Yule Sabbat Box Theme Release • A Mystic's Winter
As the mundane calendar year starts to count down, the Pagan year—beginning at Samhain—is just getting under way. The Winter Solstice, also known as Yule, is the first important milestone of this new Pagan year calendar, and in harsher times, often the most worrisome. The Pagans of old faced the shortest day of the year--the winter solstice--worried if the previous season's crops would last until spring, but came together to remind each other that even the very next day would be longer and the promise of spring was not far off. How? By celebrating the re-birth of the God, the baby who would grow and mature like the bulbs of flowers that would soon emerge from the frozen ground, with feasts and songs and light. Light that shone against the longest night.

Our goal with the Yule Sabbat Box is to provide you items that will allow you to capture the magick of the winter season, as well as add a few unique items into your magickal practice that you may not have thought to use before. The items that will be featured inside are also there to help you draw in inspiration from the season and hopefully inspire your inner mystic to work with the season of darkness and change.
- Aeden B
Comments 3
Sabbat Box Support
Greetings Randi,
We wanted to let you know that we have an entirely dedicated FAQ’s page (frequently asked questions) regarding Sabbat Box that will help answer the majority of questions most people may have (see URL below). The price for Sabbat Box is $39.95 every 45 days and is a recurring subscription, of which you can cancel at any time. We do offer people the ability for people to purchase 4 or 8 boxes ahead of time if you would like as well, which is another option. As of right now, we are not currently accepting new members, but you are more than welcome to sign up on the waiting list for us to contact you by email when a membership does become available.
• Here is the link to join the waiting list: http://www.sabbatbox.com/pages/sabbat-box-waiting-list
• Link to our dedicated FAQ’s and Help Center: https://sabbatbox.zendesk.com/hc/en-us
We hope this helps answer any questions you may have. If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us at any time. We look forward to having you join the circle in the future! Blessed Be~
~Sabbat Box
Miss Randi
I absolutely love the idea of these Sabbat Boxes, but I can’t find a price anywhere for this subscription on your website. I don’t want to have to commit, or feel like I’m committing to a purchase without being able to see the price and weighing the value. I can clearly see the value added above and beyond the mere retail value of the contents. I do like to, as a potential subscriber and savvy buyer really want to know up front the cost of what I am being convinced of purchasing. Perhaps if I’m asking I’m not in your target demographic, but there are many that would purchase a subscription if they are able to consider the budgetary requirements while they see what an amazing concept and product you have. A smaller, less monetarily demanding subscription box may be right for those that need to plan these purchases ahead of time, yet still be just what a new practicer may need.
sandy l south (junemoonbreeze)
i dearly love these boxes, truly blessed to have found thee. may you be blessed this yule,and your fires burn bright.beware the krampus!