and we approach the autumnal equinox, we here at Sabbat Box are gearing up for our next shipment for Mabon. With that being said, it is time to announce Sabbat Box’s theme for Mabon: "Home, Hearth, Harvest."
This stop on the Wheel of the Year is about the abundance of the second harvest! This is the time of the year where we really start to obtain and enjoy all of the fruits of our labor and reflect on the bounty in our lives. Gratitude and appreciation for the good things of life are in order of this time of year, but it’s also an opportunity to start thinking about what we have yet to accomplish and where we want to focus our energy when “planting time” comes ‘round again. Some may consider Mabon and the second harvest "Pagan Thanksgiving," being that the two celebrations are similar in nature. Late September is the time of the year where mother nature bears her final gifts as a means for us to get through the coming cold, but not without first giving us a final feast for our eyes with the seasonal changes of fall colors. We also celebrate the Sabbat of Mabon in conjunction with the Autumnal Equinox -- the day where light and darkness are equal. An important magickal facet of the equinox is the resemblance of duality and balance; duality and balance as found in ourselves, nature and the universe.

Due to the overwhelming popularity of Sabbat Box, we recently had to implement a waiting list for new perspective members. For those of you not yet able to join Sabbat Box and are on our waiting list, please know that we are working as diligently as possible to expand the Sabbat Box circle in order to further expand and allow for new members to join. We sincerely thank all of you for your support and we hope that we can continue to provide helpful, meaningful additions to your Pagan path.
Blessed Be,
Llyfr & Hugh
- Hugh Carey
Comments 1
Casey St John
I am very much interested and looking forward to purchasing your Mabon sabbat box theme kit!!